Ye Feng at this time in the heart suddenly had a strange idea, but did not think of what, then the mobile phone rings, take up a look is Domingo's mobile phone, and the call is Diana.

Ye Feng immediately connected the phone, but listen to Diana on the phone said, "my father has woken up, and the current situation is relatively stable, you can rest assured for a while!"

Hearing what Diana said, Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "it's OK. At least there won't be more conflicts!"

Then Ye Feng immediately asked, "what's the situation with Ma anda now?"

Maria, who had been pouring water in the kitchen, heard Ye Feng mention her father on the phone. Her face suddenly moved and she immediately stared at Ye Feng.

Diana on the phone said, "it should be OK for the time being. Now everyone's mind is on my father's body. Although my father wakes up, he is still very weak and may have to rest for a while. Ma anda is now in custody for the time being. There should be no danger to his life. You can rest assured about this."

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help saying thank you to Diana, "thank you for your trouble!"

Diana said to Ye Feng on the phone, "we don't need to say thank you. I did it because of you. You should know..."

Then Ye Feng said nothing on the phone. Knowing that Ye Feng must be by Maria's side, he immediately said, "Oh, by the way, as soon as my father wakes up, I can't leave right away. You should go to my old house. You should stay there first. I often go back, so there are quite a lot of things. I believe you Three or five days won't be a problem. Wait for me to arrange the time, and then I'll go! "

Listening to Diana's words, Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "OK, we're waiting for you here. You're not in a hurry. Take good care of your father first. As long as your father is healthy, I believe other problems are not problems!"

Diana nodded and said, "I think so too. If Ma anda just hurt my dad by mistake, now my dad is OK. I believe I can persuade my dad. Don't worry!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything. Immediately after listening to Diana say goodbye, he hung up.

Maria just came over with a teacup and asked Ye Feng what Diana said on the phone and what's the situation with her father.

Ye Feng, on the other hand, talked to Maria about what Diana had just said about Ma anda, and comforted Maria, "Diana said that now that flamencourt is awake, your father's guilt will be small. The problem now must be the problem of USB flash drive, which is easy to solve. There should be no worry about his life for the time being!"

Maria listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help nodding way, "in this case, that's the best!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. Flamencourt didn't die. In fact, it's a good thing for him. Originally, the arrangement given by dromus was to get close to flamencourt.

In other words, their mission goal should be infinitely close to flamencourt, or even flamencourt, at least related to him.

If flamencourt dies suddenly, their goal will disappear instantly, or the difficulty of the task will increase infinitely. Now flamencourt is not dead, is it a good thing for Ye Feng?

Maria pondered for a long time before she said to Ye Feng, "why don't I go and give the U disk to flamencourt and let him release my father?"

Ye Feng took a look at Maria and said, "you think it's easy. Flamencourt is not monolithic. Maybe now I don't know how many people want flamencourt to die!"

Maria smell speech but a face don't understand ground looking at leaf maple way, "have other people hope that the Buddha bright elder brother dies?"

Ye Feng looked at the naive Maria and said, "the white powder business of flamencourt is actually an empire. Why flamencourt has been doing so much business for so many years? There must be a lot of iron fists in it. Moreover, as far as I know, Mexico was not like this before. Flamencourt had only one more drug lord. In those years flamencourt relied on himself I don't know how many other forces have been annexed. When flamencourt was alive, these guys might not dare to act rashly, but now flamencourt has only half his life. If you were these people, would you be ready to move? "

As soon as Maria heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "that is to say, if someone is against flamencourt, the last hatred must be recorded on my father?"

Ye Feng nodded and looked at Maria with satisfaction. He nodded immediately before she was naive to a certain extent. "So we must pray now. Flamencourt must not die. Once anything happens to him, you need your father to carry the pot!"

Ye Feng said, lighting a cigarette, stood up and went to the window to smoke. "Moreover, if there are forces against flamencourt, they will not only want flamencourt to die, but also want to get the U disk in our hands! Although this USB flash drive does not contain all the transaction records of flamencourt over the years, those opposition forces may not know it. If flamencourt is more nervous about this USB flash drive, those opposition forces will want it even more! "Maria smell speech complexion is a way again, "so say, U disk is in our hand, now not only is not protective symbol, but is time bomb?"

Ye Feng nodded to Maria with appreciation and said, "you have finally seen through some things. That's why I want to give the U disk to flamencourt. Because in addition to causing us unnecessary trouble and danger, it can't protect us at all. Once we give flamencourt, it's actually a disguise I helped him... "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, we also have the right to choose to hand over to the hostile forces of flamencourt in exchange for their protection! But do we trust those people? "

When Maria heard the words, she said, "absolutely not trustworthy! But flamencourt may not be credible. They are all birds of a feather

Ye Feng can't help nodding, "Maria, as long as you don't get angry, your head is still very flexible, but have you ever thought of a problem, that is, the lesser of the two evils!"

Hearing the words, Maria could not help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "what's the lesser of the two evils? What do you mean

Ye Feng and Maria explained, "now whether we choose to give it to flamencourt or the hostile forces that choose to give it to flamencourt, they are all gambling. They are all people who kill people without blinking an eye and only care about their own interests. In fact, your father, including us, is dead or alive. For those people, it is not their consideration at all But they don't think about it, we can't and don't think about it! After all, life is our own! "

Then Ye Feng looked at Maria and said, "so in this case, we have to make a choice between them. At least flamencourt and your father still have some friendship. This time, the problem lies in the crisis of trust between them. Flamencourt asked your father to kill his father Carlos, and he also had feelings for flamencourt Doubting, he thought he would kill himself, so he made such a scene... "

Before Ye Feng finished, Maria immediately said, "maybe it's not a misunderstanding. My father has been working with flamencourt for so many years. It must be because he knows much about flamencourt's way of life, so he makes such a judgment!"

Ye Feng couldn't help nodding. "You're right. Even so, at least flamencourt didn't kill your father completely at that time. That's why your father wanted to start first. That's the crux of the problem now. So I said, we still have room to slow down with flamencourt, but not with those hostile forces They only want to achieve their own goals, so flamencourt must die, and your father must be the scapegoat. No matter how they help us in the process, the final result must be like this! "

Maria listened to Ye Feng's words and nodded, "what you said is very reasonable, and you don't have to persuade me. I give you the U disk completely, that is, I believe you 100%. As for who you want to give, it's all up to you. I respect all your decisions, and even if your decision turns out to be wrong, I don't have any regrets. That's right It's my own choice, no wonder anyone

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