Ye Feng listens to Maria and nods. In fact, he is worried that Maria will be emotional again after hearing the news from her father Ma anda. That's why he says so much to her.

Ye Feng didn't say anything more. At this time, he heard the sound of the bedroom door opening. When he looked at it, he saw that Dixie had already dressed and came out.

Maria can't help looking at Dixie. When she sees Dixie's eyes, she hesitates. She can't help but move her eyebrows. She feels that she can see Dixie's feeling when she looks at Ye Feng's eyes again.

Ye Feng then looked at the time when Dixie came towards him, as if some deliberately avoid their eyes, the heart can not help but some strange, just in the room when love is not very good?

At this time, Ye Feng also had a strange feeling, just like Maria and herself when they talked about the problem of Dixie. She always felt a little strange, but she couldn't say it.

When Dixie came, he took a look at Ye Feng and Maria, and saw that they were looking at themselves. Their faces moved slightly and said, "what are you looking at me for? What's wrong with me? "

Ye Feng shrugged her shoulders and didn't speak yet. Maria then turned away and said, "Diana just called!"

Dixie nodded and looked at the two men in surprise. "What did you say? How's flamencourt doing now? "

At this time, Maria told her what Ye Feng had just told her, and then told Dixie, finally said, "now there should be no problem?"

Dixie also nodded and said, "if flamencourt is awake, it's really good news. At least it won't cause any unnecessary harm to your father because of flamencourt's death!"

Ye Feng is still standing at the window smoking cigarettes, looking at Dixie Si, he does not know if it is the role of the heart, now see Dixie si more and more feel a little strange, and this feeling is more and more intense.

Dixie see Ye Feng staring at himself, can't help but frown slightly a way, "how? Do you have any different opinions? "

Ye Feng this just returned to God, a shrug way, "no! You mean what I mean! "

Then Ye Feng put out his cigarette and walked towards Dixie. When he walked, his eyes never left Dixie. Dixie felt uncomfortable all over.

When Maria saw that Ye Feng seemed to have something to say to Dixie, she immediately said, "I'm still a little sleepy. I'll go back to my room and sleep for a while. Please call me at dinner!"

Dixie seems to be deliberately avoiding Ye Feng's eyes, immediately looking at Maria, nodded at her and said, "OK, I'll call you then!"

She has been watching Maria go back to the room, this just turned around, looking at Ye Feng way, "what's the matter with you? Why are you staring at me all the time? "

As she said, she touched her face and said, "is there anything on my face?"

But Ye Feng asked Dixie, "you just think that there is something on your face. Didn't you think that it might be the problem of Yi Rong?"

But Dixie said with a smile, "how can it be, my face..." Say complexion is a move again, change a way hastily, "thousand color bee's Yi Rong technique won't so easily give a problem!"

Ye Feng is still staring at Dixie, but suddenly he doesn't speak.

Dixie Si looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "what's the matter? You don't have to look at me so strangely. I'm sick! "

But Ye Feng still looked at Dixi Si and said, "thousand color bee itself may not have such self-confidence. It's said that the technique of face changing will never go wrong. Besides, you've only known her for a long time, and you have such confidence in her?"

After hearing this, she said with a smile, "although I haven't known her for a long time, it's not the first time I've seen her perform her face changing technique. What's wrong with that time?"

But Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "what you have seen has no problem. It doesn't mean there will be no problem all the time. Is your confidence in her a little too high?"

Dixie smell speech a surprised looking at Ye Feng, see Ye Feng a pair of hot eyes are still staring at himself, immediately some restless to avoid Ye Feng's eyes.

The more Ye Feng feels that Dixie is avoiding his eyes, the more he stares at Dixie and doesn't speak.

"I'll go out and have a look!" she said

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "what are you running away from?"

"Dixi Si hears speech to look at Ye Feng Road in consternation," escape? How can I escape? What do I need to escape? "

But Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "where is Dixie?"

As soon as Dixie heard this, his face suddenly changed and he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? What? Where's Dixie? Isn't that what I'm doing? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "where is Dixie's face now? If you are anyone, it is possible! "

Dixie's face changed several times to look at Ye Feng, and then said with a smile, "I know the atmosphere is a little tense now, you don't have to scare me so deliberately!"But Ye Feng looked at Dixie solemnly and said, "do you think I'm joking with you?"

When she heard the words, she was stunned and looked at Ye Feng. Her mouth faltered and hesitated, but she didn't say a word.

At this time, Ye Feng continued to say to Dixie, "you are OK. At least I found out that you are not Dixie until now!"

After looking at Ye Feng in a dazed way, she sighed, "I know I can't hide it from you for long!"

Ye Feng asked at this time, "where are the Dixie people?"

"Dixie," she said, "she's helping you with the aftermath!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "that is to say, the reason why you can hide from me for such a long time, is Dixie himself also responsible?"

"Dixie" could not help nodding after hearing the speech, and then sighed slightly, "she told me a lot about you and her, just worried that if you found something, or even mentioned it unintentionally, so that I wouldn't be in a hurry to show up at that time..."

Ye Feng nodded at this time, then stared at the "Dixie" in front of him for a long time, and then said, "so, you are a thousand color bee..."

"Dixie" smell speech immediately looked at Ye Feng, see Ye Feng staring at himself, immediately avoided Ye Feng's eyes, turned around and said, "I'm not..."

Ye Feng sneered and said, "don't make up any more lies. You are a thousand color bee. I can't smell the smell of you wrong..."

"Dixi Si" smell speech but turn round to see to leaf Feng way, "so say, just now you already know I am......"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "just now I really smelled the fragrance that thousand color bee would have, but I thought it was because you were wearing the easy-looking clothes that thousand color bee prepared for you, so you would have the smell of her body!"

"Dixie" hears the speech for a while to lose the tunnel, "so you just Or do you think I'm Dixie

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, but I also think you are very strange today. It's just that there are too many things recently, and I don't think so much about it. But afterwards, you always avoid my eyes, as if you have done something wrong. And Maria also finds some clues from your eyes. She says that when you look at me, it's like a secret lover's eyes Look, if it's Dixie, does she still need to look at me like a secret lover? "

"Dixie" can't help sighing and nodding, "so no matter how perfect my face changing technique is, my eyes still can't be perfect. If something goes wrong, my eyes must have betrayed me!"

Ye Feng looked at "Dixie" way, "so you have admitted that you are a thousand color bee?"

"Dixie Si" this just slightly a long sigh way, "since you all know, I also don't want to hide, yes, I am thousand color bee!"

Ye Feng then took a long breath, and then said, "don't you want to leave? Why do they still appear? "

At this time, qianse bee sighed, "I was going to leave, but Dixie found me and asked me to do her a favor. At least don't leave when you need help most. She has more important things to do. She needs to make all preparations for you to leave Mexico in the future, so I can only pretend to be her, and this is her Idea, let me pretend to be another person, and then pretend to be her, anyway, they are easy to look, so you should not doubt anything! "

Ye Feng smell speech this just suddenly nodded, immediately thought of what just happened in the house, immediately slightly sighed, "since you are not Dixie, just now you can refuse!"

Qianse bee's face suddenly turned red, and then avoided Ye Feng's eyes and said, "didn't you always say that I want to have sex with you? Now that I've got my wish, why should I refuse? "

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