Yefeng listen to thousand color bee so a say, immediately face move, now also don't know what to say, originally oneself already promised Dixi Si, since confirmed her, won't have a relationship with any woman again.

And Ye Feng has been adhering to this practice and belief for such a long time. Even how Diana seduced herself, she was not moved. In addition, when qianse bee was on the island, she insisted on it.

I didn't expect that at this time, I finally got into bed with qianse bee. I don't know if Dixie ever thought this would happen when she asked qianse bee to disguise herself.

Now even if don't want to happen, now also become a fact, Ye Feng regret also too late, looking at the thousand color bee in front of him, the brain actually still think about just in the room, two people exchange fire lingering scene.

Ye Feng then took a deep breath, lit a cigarette, went to the window, smoked a cigarette, did not speak.

Seeing this, qianse bee looked at Ye Feng's back and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't refuse you just now. I didn't make it clear to you..."

Yefeng listen to thousand color bee so say, the heart can't help but also move, it is clear that he took advantage of thousand color bee, now let thousand color bee to apologize to himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng turned back and said to qianse bee, "it has nothing to do with you. I didn't control my mood for the moment!"

Qianse bee's mood at this time is really a little lost. After all, Ye Feng thinks that she is Dixie, so she goes to bed with her.

It is said that the thousand color bee thinks that she is just a substitute for Dixie. Any woman who thinks that she is a substitute will lose her heart.

But after all, thousand color bee also has a loss in her heart. When she kisses her from Ye Feng, she could have rejected Ye Feng, but she didn't do it.

In the end, the thousand color bee can only blame himself for not controlling his emotions at that time. After Ye Feng aroused his emotions, he ignored everything. In the end, how much can Ye Feng blame?

Thinking of this, qianse Feng shook his head towards Ye Feng and said, "it's true that it has nothing to do with you. It's my own problem. I just wanted to get you at that time. I didn't think about these..."

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and doesn't say anything more. At this time, he doesn't know what to say. After all, his heart has been completely given to Dixie.

But it's a fact that he has a relationship with qianse bee. If he doesn't do anything, he will treat it as nothing happened. Ye Feng can't do it.

In the past, even with those women you love I would like to have a relationship, Ye Feng did not take those women as just a tool to vent, but also how much to put in some emotion.

And now how to get along with qianse bee? Just for a good night? How will Ye Feng face the thousand color bee in the future?

Ye Feng's heart is a little confused at this time. There is another question. How can he explain this to Dixie in the future?

To avoid the thousand color bee can't, but frankly in the face of thousand color bee, leaf maple at this time in the heart and seems to have a ridge.

Thousand color bee see Ye Feng so, can't help but toward Ye Feng said, "if you think I'm in the way here, you feel uncomfortable, I can go!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking back at the thousand color bee. Anyway, the thousand color bee hasn't done anything sorry for itself.

And Ye Feng can also feel the thousand color bee's feelings for himself is sincere, at least in bed when the performance is not fake, Ye Feng can really feel.

So in this matter, regardless of morality or reason, qianse bee is not wrong, it can only be her own fault.

Because of this, plus thousand color bee is still humble to apologize to himself, can't help but let Ye Feng some in the heart can't bear.

Ye Feng immediately toward the thousand color bee way, "no, you are right, to leave is also I leave!"

Then, without waiting for the thousand color bee to speak, he immediately changed his tongue and said, "none of us will leave. This matter will stop for the moment. Let me think about it carefully and talk about it later."

He knew that if he left, it would be like hiding from qianse bee, but it would make qianse bee feel more uncomfortable, so he could not go.

But now I have to treat myself as if nothing has happened and I can't do it, but I feel sorry for the thousand color bee if I don't say anything.

So Ye Feng can only say to qianse bee that this thing is pressed in advance, and we can talk about it later. After all, qianse bee is not a woman who is looking for herself outside, so she can ask nothing afterwards.

Thousand color bee looking at Ye Feng this appearance, can't help but quickly toward Ye Feng way, "I didn't want you to be responsible, you don't have any psychological burden, I won't affect the feelings between you and Dixie, I will as today nothing happened, you don't think much!"

Ye Feng heard that the more the thousand color bee said, the more guilty he felt. He took a look at the queen of thousand color bee, and then slowly said, "I said, you let me think about it. When the immediate problem is solved, we'll talk about it again!"

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but nod a way, "good, now start, I don't mention this matter! I'll talk about it later! "Ye Feng nodded at this time, then took a look at the thousand color bee way, "you now this appearance, don't tell me, is your original appearance?"

But the thousand color bee said with a smile, "how can it be? I'm masquerading as Ma anda's secretary. How can his secretary be my original appearance? "

He said with a slight movement on his face, "I know. You must be worried that I am ugly, so Don't you think it's a loss? "

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned when he hears the words. Then he shrugs his shoulders and smokes a cigarette. He doesn't answer the thousand color bee's words, but he really wants to say it. Isn't it that he has said nothing about it? How can he mention it again?

Seeing this, qianse bee shrugged and said, "sorry, I forgot! In fact, I just want to tell you that my appearance may not be very good-looking, but it will never disappoint you! "

Ye Feng said with a faint smile, "it's a good thing to have confidence. I hope to have a chance to see your true face in the future!"

Ye Feng just finished, this time the mobile phone rang again, he heard the mobile phone this time is not Domingo's ring, but his own mobile phone.

His heart could not help but move, this time may call their own phone, nothing more than Dixie or zhuomus.

Ye Feng picked up the phone and took a look. It's really the number of zhuomus. Since he landed, he hasn't contacted himself for a long time. He didn't expect that he would call him suddenly at this time.

Thinking of Ye Feng immediately connected the phone, but listen to zhuomus on the phone said, "out of such a big thing, why not report?"

On hearing this, Ye Feng knew that zhuomus must have said something about flamencourt's gunshot wound. He immediately said to zhuomus, "it's not too late!"

Dromus sneered, "is it too late, or don't want to report? Don't forget, I have my own intelligence network in Mexico. You can't hide it if you want to! "

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "in this case, why do you ask me? And since you have an intelligence network, you just receive the news now. It seems that your intelligence network is nothing more than that!"

Zhuomus snorted coldly, "there's something wrong with me, so I didn't get the news in time. We'll talk about it later. Now Carlos, Domingo's father, has died, and mahanda has been detained by flamencodo's people. Now all plans have been disrupted!"

Ye Feng then asked, "is there a change in the plan?"

Dromus immediately said, "the plan has changed, but the time can't be changed. It must be the day after tomorrow! Originally, I wanted you to start with Domingo's wedding. Now that loska is dead, mahanda will come to this end. I'm not sure about the wedding. Think again! "

Speaking of this, zhuomus immediately asked Ye Feng, "you don't have any action for the moment. I'll let you know when I find out the actual situation! But you should also be prepared. The time will not change. That is to say, if there is no actual plan, you should stick to it! "

Zhuomus immediately hung up and said nothing more.

Ye Feng then looked at the phone, sneer a way, "he just found the situation, the resentment to me?"

But then he thought that because there was something wrong, the intelligence was a little late, and he didn't know what happened.

Ye Feng is also an old man in TSL. He knows that TSL's intelligence network is excellent. Generally, he can know immediately what happens. This time, his response is really slow. Is there anything wrong?

Thousand color bee see Ye Feng after answering the phone, a look of meditation, can't help asking, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng shook his head, and then as if he had a premonition of something, he immediately asked qianse Fengdao, "does Dixie say that she is going to help me deal with the aftermath?"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but nod a way, "yes, she really said so!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what is good after?"

But qianse Feng shook his head and said, "she didn't say anything about the specific situation, that is, to deal with the aftermath!"

Ye Feng smell speech, immediately fell into a period of meditation, for a long time did not speak.

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