Ye Feng didn't think much about it. After all, what's the specific situation in Dixie's side? At present, she hasn't communicated with herself, and he can't fully understand many things.

Ye Feng then asked the thousand color bee, "so did Dixie leave any contact information with you?"

Qianse Feng shrugged and said, "it's really not. At that time, she just asked me to pretend to be Ma anda's secretary in her capacity. The rest was that she wanted to deal with the aftermath. She didn't leave any contact information and didn't say how to contact her. She just told me that she would show up if necessary!"

Ye Feng can't help murmuring, "if there is a need, it must appear? That is to say, in the eyes of Dixie, we still don't need her to appear in the current situation? "

Thousand color bee just heard what Ye Feng was muttering, then said to Ye Feng, "maybe she is still preparing something!"

Ye Feng nodded, nothing to say, and thousand color bee is sitting in the villa, has been consuming time to the evening.

Maria really had another sleep in the room. After all, she was pregnant and easy to sleep.

Originally, she went to bed to give Ye Feng and qianse bee time to have a good chat. Now when she came out, she saw Ye Feng and qianse bee sitting in the living room, but they didn't speak. She didn't know how they were talking.

Maria went to sit down and looked at them tentatively. Then she asked qianse bee and Ye Feng, "are you hungry? I'll make dinner for you?"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she immediately got up and said to Maria, "you're a pregnant woman, don't move. I'll make it for you! What special requirements can be put forward! "

Maria got up to help, thousand color bee quickly said no, let Maria rest there, he went to the kitchen busy.

See Maria or want to go, Ye Feng also advised Maria to sit down, do not toss, and then back to Maria poured a cup of hot water.

After a few sips of tea, Maria looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the situation now? Any progress? "

Ye Feng, of course, knows that Maria is most concerned about her father, Ma anda. He just shakes his head and says, "there is almost no information in an afternoon. Now we have to wait!"

After hearing this, Maria looked worried. After all, there was no news for a long time, which really made her worried.

Ye Feng see Maria worried, immediately comfort Maria way, "in fact, you don't have to worry too much, now this situation, no news is the best news, if your father has a problem, already spread the news."

Maria heard Ye Feng say, also feel some truth, so also can only nod, mouth but asked Ye Feng way, "now only wait? But there must be a limit, right? When? Are we waiting here all the time? "

Ye Feng smell speech also can't help nodding, Maria is right, and so is not unrestrained, in this has been waiting, he looked at Maria way, "tonight is the final deadline, if there is no situation tonight, tomorrow we continue to act according to the original plan!"

When Maria heard this, she nodded and asked Ye Feng, "the original plan was that you told me in the car at that time?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, it was originally according to this plan, but because of Diana, the plan has changed a little, but even if there is Diana's factor, the general direction of the plan has not changed, just adjusted the details!"

Maria can't help looking at Ye Feng and sighing, "now Diana doesn't know you're not Domingo at all. If she knows, what will she think?"

Ye Feng's heart moved as soon as she heard this. She didn't think about it. As Maria said, Diana doesn't know who she is. She just thinks she is Domingo.

But if Diana knew that she was not Domingo, what would she do? Ye Feng did not dare to guarantee.

But this actually involves a question, is Diana in love with Domingo or herself? Is it the name of edomingo, the face, or the inner self?

Although Ye Feng is confident that Diana should be the latter, she still can't guarantee it.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng is just a moment of silence, but at this time, qianse bee has made dinner, and asked Ye Feng and Maria to have dinner.

After all, the food materials of this villa are limited, and the thousand color bee also makes some western fast food, but Ye Feng and Maria don't have much opinion. In this environment, if you can fill your stomach, you will be satisfied. Where are so many requirements?

Three people eat after dinner, thousand color bee is in the kitchen to pick up things, at this time, Ye Feng heard the sound of a car engine outside, his face suddenly changed.

If Diana came, she would give herself a phone call in advance, but Ye Feng didn't receive any notice from Diana.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately went to turn off the light in the living room. Qianse bee also stopped his action and turned off the light in the kitchen.At the same time, Ye Feng gives a hint to qianse bee, asking qianse bee to protect Maria and go to her room, hiding for a while. He is waiting in the living room to see what the situation is.

After entering the room, qianse bee asked Maria to sit by the bed while looking at the window with the curtains to prevent someone from coming in.

Maria felt her breathing speed up, her whole body became tense, and her eyes were staring at the window like a thousand color bee.

At this time, Ye Feng is still sitting here in the living room, listening to the movement outside, as if to hear someone talking outside.

Then he stood up, went to the window of the living room and looked out. There was a black car parked outside. The lights were on. It seemed that someone was talking in the car, but no one got off.

Ye Feng stood at the window, staring at the car outside, holding his breath. As long as someone outside wanted to break in, he immediately started.

But after a long time, no one came down from the car, but the car lights were still on, and the people inside did not speak.

Ye Feng can't help frowning. What are the people sitting in the car doing?

Thinking that Ye Feng immediately opened the window, he decided to take a risk to go out and have a look at what the people in the car were doing.

After climbing out of the window, Ye Feng squatted close to the wall. Finally, he hid behind the green and looked into the car. However, he saw that the car was in a flash. From time to time, a woman's voice came from inside.

Ye Feng can't help frowning at the sound. It turns out that someone came here at night to find stimulation in the car. He thought it was some dangerous person.

However, although hearing this sound, Ye Feng did not dare to relax his vigilance. He stood up slowly and took a look in the car to make sure that the people in the car were really doing what he imagined. Then he took a long breath and went back to the villa.

Ye Feng is sitting in the lobby smoking cigarettes. After smoking two cigarettes, he hears the sound of the car starting outside. After a while, he leaves the wall of the villa.

After hearing the car drive away completely, Ye Feng turned on the light in the hall.

Qianse bee and Mariah, who were hiding in the room, also heard the sound of the car leaving. Then they came out of the room and saw Ye Feng sitting there smoking.

The thousand color bee can't help but frown and say, "who was that just now? Why didn't you come in? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "young people are looking for stimulation in a remote place. What are they doing in here?"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, immediately understand the meaning of leaf maple, face suddenly a red.

Maria knows what Ye Feng means. After all, qianse bee hasn't been married. Maria has children in her stomach. What else do you need to explain? It's easy to understand.

The calm around the villa is restored again. It's strange that the quiet in the villa now is also related to the slow car outside the villa just now.

After a while, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. This time it's Domingo's mobile phone. Ye Feng takes it up and looks at it. It's Diana's number.

Ye Feng did not want to, immediately connected the phone, but listen to Diana on the phone said, "I'm going out now, an hour or so will be there!"

Ye Feng said that after he knew it, he immediately hung up the phone. Then he looked at his thousand color bee and Maria and said, "Diana called. She will be here in an hour!"

As soon as Maria heard that Diana would come, her heart suddenly moved and said, "is there any news from my father?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "she didn't mention it on the phone. There should be no problem. You don't have to worry!"

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