Maria listen to Ye Feng so say, a while silent looking at Ye Feng, nodded, did not say anything.

Ye Feng went to the door of the villa with a cigarette from the e-commerce company, waiting for Diana's arrival. After qianse bee had a look, she wanted to have a rest.

But Maria knew that Diana was coming, and her arrival would certainly bring some news about her father, not to mention sleeping for a long time in the afternoon.

Even if she was particularly sleepy now, Maria didn't plan to sleep any more. She insisted on sitting in the living room waiting for Diana's arrival.

In less than 50 minutes, Ye Feng saw the headlight of a car on the road far away from the villa and drove slowly towards this side.

Ye Feng expected that it should be Diana. Now it has been 50 minutes. Judging from the visual distance, it will take at least 10 minutes to drive to the villa, which is exactly the hour Diana said.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped outside the villa. When Diana got out of the car, she immediately went into the villa compound and saw Ye Feng smoking at the door. She frowned and said, "have you been waiting for me?"

Ye Feng nodded to Diana, turned around and went into the villa hall with Diana. Seeing Diana coming in, Maria immediately stood up.

When Diana came in, she saw Maria and qianse bee, and her eyebrows moved slightly. Especially when she saw Maria, she didn't know what to say to her. She just nodded slightly.

Maria said, "what about my father? How is he now? Is everything all right? "

Diana did not answer immediately, but looked at Ye Feng and said, "I want to talk to you alone!"

Ye Feng hasn't spoken yet. Maria's face moves immediately. "You dare not answer me directly, which means my father must have been killed, don't you?"

Diana looked back at Maria and said, "I came out in a hurry this time. I didn't know about your father!"

Then, without waiting for Maria to speak, she immediately said, "I can understand that you only care about your father's safety, but I am also a daughter, and I only care about my father's safety, so all my thoughts are on my father's safety! I don't care too much about your father. I only know that he should not be dead... "

Maria's face suddenly changed when she heard what Diana said, but she felt that what Diana said was right. She only cared about the safety of her father, Ma anda. But Diana had no obligation to help you pay attention to your father's safety.

What's more, the reason why Diana's father flamencordo almost died was not that mahanda shot him. Now people have a conscience to help you, and it's reasonable not to help you.

After thinking about this, Maria immediately said, "that's not what I mean..."

But Diana was not in the mood to listen to Maria explain to herself. Instead, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'll go back later. Let's have a chat alone."

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded, looked at Maria and thousand color bee, thousand color bee immediately understand, past pull Maria to walk toward the room, "give them a private chat!"

Maria's mouth kept "but", finally did not say why, can only and thousand color bee first back to the room.

After Maria and qianse bee entered the room, Ye Feng sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette and took a sip. Then she looked at Diana and said, "what do you want to talk to me about alone?"

But Diana didn't speak at once. Instead, she looked at the door of the room where Maria had just gone. After making sure that the door was closed, she said, "I don't think mahanda can keep it!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this, but his face was still calm. In fact, the current situation, let alone Ma anda, even Maria, is reasonable.

Diana sighed, "so I can't answer the questions that Maria asked me just now. Although mahanda should not be in danger for the time being, I think it's going to be soon!"

Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette and looking at Diana, he said, "is that what your father flamencourt meant?"

Diana nodded, then shook her head and said, "yes or no, now no matter my father or my father's men, they all suggest that Ma anda be executed. After all, no matter what the reason is, he shot my father. My father is lucky to be alive. If he's not lucky, he's lying in the mortuary now!"

Ye Feng nodded at this time, continued to smoke cigarettes, "can understand!"

Diana immediately said, "if you can understand, I'll do it. The only thing I can do now is to hold Maria as much as I can, so that she won't be involved. I'll do my best!"

Ye Feng smell speech again nodded a way, "I understand!"

Diana can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "I've been worried that you don't understand me on the way here. I didn't expect that you were so considerate of me?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "we all look at problems from our own point of view, so what we always see is only the position related to ourselves. If I were flamencourt or a subordinate, I would do the same. There is no doubt about that!"Diana could not help but spread her face. After a sigh of relief, she sighed, "but how can I explain this to Maria? After all, that's her father, your future father-in-law! "

Ye Feng pondered for a while and then said, "don't tell me. Maria is actually very smart and sensible, but after all, it's related to the safety of her father Ma anda. It's understandable that she sometimes loses some rationality!"

Diana immediately nodded and said, "I understand. I especially understand. That's why I didn't say much to her. Otherwise, her father shot my father. Do you think I would talk to her so politely? To tell you the truth, I wish his father mahanda would die! "

Then he sighed, "but I don't want to embarrass you when I think she's your fiancee Can you understand my pains? "

Ye Feng nodded to Diana gratefully. Although she was not Domingo, Diana could think of herself so much that he had to thank Diana.

At this time, the door suddenly opened. Maria rushed out and said to Diana, "I knew you wouldn't be so kind to help us. You always wanted my father to die and me to die..."

Ye Feng and Diana obviously did not expect that Maria would hear their conversation in the room. They could not help but look at Maria in amazement.

Thousand color bee also came out of the room at this time, and his face was helpless. He said that he had tried his best, but there was nothing he could do.

Diana wants to explain something to Maria, but Ye Feng says to Maria, "no one wants your father to die..."

But Maria looked at Ye Feng and said, "I know. You didn't intend to save my father from the beginning. It's just my wishful thinking..."

Just as Diana was about to say something, she heard a sharp engine noise outside the door. Seeing this, qianse bee went to the window and saw that there were six or seven cars parked outside the villa.

Ye Feng's heart was also moving, and then she looked at Diana, who had a face full of words and said, "I don't know, it's nothing to do with me!"

Maria said with a sneer, "you just want us to wait here for you to catch us..."

But Diana quickly explained, "if that's the case, I don't need to do it myself. I just want people to catch you. Why should I go into the trap myself?"

Ye Feng is reasonable to hear what Diana said. If Diana really wants to betray them, she just needs to tell those people the address.

If she comes by herself, once she is found out, she is likely to be taken hostage by the counter, and put herself in a dangerous situation. Anyone with a little brain can understand this.

Maria still sneers. She doesn't understand. She just hears Ye Feng saying that her father can't be saved in the room. Now her mood is out of control and she doesn't want to understand.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the window to have a look, but he saw that there were more than ten or twenty people on and off the six or seven cars outside, and each of them had a bad look and guns in their hands. As soon as they got out of the car, they began to disperse, obviously to encircle the villa.

Diana also went to the window, looked out of the window, and immediately muttered, "it's Schiffer's?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "Shi Kefei?"

Diana immediately nodded and said, "it's a subordinate of my father, but it's very powerful. This time, he has always advocated killing Ma anda to avenge my father..."

But Maria sneered at Diana and said, "you don't want to act. Now that my father and I are dead, only your father, Francesco and you..."

Diana took a look at Maria and explained, "I didn't act. The people outside are really schleffer's people..."

Ye Feng knew that it was futile for Diana to explain to Maria now. He immediately said to qianse bee, "you are responsible for protecting Maria's safety!"

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