Thousand color bee immediately understand, and then went to pull Maria toward the room, Maria's mood is still a little excited, thousand color bee helpless, immediately go up to knock out Maria.

Seeing that Ye Feng had never doubted herself from the beginning to the end, Diana couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "do you really believe that people are not brought by me?"

Ye Feng said, "people must be brought by you, but they are not your original intention. They are following you!"

Diana's heart still moved when she heard the first half of the sentence, but her face still moved when she heard Ye Feng say the second half of the sentence, and then she suddenly said, "yes, they must have followed me. I said Shike is not what he did..."

Speaking of this, Diana said to Ye Feng apologetically, "anyway, I brought this person, or I'm sorry for you..."

But Ye Feng said to Diana, "it's no use apologizing, and now it's meaningless to argue. You stay in the house, find a safe place to hide, and leave the next thing to me!"

But Diana said immediately, "this villa has a basement. I'll take you to hide. Don't take any risks. All the people in schleffer's group want money but not life..."

Ye Feng patted Diana on the shoulder and said, "you don't have to worry about me. I'm sure I'll be OK. Now you go and take them into the basement to hide. When I solve the problem here, I'll go to find your father with you!"

Diana's heart moved when she saw this. Even if Domingo, who she knew, was not afraid of death, she was not so arrogant. But outside, her father, flamencourt, who was the most powerful man of schkeffe, told himself to solve them?

Although Diana subconsciously felt a little incredible, when she saw Ye Feng's eyes looking at her, she obviously felt that she was from the letter. His eyes seemed to tell her that if he said he could solve it, he would solve it.

Diana then nodded to Ye Feng and said, "be careful." she went up to hold Ye Feng and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She immediately went to find Qian se Feng and Maria. They helped Maria to the basement.

And Ye Feng is sitting in the living room at this time, continue to smoke cigarettes, while looking at the situation around, and even listening to the surrounding movement with his ears.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps outside, but it fell into a dead silence. Suddenly, it seemed that there was no sound.

But Ye Feng of course know, this is just the calm before the storm, the other side obviously has all the personnel deployed in place, ready to start the attack.

As soon as Ye Feng inhaled his cigarette, he immediately heard a loud bang. First of all, the door of the villa was knocked open by a huge shock wave. It was obvious that someone had put a bomb outside the door, and the door was blown open by the bomb.

At the moment when the gate was blown open, a man rushed in with a machine gun. However, when he rushed into the villa, he scanned the hall of the villa and found that there was no one.

Then a few people came in outside the villa gate, each with a machine gun in his hand. When they came in, they were all like enemies, looking for targets everywhere.

However, after entering the hall, no one found anything. One by one, they picked up their guns and began to approach the door of other rooms to see if they were hiding there.

However, one of them was carrying a gun. As soon as he came into the kitchen, he felt a pain in his neck. Without breathing, he saw a figure in front of him. Before he could react, his gun was snatched away.

Others are still searching every corner of the room. After a search, nothing is found. A group of people will meet again in the hall.

Someone said, "is the information wrong? Why is there no one? "

Another said, "don't you see Diana's car out there? How could it be wrong? They must still be in this villa. They must be hiding somewhere! Keep searching

A crowd began to disperse again. When one of them came to the restaurant, he saw that someone in the restaurant seemed to fall on the ground, and his face suddenly moved.

He immediately squatted the machine gun nervously and walked towards the kitchen step by step. When he got to the kitchen door, in order to prevent ambush behind the kitchen door, he deliberately hid outside the door, picked up something and threw it inside.

As soon as something was thrown on the ground, it immediately made a "bang" sound. People from other directions were shocked and took aim at the kitchen.

Seeing this, the man immediately signaled that there was someone in the kitchen. At this moment, everyone began to close slowly towards the kitchen with their guns.

One by one slowly gathered in the kitchen door, you look at me, I look at you, for a moment also dare not venture into, the kitchen at this time of blacklight, do not know whether there is ambush in the end.

One of them immediately carried a machine gun and shot into the kitchen. While shooting, there was a shout in his mouth.

After the shooting, he yelled at the others, "what are we here for? It's not saving hostages, it's killing people. Why are you so careful? If you find anything, shoot immediately... "They are not here to rescue the hostages kidnapped by the bandits. They are the bandits. The purpose of coming here is to kill people.

Others are also carrying machine guns and shooting at the kitchen. Some even extend the scope of shooting to the whole villa and start shooting around.

However, after a while of shooting, everyone stopped shooting, the villa fell into a silence again, still no sound.

Someone tried to walk towards the kitchen. At this time, he saw a man on the ground, motionless, with a flashlight. The man was wearing the same clothes as them, but his body had been beaten into a sieve, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

This is not surprising. After all, under such a great fire, even if this person was killed in the kitchen by mistake, it can only be regarded as bad luck.

And it's not just the kitchen. In all the visible spaces on the first floor of the villa, the walls are all bullet holes. Almost all the buildings in South Africa are made of wood. Even if someone hides behind the walls, he will die.

Immediately, a crowd began to disperse and continue to search. Even if they didn't find a living person, they had to see the body before they could go back.

All of a sudden, a dull hum came from the villa. Everyone heard it. When it turned again, nothing happened. At first, they thought they had heard it wrong.

These people then continued to search the area. After hearing another murmur, they turned to see nothing, but saw a gun on the ground.

Some people realized that it was not right. They immediately gathered all the people. When they saw the number of people, it seemed that there were several fewer. Then they realized that there was a problem.

It was suggested that they should not act on their own and go everywhere together. Just when they gathered together, the light in the living room suddenly turned on.

All of a sudden, everyone saw the light and was shocked. At this moment, when they heard a gunshot, everyone fell to the ground. They didn't even see the shooter, so they gave their lives to them.

At this time, a man jumped out of the side of the living room. It was Ye Feng, but he came forward with a gun in his hand and looked at the people who fell to the ground. He was almost dead. There was only one man whose chest was still undulating, but his mouth and nose were still bleeding. It was obvious that he could not be saved.

Ye Feng looked at him, turned around to see a circle, the hand of the gun but against the man's head shot, or as soon as possible to send him to die, lest in this dying struggle.

After cleaning up the intruders in the villa, Ye Feng went to the corner on one side, pulled out one of his legs, and kept pulling him towards the bathroom.

When I got to the bathroom, I found that the water pipe in the bathroom had been blown out. At this time, I was watering. Ye Feng directly pulled up the man's hair and washed his head against the water.

The man suddenly woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt that his mouth was very uncomfortable. When he looked at it carefully, he found that there was a gun barrel in his mouth.

And in front of him is standing a man, holding a cigarette in one hand, holding a machine gun against his mouth, looking at him.

When the man saw this, he was startled. His mouth immediately hesitated to say something, but he couldn't say a word because he had a gun barrel in his mouth.

Ye Feng pulled out the barrel of the gun from his mouth, looked at him coldly and said, "I want to die, I want to live!"

The man said in a loud voice, "live, live..."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's easy to live! What's the order that Schiffer gave you? Shoot to kill? "

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