On hearing this, the man immediately nodded and said, "that's right. It's the order of schleffer that the people in the villa should not live!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "including Diana?"

The man's face moved, but he didn't answer. He began to falter.

This person either said no, or said yes. Now he's hesitating, which means he's been guessed. It seems that shikefei is also going to kill Diana.

Although Ye Feng has got the answer he wants, he still puts the muzzle of the gun into the man's mouth and says, "how? Can't you talk? "

The man with the barrel of a machine gun in his mouth said vaguely, "shikefei didn't make it clear that he must kill Diana. He just stressed twice that as long as it's people in the villa, they will die!"

Ye Feng can see from each other's expression that the other party should not have lied. It seems that although flamencordo is lying in the hospital bed, the sick tiger is also a tiger, and the aftereffect is still there.

Even if Shi Kefei wants to do something at this time, he doesn't dare to say it so directly. In case things happen out of his control, he can completely push 265, put the responsibility on his subordinates and pick himself up.

Think of here, Ye Feng looked at this person, also feel that they are very pitiful, do not calculate, and finally may have to do for the dead.

Ye Feng then pressed the muzzle of the gun in each other's mouth, looked at him and said, "now you're the only one left. You go back to take a message to Shi Kefei and say what he's thinking. I know everything. If I know, it's like flamenco knows it!"

That person smell speech complexion move, can see from the eyes, don't seem to understand Ye Feng's meaning too much.

Ye Feng then pulled out the barrel of his gun, pulled him out of the hall, and threw him to a pile of corpses of his companions. As soon as he saw the dead companions, he was scared to roll on the ground.

Ye Feng at this time toward that person's all around shot a circle, unexpectedly under that person's disorderly rolling, unexpectedly a gun all didn't hit him, also be regarded as the gun skill is enchanted.

Ye Feng yelled at the man, "you don't need to understand what I told you, you just need to take my original words back!"

That person frightens of tears snot all come down, listen to Ye Feng say so, just don't live the location head way, "understand, understand!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded to the man, "let's go!"

The man quickly climbed and rolled towards the door, out of the door, immediately ran to the side of the car, casually on a car, after starting, instantly drove away from here.

There are more than ten or twenty people coming, and now he is the only one who is still alive. This is God's blessing. Does he go back to pray?

Ye Feng then lit a cigarette and sat on the armrest of the sofa with his machine gun on the coffee table. He was smoking cigarettes and waiting for Diana to come out.

Just now, the situation was quite urgent, so when Diana said she was going to hide in the basement, she didn't know where the entrance to the basement was. For today's sake, she had to wait for Diana to think there was no danger and come out by herself.

Fortunately, Ye Feng only smoked half of a cigarette, and he heard the sound of footsteps not far away. When he looked sideways, he just saw Diana come out with a disheartened face, looking at everything in front of him in surprise.

When Diana saw that Ye Feng was sitting in the living room smoking, her face suddenly changed. When she saw that the ground was full of corpses, her face changed even more. She had an incredible feeling.

At this time, Diana walked towards Ye Feng with weak legs and feet. Her mouth still asked Ye Feng in an incredible voice, "these people It's all You killed them all? "

Ye Feng finished his last puff of cigarette and flicked off the cigarette end before he said, "what about Maria and them?"

Diana immediately said, "Maria just woke up, but there were gunshots everywhere and she fainted. Your friend is with her!"

Ye Feng nodded and then said to Diana, "it seems that we are going to find your father tonight!"

Diana looked at the corpses on the ground. She hesitated and said, "what do you want to do with my father?"

Listening to Diana's tone, Ye Feng obviously saw that he had killed so many people in one breath, and he had a heart of terror for himself, and even began to be on guard against himself.

He then shrugged at Diana and said, "what does it mean that these people just came in and shot no matter what happened?"

Diana said at once, "they must have been under the orders of Schiffer. They want your lives!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, it will definitely kill us, but didn't Shi Kefei expect you to be with us when he decided to follow you to us?"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "what does this mean?"

Ye Feng sighed, "in this case, you may be with us, but after these people enter the door, they shoot indiscriminately. What do you mean?"Diana's face changed when she heard what Ye Feng said. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she suddenly said, "I know. Do you mean, I want to kill Shi Kefei?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "obviously, otherwise they can come back after you leave, but they will shoot when they enter the door. Obviously, they don't intend to let you or see your father flamencordo again!"

When Diana heard this, her cold sweat came down, her face turned pale, and her eyes were full of fear. That is to say, she escaped from death just now?

But think about it and feel wrong, see Ye Feng calm appearance, Diana know, not death let go of themselves, but Ye Feng from the hand of death to grab himself.

After Diana came back to herself, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "does Shi Kefei want to go back to the water while my father is not in good health?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "do you still use the tone of doubt? The answer is ready, isn't it? "

Diana immediately went to the door and said, "I'll go back right now! I'm going to save my dad... "

But Ye Feng stopped Diana and said, "if you go back now, it's undoubtedly a trap! There's no difference between death and death! "

Listening to what Ye Feng said, Diana immediately stopped, looked back at Ye Feng and said, "what can I do now? Just waiting for my dad to be killed? "

Ye Feng looked at Diana thoughtfully and said, "I believe your father is not in danger for the time being. After all, it's impossible that everyone around your father flamencourt wants his life, right? Even if everyone may not have a heart with your father flamenco, at least there are interests in it! They're going to keep your dad, too, and they won't let him get away with it for the time being! "

Diana listened to what Ye Feng said, and immediately pondered and looked at Ye Feng dubiously.

Ye Feng said to Diana, "don't worry about it for the time being. Although your father's life is not in danger yet, he is in danger after all. We have to go back to save him, but saving him doesn't mean going back to the net immediately. We have to have strategies and methods!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Diane immediately went to Ye Feng and sat down. After taking a deep breath, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "what strategies and methods do you think should be used?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "how do I know? After all, I don't know anything about your situation. I don't even know who you are or how much power you have. It's up to you to decide what strategies and methods I can give you. "

But Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "by myself? What can I do? "

Ye Feng looked at Diana and said, "why not? Do you know how many forces your father flamencourt has, how many of them have a good relationship with your father, how many of them are not good, who is the most vulnerable and who is the most greedy... "

Diana listened to what Ye Feng said, and after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she said, "I know a little bit about this. I used to hear my father say that he is a man under his command. What I know is what my father thinks, and I'm not sure!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "if it's from your father flamencourt's mouth, it's more reliable. After all, people like your father should still have their own skills. Even if there are differences, they will never leave ten!"

Diana can't help nodding when she hears the words, and then she says to Ye Feng, "even if we know their personal shortcomings and personalities, what can we do to help us save my father?"

Ye Feng then said to Diana, "now you have to rely on yourself to choose a person who may help you save your father in this situation. No matter whether he is loyal to your father or in the calculation of interests, this person will surely save your father at this time. Who is this person? Think quickly

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