Diana listened to what Ye Feng said, and immediately pondered. She sat there thinking carefully about what Ye Feng said.

However, although Diana is the daughter of flamencourt, Diana does not participate in or even interfere with many things about flamencourt.

Even if flamencourt occasionally mentioned it in front of Diana, did Diana deal with it in order to agree with her father and get money from there.

To tell you the truth, although Diana can really think of a lot of words, she can't really do it if she wants to think of them completely.

Now my father, flamencourto, is in danger. I can't even tell how many people around him are available, who can't believe it.

In a moment of anxiety, Diana's tears were about to come down. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "I can't remember which one can be trusted!"

Said more and more difficult to suffer, tears directly flow down, a face anxious appearance.

Ye Feng said to Diana, "take your time, don't worry! I'll come up with it! What you can think of is that it's more likely than us to try and make mistakes one by one! "

But Diana sobbed, "that's not necessarily true. I'm afraid I'll go by feeling. If I look at one mistake, my dad will be finished!"

Ye Feng hears speech sitting opposite Diana, looking at Diana way, "you first mood don't get excited, this time your heart more chaotic more useless, just a waste of time!"

Diana can't help but take a deep breath and try to control her mood. After a long breath, her mood stabilized slightly.

After her mood calmed down a little, Diana began to use her brain to filter everyone she knew one by one, and to think about her father flamencourt's evaluation of these people one by one.

Ye Feng is standing on one side smoking cigarettes, do not disturb Diana to think, just waiting for her results on the line.

After a long time, Diana suddenly stood up and said to Ye Feng, "I think of a person, Levis. My father once said that this person can achieve great things, but it needs training. She has always been by my father's side, but the power doesn't seem to be very big..."

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, looked at Diana and said, "how do you feel about this person for the first time?"

Diana said immediately, "I don't know. He's not very old. He looks like he's in his forties, but he never talks to my father in order to agree with him. He often contradicts my father for some small problems. Once I thought my father would be angry with him, but my father just told him to go away without follow-up My impression of him is that he is very polite to see me, but he seldom talks and laughs... "

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to Diana, "that's him!"

But Diana said, "don't, let me think about it first. If I choose the wrong one, my father will be doomed. Now I feel like my father's life is in my hand. I'm very nervous. Let me think about it again!"

Ye Feng said to Diana, "don't think about it. I've told you before. The problem is not whether the other party sincerely wants to save your father, but how much interest you can give him. As long as you guarantee that Levis is not 100% against your father, then there is still a chance!"

But Diana said, "but this Levis often contradicts my father, and he often raises questions about his decisions..."

But Ye Feng said to Diana, "this kind of person is really good for your father. Think about it, your father's current status is almost the same as that of a king in a closed kingdom. He is already at the peak of high power. At this time, it's most easy for people to secret themselves, while those who are close to your father are not careful and want you Dad said that if they can speak a hundred words, flattery and hypocrisy are the mainstream. People like Levis are only a few, and such talents can be reused. So your dad is not confused. At least he knows Levis is a useful person, but he may tend to the interests at that time, and he has not been promoted in time. In other words, Li thought lacks a person who can rise The present situation is his chance! "

When Diana heard what Ye Feng said, her heart moved and she looked at Ye Feng. She also had to admit that what Ye Feng said was reasonable.

It's just that Diana is very curious, a well-known second ancestor in Michoacan, who is now able to comment on human nature and point out the country, which is totally beyond everyone's expectation.

Diana was surprised by this, but she was also thinking that maybe this is part of the reason why she was just curious about Domingo before and deeply attracted by him now.

Thinking of this, Diana immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "OK, then we'll bet on Levis!"

Ye Feng didn't think so much. Now they are very weak. They have to find a person inside flamencourt to help.

Just now, from Diana's words and deeds, Ye Feng also recognized that this man named Levis must be a powerful figure in Mexico, or even a figure who can replace flamencourt.But for now, Levis is still in the shallow stage of Longyou, lacking an opportunity, and now, it is Levis' opportunity.

Even Ye Feng realized that even if he and Diana didn't go to find Li Weisi, Li Weisi would certainly make a difference. Such a person would not interfere with loneliness, and would certainly look for all opportunities.

Since this Levis, no matter whether he has external help or not, will certainly take action, if they reach a first-line agreement with him now, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort for him, and he will not refuse!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng has determined Li's thinking. Even if his everything is disguised, for the time being, at least at this time, Li Weisi will definitely choose to stand beside flamencourt.

In other words, the whole distribution of power is not good for Levi. If flamencourt dies, it will not be good for Li. His power will be divided up by other tough and powerful figures. Levi is still a new boss.

However, if Levis chooses to help flamencourt stabilize the situation at this time, the nature will be completely different. He can take the opportunity to eradicate other increasingly powerful forces. The most important thing is that this matter will not arouse flamencourt's suspicion, and may even give his full help. This is a golden opportunity. If Levis is a smart man, he will be able to help flamencourt Man, will he not make good use of this opportunity?

Of course, all this is just Ye Feng's guess. At present, he doesn't completely say what he thinks to Diana.

After all, if Levis can think of these, it shows that Levis is not only a smart man, but also a thoughtful person, and he is also a person who knows how to handle the situation and seize the opportunity.

In other words, if Levis has the above conditions, then he is definitely not a person willing to be mediocre and willing to be subordinated to others. It's just a matter of time before he gets ahead. He's just waiting for an opportunity.

Diana saw Ye Feng's brow locked and didn't speak. She couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "so when are we going to find Levis?"

But Ye Feng asked Diana, "don't you have Li's contact information? It's not good for us to venture to find him now. We have to contact him first and find out what he says before we decide! "

When Diana heard this, she couldn't help taking out her mobile phone and said, "I really have his contact information. I can't remember why I added him at the beginning..."

Then Diana took out her cell phone and found Levis's number. She said to Ye Feng, "I haven't called for so many years. I don't know if he changed his number!"

Ye Feng directly took Diana's mobile phone, and then dialed Li Weisi's number. The phone was always on, but no one answered.

Diana could not help but meet on one side and said, "is something wrong with Levis, too?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, but he was hesitating in his heart. In the present form, he didn't rule out the possibility that Levis might have an accident.

After all, if you can think of Levis as a useful person, you can't rule out that other people see the advantages of Levis' thinking and try their best to win him over.

But at this time, the phone was still connected, and there was a mature man's voice in a very low voice, "Diana?"

But Ye Feng said to the phone, "I'm not Diana, I'm Diana's friend!"

But the steady voice over there said, "Diana's friend? Where's Diana? "

Ye Feng then handed the phone to Diana, but Diana looked at Ye Feng nervously and said, "do I have to answer it? Why don't you tell him? "

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