When Diana heard Ye Feng say that, she took the phone and said, "Levis, I'm Diana!"

Levis on the other end of the phone heard that it was Diana's voice, and immediately said happily, "Diana, is it really you? I thought whose prank it was! You suddenly disappeared tonight. Where have you been? "

Diana has now set the phone to hands-free mode, and let Ye Feng hear what Levis said.

Then Diana said to Levis, "I'm with my friend now. The people of schleffer came here just now and almost killed me!"

As soon as Levis heard this, he immediately said, "schleffer? He's going to kill you? Well... "

After pondering for a while, he immediately said, "since you call me, you should trust me. If so, you can tell me where you are now, or I can tell you where to find me! You choose! "

On hearing this, Diana did not answer immediately, but looked at Ye Feng and wanted to ask him what to do next?

Ye Feng made a gesture, indicating that Diana told Li Weisi that they went to find Li Weisi and asked Li Weisi to say the address.

Diana immediately nodded and said to Levis, "you'd better tell me a place. I'll come to see you later."

Levis said an address without hesitation, and then said, "if you arrive and I haven't arrived, just wait a moment. As you know, your father is in trouble now. I'm afraid I can't leave for a while!"

Diana immediately looked at Ye Feng again. Ye Feng just nodded to Diana and motioned to Diana to tell Levis that it was OK.

Diana then said to Levis on the phone, "it's OK. I'll go to the place you said first. If you're not here, we'll wait for a while!"

But Reeves hesitated and said, "Diana, if I didn't hear you right, what did you say about us? Who else is there besides you? "

Diana immediately said, "Oh, of course, and a friend of mine..."

Levis said with a deep thought, "Diana, at this time, you'd better not believe anyone Of course, including me, you are in danger now. I hope you can understand! "

Diana can't help but look at Ye Feng when she hears the speech. Ye Feng directly takes Diana's mobile phone and says to Levis, "you're right. No one can believe you at this time, but Diana still chooses to believe you!"

As soon as Levis heard Diana's voice on the phone turned into Ye Feng, he couldn't help asking, "who are you? What's the purpose of your approach to Diana? "

Diana immediately explained, "Levis, I trust him as much as I trust you, and he makes me trust you! I'll find you

After listening to Diana's words, Levis said to Diana, "although he let you choose to trust me, I still said that. At this time, no one should trust me absolutely, including me!"

Diana can't help but look at Ye Feng. Ye Feng says to her mobile phone, "if Diana takes me with her, won't you show up?"

Levis said, "no, I'm just reminding Diana, if you come with me Well, you can follow him

Diana immediately said to Levis, "I'll see you then!"

Levis said nothing more and hung up.

Diana then looked at Ye Feng and said, "Levis told me not to believe you so easily!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "he just doesn't want you to be cheated easily!"

Diana thought for a while and said, "now what? Shall we go together? "

Ye Feng looked at Diana and said, "of course, you can also listen to Levis, don't believe me, and then go to find him yourself!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately said, "how is that possible? I choose to believe him because of you. If you let me choose one, I will definitely choose to believe you! "

But Ye Feng took a deep breath and looked at Diana and said, "what Levis said is right. At this time, no one should believe it, or at least believe it!"

Diana can't help but look at Ye Feng in consternation. After a long time, she nodded and said, "I know. Then she added," but I still choose to believe you. Even if I'm cheated by you in the end, I'm willing. I think I'm unlucky! "

Ye Feng can't help sighing when she hears what Diana said. Then she gets up to find qianse bee and Maria. Diana takes Ye Feng to the basement.

At this time in the basement, the thousand color bee is sitting beside a bed, while Maria is still fainting on the bed.

Seeing Ye Feng and Diana coming, qianse bee immediately stood up and said, "Maria's body is not very stable now. It is estimated that it is because of the emotional fluctuation in such a short time!"

Ye Feng then walked over and looked at Maria. Then he said to qianse Feng, "I want to go out with Diana. Maria, I'll give it to you!"As soon as qianse bee heard this, she immediately stepped forward and said, "I'll go with you, too? More people, more care! "

But Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "it's not good for Diana and me to go there. Besides, we can't leave Maria here now. You can send her to a safe place first, and then wait for my notice!"

What else does qianse bee want to say? However, after getting along with Ye Feng, qianse bee also knows that once Ye Feng says something to you, it's basically his decision, and there's almost no possibility to discuss it.

Think of here, thousand color bee also can point a head toward leaf maple way, "that you are careful, I arrange good Maria first, wait for your news later!"

Ye Feng nodded to qianse bee and said, "there are several cars outside..." Then she went over and picked up Maria. As she walked outside, she said, "you'll drive her away later!"

When Ye Feng takes Maria out of the villa and puts Maria in one of the cars, he immediately asks qianse bee to get on the car. He has to watch qianse bee and Maria leave before he and Diana leave.

Thousand color bee can't, had to get on the car first, then looked at Ye Feng and Diana way, "take care!" Having said that, he didn't say much, so he started the car and drove away from the scene.

After watching qianse bee drive away, Diana said, "isn't this woman Ma anda's secretary? How could she be with you? "

Ye Feng shrugged, but did not explain anything, directly on the other car, started the car, this way toward Diana, "do not get on?"

Diana just recovered, and then she got into Ye Feng's car. Ye Feng immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly left the villa.

When she got on the road, Diana sighed, "I didn't expect that my family would have today!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at Diana way, "don't think much, these are accidents!"

Diana sighed, "it's no accident. My father and I went to see an oriental Taoist priest before. He once made an assertion to my father that he would be robbed when he was 63 years old. I didn't expect that he would be robbed!"

Ye Feng was driving, shrugging his shoulders and said, "the words of a warlock are generally believed, but not believed. He may have counted countless people, just this once!"

Diana pondered for a while, but did not speak for a long time. After a long time, she said, "turn right..."

Ye Feng took a look at the set navigation road. "We haven't reached the intersection in front, so we should turn right at the next intersection..."

But Diana said, "don't go to Levis for the time being!"

Ye Feng smell speech but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "isn't with him appointment good?"? Why not? "

But Diana said, "I want to see the Taoist again and ask him some questions!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. This girl won't choose to believe the words of a warlock at this time, will she?

But looking at Diana's appearance, it seems that she really believes it. Now even if she doesn't take her, she won't be at ease, so she has to turn right at once.

Diana then said to Ye Feng, "that warlock heard a lot of people say very accurate, I didn't believe it. Even if he was a liar, he couldn't even calculate the right time!"

Ye Feng originally wanted to say that he was Mongolian, but Diana didn't want to say, "he said that my father will be doomed in September this year, and now it's September What a coincidence, isn't it? "

Originally Ye Feng really didn't believe these, but listening to Diana's words, she didn't frown.

If you talk about a doomsday, it's right for you to meet it. If you can't meet it, you can't go to find the warlock again. However, if you even tell your age and month, it's not true.

As Diana said, if it's all coincidence, is it too coincidence?

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