Ye Feng didn't say much. She continued to drive in the direction Diana said. Diana didn't say a word in the whole process.

Soon to Diana said the street, Diana immediately let Ye Feng stop, then two people get off, Ye Feng behind Diana, toward a corridor.

When she got to the corridor, Diana said, "he should be up there!" Said immediately on the corridor, Ye Feng did not say much, continue to follow behind.

Soon on the third floor, Ye Feng saw a flag of Tai Chi on the other side of the corridor, with the word "Suan" written on it in Chinese.

When Diana saw this flag, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "it should still be there. Last time my father and I came, it was this flag!"

Then Diana went to knock on the door, and soon an old man in the shape of an oriental Taoist came out with a pair of sunglasses on his face.

Ye Feng didn't believe in these things. Looking at this man, he was more like those warlocks who were specially tricking and abducting in his own impression.

But Diana believed in it. Ye Feng couldn't say anything more. She just looked at the Taoist priest.

I don't want the Taoist priest to look at Diana and say, "I knew you would come to me!"

When Diana heard this, her face was even more moved, and she seemed to have more faith in the Taoist priest.

Ye Feng is sniffing, it is estimated that all the people who come, this Taoist will say so, right?

But Ye Feng still didn't say anything. After she went in with Diana, she immediately smelled a smell of sandalwood, and the whole room was full of smoke and dark.

And the wall is also pasted with this kind of ghost charm, which makes the room look more shady.

The Taoist then came back and sat down at a table with boiling water on it. After he sat down, he immediately began to pick up the teapot and make tea.

After making three cups of tea, the Taoist priest put two cups in front of Ye Feng and Diana, and drank one himself.

When Diana was in the mood for tea, she immediately said to the Taoist, "elder, I came with my father two years ago. Do you remember?"

The Taoist priest took a sip of tea, then looked at Diana and said, "of course, I said that your father would be robbed in September this year. You and your father didn't believe it. Your father's men almost smashed me here, or you pulled me down. Not only didn't smash it, but also gave me Bojin! How could I forget that! "

Diana immediately said with a smile, "you have such a good memory! Do you remember all these things? "

But the Taoist shrugged his shoulders and said, "since you have come, it shows that all my calculations have come true, right?"

Diana immediately said, "yes, my father was shot yesterday and almost died. Now there are some other troubles. I want to ask the master to help me..."

However, the Taoist took a sip of tea with a cup, and then he looked at Ye Feng, who had not spoken all the time. "Your friend seems to have some disdain in his eyes, and doesn't seem to trust me very much."

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter whether I believe in it or not. The most important thing is to find your people to believe it. No matter whether you are accurate or not, at least it is a good thing to give people psychological comfort."

Diana immediately said to the Taoist, "yes, master, I'm very confused now. I need master to help me out!"

But the Taoist shook his head and said, "it's useless!"

On hearing this, Diana frowned at the Taoist priest and said, "it's no use? What doesn't work? Master, please be clear! "

The Taoist said, "even if I have a way to seek good fortune and avoid evil, I will teach you, and you will not do it!"

Diana couldn't help but say, "I believe in the master, otherwise I wouldn't come to you!"

But the Taoist still drank tea and said, "of course I know you believe me, but your friends don't believe me!"

Without waiting for Diana to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "I believe you or not. What does it have to do with her believing you or not? As long as she believes in you, do you have to take care of the people around the fortune teller? "

However, the Taoist snorted coldly, "if you are just the people around you, it doesn't matter. Unfortunately, you are the one who can control the mind of the benefactor. In other words, if you don't believe what I said and the benefactor insists on doing it, will you stop it?"

Ye Feng listened to the Taoist saying, and could not help frowning at the Taoist.

But the Taoist immediately continued to say, "if you stop it, plus the benefactor's trust in you, most of the things I said in the end are useless. Since I said I would not do it, what would I say?"

At this point, the Taoist priest said to Diana, "since there is an able person beside the benefactor's pillow to help, there is no need to ask me for help again!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she said, "master, as long as you tell me how to crack it, I will do it!"

But the Taoist shook his head and said, "it's useless. I believe what you're saying now is absolutely true, but things are changeable."Ye Feng sneered at the Taoist priest and said, "if I didn't come up with her, I'm afraid you are another kind of saying?"

However, the Taoist priest looked at Ye Feng with a teacup and said coldly, "it seems that this gentleman treats me as a kind of Trickster!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't say that, but you said it yourself!"

After the Taoist put down his tea cup, he said, "do you want me to do a divination for you, and then you'll see if I'm the warlock in your eyes?"

Ye Feng quickly waved his hand and said, "no, for one thing, I don't believe these divination words. For another thing, I don't have divination gold for you!"

The Taoist immediately waved his hand and said, "I don't want your hexagram gold. You can try it. If I'm not sure, you can smash me here. I won't say one more word!"

Ye Feng was extremely confident when he heard the Taoist priest speak, and his face could not help moving.

Diana was a little worried and said to Ye Feng, "he's really accurate. Try it!"

When Ye Feng hesitated for a while, the Taoist priest had already said, "listen to your voice, it should not be your original accent. You have changed your voice, and your character does not match your face, which means that your present appearance may not be your original appearance!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he was shocked and looked at the Taoist priest. His voice and appearance are Domingo's now. The Taoist priest can see these just by looking at them?

The Taoist priest looked at Ye Feng with pride and said, "how about it? Are you suddenly interested in fortune telling

Ye Feng was curious, but he just sneered, "no interest!"

The Taoist said with a smile, "when you speak against your heart, your breath is totally different!"

Speaking of this, the Taoist immediately said, "don't look at your original appearance, I know that you should be an oriental race!"

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved again. What he looks like now is completely what a Mexican looks like. He can see that he is an oriental just by listening to himself?

Diana then looked at the Taoist with a puzzled face and said, "no, master, he's clearly Mexican..."

Then Diana looked at Ye Feng in surprise. After looking at her several times, she still felt a little strange.

However, the Taoist said, "your profession should be related to people. Backhand is life, covering hand is death..."

At this time, Ye Feng immediately stood up and looked at the Taoist priest and said with a sneer, "who are you?"

The Taoist looked at Ye Feng and said, "how about it? Do you want me to go on? "

Ye Feng immediately said to the Taoist, "you seem to have checked my background?"

But the Taoist held the cup and drank tea, shaking his head.

Ye Feng then sneered, "maybe you know something about bone? Can you tell from my skeleton that I am Oriental? "

But the Taoist laughed, then took off his sunglasses and said to Ye Feng, "I see people with heart, not eyes!"

Ye Feng a look, immediately heart under a Lin, but see that Taoist's eyes have been full of scab, can't see the eyes, obviously has no eyes.

In other words, it is impossible for a Taoist to see himself with his eyes. When he just entered the door, he said that he had a disdainful attitude?

The Taoist then said with a smile, "do you believe what I said now?"

Ye Feng no longer spoke, he told the truth, his heart or exclusion, but the Taoist said a lot of words, can not help but let Ye Feng heart chill.

It's reasonable to say that such a blind Taoist can't know his identity. Does he really rely on calculation?

At this time, the Taoist priest still said, "you are doomed to hit, and it's not far away, but you should be able to turn the bad into the good, but you are destined to die alone..."

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