Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion can't help but move, mouth murmur ground say, "lonely end old?"

Taoist Wen Yan then said with a smile, "there are many women in your life, but none of them can die with you!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately sneer a way, "you say I believe?"

The Taoist said, "believe it or not, the hexagrams are all like this. I just say it according to the hexagrams! Although you are surrounded by many women now, and almost all of them are sincere to you, but you are destined to have no women, this is also God's will

Ye Feng immediately said, "I have a confidant..."

Before Ye Feng finished, the Taoist priest immediately said, "I was just about to talk about her. She seems to be the woman who has the deepest affinity with you. She should have married you, too. Unfortunately, you two are fighting each other. If you are forced to be with her, she will be in danger of her life!"

Ye Feng said the confidant of course is Dixi Si, he thought, he and Dixi Si have each other say heartfelt, almost all think that each other is the other half of his life.

But I didn't expect the Taoist to say such words. I couldn't help looking at the Taoist in consternation. At last, I took a deep breath and sneered, "I don't believe it!"

But the Taoist shrugged his shoulders and said, "I said, you can not believe what I said, but you can not believe life! That's how you hit it! "

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng immediately said, "you want me to believe you, unless you can tell me the characteristics of my confidant..."

The Taoist priest immediately said, "this woman has something to do with your career, and has been waiting for you since childhood. But this is also the end of your relationship. You can only stop here. If you go further, you can only kiss your skin and nature, but the emotional sublimation will only cause irreparable harm to her!"

After listening to what the Taoist said, Ye Feng pondered for a while, and did not speak for a long time.

But Diana frowned and asked Ye Feng, "aren't you going to marry Maria? Do you have any other confidants

In fact, what Diana wants to say is that you are almost married to Maria, and you are still ambiguous with other women. Most importantly, Diana can tell from the mouth of the Taoist that the woman he is talking about is not herself, but someone else.

This is what Diana can't accept. She can't help looking at Ye Feng and Taoist priest in surprise.

Ye Feng is not in the mood to explain anything to Diana now. His mind is full of Taoist's hexagrams. If he is really accurate, that is to say, he has no relationship with Dixie in his life.

The Taoist then sighed, "what else do you want me to say?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the Taoist priest, and then said, "if I never marry her, she will be ok?"

But the Taoist shook his head and said, "don't you understand me? You are a lonely star in your life. You can't marry any woman except her. Otherwise, your destiny will be against them and against them! But as I said just now, as long as there are no emotional problems, there will be no physical impact! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, eyebrow can't help a wrinkly, listen to Taoist this, oneself before that kind of don't be responsible attitude is right?

Is it wrong to settle down now?

When the Taoist said this, he sighed, "among thousands of people, there is such a fate of a celestial ghost lone star. You just are. You don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "I just heard the disaster, but I didn't realize what happiness there was?"

But the Taoist shook his head and said, "no, no! All along, happiness and disaster depend on each other. If there is happiness, there will be disaster. If there is disaster, there will be happiness. That's the truth. Happiness lies in misfortune, and misfortune lies in misfortune

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng looked at the Taoist priest and said, "is there no way to crack it?"

The Taoist shook his head and said, "no solution!"

Ye Feng eyebrows suddenly a wrinkle, then a sneer way, "speaking of the end, you tell me no solution?"

The Taoist said to Ye Feng, "in fact, you don't have to untie it. As I said, happiness and misfortune lie in each other. Happiness and misfortune always coexist. Since you have been given this life, there must be other blessings waiting for you!"

But Ye Feng sneered and said, "if you can't be with the people you love in your life, what good news is there?"

The Taoist looked at Ye Feng and said, "that's because you haven't realized it yet. People like you who have experienced several reincarnations should be indifferent to everything!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately a change way, "what experience several times reincarnation?"

But the Taoist looked at Ye Feng and said, "do I have to be so straightforward? The reason why you have such a destiny is closely related to your destiny. But is it because you have such a destiny that you have such a destiny, or because you have such a destiny that you have such a destiny? This is the egg theory. It's not clear that you have experienced things that ordinary people can't experience, and of course you have to bear hardships that ordinary people can't bear You can't grow old together with the people you love, but you can taste the beauty of the world. It's hard to say that you're looking at things from that perspective! "After a sip of tea, Daoshi said, "if you need bread when you get water and bread when you need water, of course you will not be reconciled. But if you think about it from another angle, whether it's water or bread, you will get it, not lose it. If you can figure out this, you will understand it thoroughly, and you will never lose it again I've got to deal with these problems! "

Ye Feng didn't say a word at this time, but he always thought about what the Taoist said to him.

Diana then said to the Taoist, "now can you tell me about my father's doom?"

In fact, she also heard from the dialogue between Taoist priest and Ye Feng that Ye Feng can't marry anyone in her life, and Ye Feng already has a confidant in her heart, not herself.

Originally, Diana was a little sour, but now it seems that it is not the time to be jealous. The most important thing is her father.

In addition, Diana did not want to hear the Taoist priest and Ye Feng talk about his feelings about men and women, so she immediately interrupted them.

The Taoist priest then said to Diana, "the noble man you hit is right in front of you. As long as you listen to him, your father should be safe and sound!"

Diana frowned and looked at the Taoist in surprise. "What do you mean? Do you mean to make me believe Domingo unconditionally? "

The Taoist nodded and said, "I can save your father No, to be exact, there is only one person in the world who can save your family, that is him

After saying this, the Taoist priest looked at Ye Feng, but continued to say to Diana, "you are destined to have a love affair with him, but you should have heard my hexagram about him just now, so the most you can do with him is the love affair between husband and wife. If you want to go further with him, you will only harm others and yourself in the end! And your father and your family! "

When Diana heard this, her face moved again. She looked at the Taoist in a daze and then at Ye Feng.

At this time, the Taoist stood up, put on his sunglasses, blocked his terrible eyes, and then sighed, "you can go, time is almost up!"

Speaking of this, the Taoist said to Ye Feng, "when you came here, you should not believe me, so you resisted coming here in your heart. But I tell you, there was a firefight on the road where you originally went. If you didn't come here, you would be caught in the firefight, and she would die..."

Hearing this, Ye Feng's face suddenly moved again. When he looked at the Taoist priest, he saw that he had already gone over, opened the door and ordered to leave.

When Ye Feng wanted to say something more, the Taoist didn't say a word. Obviously, he didn't want to say anything more.

But under, leaf maple had no choice but and Diana went out of the door, just went out to listen to the door slammed shut up.

Diana and Ye Feng went downstairs with a little thought. They didn't feel relieved until they got on the bus. At this time, they heard a siren sound and several police cars drove out.

Ye Feng immediately starts the car, continues to press the navigation to find Li Weisi, and drives there. As far as the road is concerned, he can see that many policemen are stopping there. On the road, many cars have been smashed.

Wait for Ye Feng to drive the car near the back of the police car stopped, a policeman came to say, "change a drive, here closed road!"

Diana immediately asked the police what happened. The police said that there were two gangs fighting on the road, many cars were hit, and now the road is blocked.

On hearing this, Diana couldn't help looking at Ye Feng. Her eyes seemed to be asking Ye Feng, saying, you see, the Taoist is right again?

Leaf maple heart is also a move, but then took a deep breath, even if it is life how? I don't believe this evil!

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