Diana was stunned, then she could not help laughing and said in fairly good Chinese, "are you Chinese, too? How kind of you to hear that

After listening to Diana's Chinese, Ye Feng nodded and said, "it seems that we are all descendants of the dragon!"

Diana can't help asking Ye Feng, "where's your ancestral home? My ancestral home is Fujian! I've left since my grandfather's generation. It's still the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China... "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "my ancestral home? I don't know. I've been abducted since I was a child. I don't even know who my parents are, let alone my ancestral home! "

On hearing this, Diana's face suddenly moved, and then apologized to Ye Feng, "sorry, I don't know!"

Ye Feng shrugged and continued to drive the driveway. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I've been used to it for so many years! Nothing

Diana couldn't help looking at Ye Feng for a long time before she asked Ye Feng, "what do you do?" Then he felt as if he was spying on Ye Feng's secret, and immediately said, "if you can't say it, don't say it! I'll just ask! "

Ye Feng didn't speak. At this time, he took a look at the navigation and said to Diana, "it's going to the address that Levis said!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately looked out of the window and frowned, "is this a slum?"

Ye Feng actually noticed it half an hour ago. At that time, Diana was just talking to herself. Maybe she didn't look outside the car very much.

But Ye Feng was always looking out the window and talking to Diana, so half an hour ago, he knew he had driven into the slums of Michoacan.

There are one or two stories of houses all around. The streets are narrow and narrow. The space between the houses is very small. The floating population on the street looks like the kind of poor people.

Diana looked around and then said, "are you sure you're not in the wrong place? How did Levis let us come to this place? "

Ye Feng said, "I follow the navigation all the way. I can't be wrong!"

Said Ye Feng will stop the car to a roadside, mouth said, "here is the end!"

Diana got out of the car and looked around. She didn't see the trace of Levis. At this time, many people on the side of the road noticed her and cast strange eyes at her.

Especially for some men, it is estimated that they seldom see such a beautiful woman as Diana. They can see light in their eyes.

Fortunately, there are many people on the road, otherwise it is estimated that Diana might have been dragged to the alley by these men to commit violence.

Ye Feng got out of the car at this time, lit a cigarette, looked around, and then said to Diana, "you call Levis to ask!"

Diana had already taken out her cell phone at this time. She didn't want to stay in this place for a moment. She didn't dislike the poverty of the people around her, but the way those people looked at herself made Diana feel very uneasy.

Just as Diana was about to make a phone call, a brown man with bare arms quickly walked towards Diana.

But Diana was looking at her cell phone, not noticing that someone was approaching her quickly.

But Ye Feng, who was smoking a cigarette on one side, noticed that when the man was about to get in front of Diana, he immediately grabbed his arm and twisted it back. At the same time, he put his other hand directly on his head.

Diana was shocked, but she still didn't know what Ye Feng meant.

Ye Feng said to Diana, "this guy has come to you from a mile away..."

Diana couldn't help but move when she heard the words. She quickly opened the door and sat in the car.

The man who didn't want to be held by Ye Feng wanted to get rid of Ye Feng's hand, but he couldn't get rid of it. He immediately yelled, "I'm Levis calling for you!"

When Ye Feng and Diana heard this, their faces were all moving. Ye Feng released his hand and said to the humanist, "did Levis ask you to come?"

The man took a look at Ye Feng, then looked at Diana in the car and said, "your name is Diana, right?"

Diana could not help nodding and said, "yes, I'm Diana."

The man nodded and said to Diana and Ye Feng, "Levis gave me the money. Let me take you to see him! Come with me

The brown race said this, immediately turned and left, Ye Feng see also immediately followed up, Diana had already got on the car, at this time also had to get off, continue to follow Ye Feng and the man behind.

The man took Ye Feng and Diana to turn left and right in the alley of the slum. Many people could not help but stop to look at Ye Feng and Diana.

Soon the man came to a poor man's cabin, and then he stopped and said, "this is it!" Finish saying this, that head also did not return of walk away.

Ye Feng and Diana can't help but look at the wooden house, and then look at each other. Ye Feng's eyes seem to ask, "does Levis live in a slum?"Diana actually has the same question. In fact, her impression of Levis is in her father's mouth, and she has seen him around her father several times. But Diana knows nothing about the real situation of Levis.

At this time, Ye Feng walked over and knocked on the wooden door. At this time, he heard a man's voice in the room, "come in!"

Ye Feng and Diana both recognized the voice in the wooden house, which was the voice of Levis on the phone.

Ye Feng then pushed away the wooden house, but saw a person sitting in front of a half meter wide square wooden table under a dim yellow light.

When Diana came in, she immediately covered her nose. She felt a musty smell in the cabin and frowned at the man at the wooden table.

When she saw the man's face, Diana immediately said, "Levis? You live here? "

It was Levis, whom Diana knew, who just nodded and said, "I live here. Is Miss Diana surprised?"

Diana was stunned and said, "I didn't mean that, just..."

Levis immediately said, "I've been with your father for many years, and I've earned enough money to buy a house in the most luxurious place in Michoacan!"

Diana could not help but wonder, "then why do you still live here?"

Livis shrugged his shoulders and said, "living environment doesn't mean anything. I went out from here. I always insist on living here. I want to tell myself that you came out of the slum and can't forget your roots!"

Diana can't help but be surprised. In her eyes, money can live in a better place, and she insists on living in such a place. It's not forgetting her roots, but being stupid.

But Ye Feng understood Li Weisi's idea. At this time, he sat opposite Li Weisi and said, "Mr. Li Weisi, we need your help now!"

At this time, Levis said, "there is no refrigerator, no drinks, only well water, so I won't treat you..."

Diana immediately said, "I'm not here for a drink. You're coming with us now to save my dad..."

But Levis shook his head and said, "now your villa has been controlled by the people of schleffer. Schleffer is just a small role, and there are people behind him. Now we go, it's no doubt that we've fallen into the trap!"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "what should I do then? Do we just hide in this slum and do nothing? "

But Levis said, "of course, it's not that I don't do anything. I've already made an appointment with another person for you. Although his influence is not the biggest, it can't be underestimated!"

Diana frowned and said, "who else do you want to ask? Can't you do it alone? "

But Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "Miss Diana, you think too much of me. I'm just a horseman under your father's hands at most. I have no power to save your father. If I want to save your father, no one and no power, how can I save him?"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved, and she said in secret, you said that earlier, what else do I want to do with you? But he didn't say anything, but looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng then said to Li Weisi, "is the person you are looking for reliable?"

Levis shook his head and said, "unreliable!"

When Diana heard this, she couldn't help but wonder, "unreliable, what do you want him to do?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "the most reliable thing in the world is not people, but money and interests. As long as we tell him what he will get after saving flamencourt, he will become quite reliable!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, can't help laughing, Liweisi this is actually before Ye Feng to Liweisi evaluation, Liweisi reliable doesn't matter, the key is interest.

Diana also seems to think of Ye Feng's words. After listening to Li Weisi, she can't help but be stunned, and then she looks at Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng nodded and said, "in this case, wait!"

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