After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Reeves said, "are you Carlos' son Domingo?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow slightly a frown ground looking at Li Weisi way, "do you know me?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know you, but I know your Lao Tzu Carlos. You have Carlos temperament between your eyebrows!"

Ye Feng lights a cigarette and doesn't speak. Diana hears that she is moved. She doesn't know whether to tell Levis. In fact, the Domingo in front of him is a fake.

There was a moment of silence in the cabin, and no one spoke. Finally, Levis looked at Diana standing on one side and said, "don't stand and wait, sit down!"

Diana just recovered. She didn't really want to sit down. She just felt that the atmosphere in the wooden house was very depressing. In addition, there was a musty smell, which made her uncomfortable.

Before Diana refused, Levis's cell phone rang. He took a look at it and said to Ye Feng and Diana, "here comes the man!"

After he got through the phone, he frowned. After a long time, he said that he knew, and then he hung up.

Diana immediately asked Levis, "what's the matter? Is anyone here? "

Levis then put away his cell phone, stood up and said, "it seems that not everyone likes this place!"

Diana couldn't help but be surprised, and then said, "not everyone likes it. It should be a normal person. They won't like it here!"

Levis looked at Diana and said, "it seems that I like living here. In Miss Diana's e-yan-li, I belong to the kind of abnormal people!"

Diana was stunned. For a moment, she didn't know how to explain it. In fact, to tell the truth, in Diana's heart, she really felt that Levis was not normal.

However, Levis did not tangle with this problem. Instead, he said to Ye Feng and Diana, "they refused to come here. They gave me an address. Let's go to find him!"

At this time, Ye Feng also stood up and threw away his cigarette butts, but Li Weisi immediately went up and stampeded out, "if you smoke here, you should always put an end to the hidden danger of disaster. Once a house is on fire, it is the whole poor people suffer!"

Ye Feng smell speech sorry shrug, in fact, even if Li Weisi don't go up stampede, Ye Feng will take the initiative to stampede, but he didn't explain anything.

After walking out of the door with Levis, Levis took the door with him and left. Diana couldn't help but wonder, "don't you lock the door?"

Levis said without looking back, "what else is there to steal in such a place?"

When Diana heard this, she thought it was reasonable. She shrugged her shoulders and followed Ye Feng.

When they got back to their parking place, Diana suddenly yelled, "how could this happen?"

Ye Feng at this time is also a frown, their car has been under two wheels.

Levis, however, looked calm and said in a calm tone, "they can't help it. One wheel can change their food expenses for a week. I did the same thing in those years!"

Diana immediately said, "that can't be done. Now we don't have a car. What should we do?"

Levis then took out a car key and said, "it doesn't matter, I have a car!"

Diana can't help but wonder, "where is your car? Didn't you get out of the car? "

However, Reeves shrugged his shoulders and said, "here, no one will get off the wheel of my car. They will only start with the car they don't know and get into here by mistake."

While speaking, Levis takes Diana and Ye Feng to the edge of another alley. Ye Feng and Diana see a black Passat stopping at the side of the road.

As Levis said, his car was parked there intact, and no one got off the wheels of Levis's car.

Levis opened the door and sat in. After Ye Feng and Diana got on the bus, he started the car and said, "your car can't go even if its wheels haven't been stolen, and your car's gasoline has been used up!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but smile a way, "it seems to eat out, even the skeleton is not left!"

Levis nodded solemnly and said, "yes, everything on the car can be sold for a lot of price, which is very important for their survival!"

But Diana immediately planned to say, "don't talk about it. Let's drive away from this place! I think it's going to get goose bumps. "

Reeves can't help shrugging his shoulders, immediately started the car and drove away.

While Li Weisi was driving, Ye Feng noticed that people in the slums on the road seemed to give way to Li Weisi, and even some people nodded to Li Weisi in the driver's seat.

Ye Feng see this scene, heart secret way, it seems that Levi's reputation here is not low, at least he saw the situation is so.

After waiting for the car to leave the slum, Diana was completely relieved. "I can't believe you can live here!"Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you were born here and grew up here, you would not feel so abrupt. For me, there is no place that makes me feel more safe and comfortable than here!"

Ye Feng is toward Li Weisi way, "you about this person, in the end what way?"

Levis said, "he's one of flamencourt's men It can be said that it's the third force. Shi Kefei's force belongs to the first force, but of course it's not Shi Kefei himself. He's just one of them! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng said, "so, the person we are going to meet now is the fourth person besides Francesco?"

Li Weisi nodded and said, "it can be said that, but he has been secretly preparing to go all these years, but he can't find the opportunity. In addition, there are three old guys on the table, even if he has the opportunity, he can't get it! I believe there has been a backlog of grievances over the years, right

Diana asked Levis, "who are you talking about? Do I know him? "

Levis immediately said, "of course, he is Charlie!"

Diana couldn't help but look at the words and said, "Charlie? Didn't he leave my father and set up a new house? "

But Levis said with a smile, "how can things be so simple?"

Ye Feng immediately understood and explained to Diana, "how can you set up another door? Your father's power is all over Michoacan, and even the whole of Mexico. Other Mexican drug lords have almost been eradicated. Do you think your father will tolerate a person to go out and set up another door and fight against himself?"

When Diana heard this, she suddenly said, "what you said is very reasonable, but I've heard other people say it!"

Li Weisi looked at Ye Feng with admiration, and then said to Diana, "he came out alone with your father's permission. He was excluded in the gang, so he couldn't have any chance to get ahead, so he wanted to go, but your father asked him and gave him some resources to do it by himself, but it was up to him to do it well or badly Now is the time for him to repay your father! "

Then Levis opened the car window, put his hand on the car window, held his chin and continued, "but now in this world, everything depends on the interests, and repaying kindness depends on conscience. We can't rely on the conscience of others!"

"What do you mean?" Diana said

Ye Feng then said to Li Weisi, "as I said before, repaying kindness is repaying kindness, helping is helping, but these are not free, including your father helping him in those years, and not completely free. The reason is the same!"

At this time, Reeves looked at Ye Feng with admiration and said, "my impression of Domingo is a flower company in Michoacan. There is nothing else in my mind except that women are other people's women. You can actually see these things. It seems that I have lost my sight!"

Ye Feng shrugged slightly and said, "I just don't want to care about these things. I don't want to talk about them. In fact, I know a lot of things very well..."

Levis said with a faint smile, "Oh? Is that right? "

Then he said in a deep voice, "if you really know everything, you should know that Carlos' death was shot by mahanda, but the order was given by flamencourt. That is to say, flamencourt is your father's enemy, but now you are with Dianna, saying that her father is the only one to help her. Don't you think it's very strange? ”

hearing this, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't explain many things clearly. I only know Diana believes in me. I don't want to let her down!"

Levis looked at Diana and said, "Miss Diana, do you trust your enemy so much?"

Diana knew that Ye Feng was not Domingo for a long time, and this doubt was also suspected when she didn't know Ye Feng's identity. At this time, she just nodded and said, "yes, I believe him! Believe it unconditionally

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