Levis was surprised to hear what Diana said. He looked at Diana in the rearview mirror, but said nothing more.

Ye Feng said to Li Weisi at this time, "you don't have to care who I am. You just need to know that I am standing beside Diana. Everything I do is for Diana!"

Levis frowned slightly and glanced at Yefeng. "It's just for Diana, not for flamencourt?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders when he heard what Li Weisi said, and then sighed, "Diana may not believe you at first, but I urge Diana to trust you, so we will come to you. Unexpectedly, I trust you, but you may not trust me!"

Diana can't help but say to Levis, "yes, after all, I don't know my father's men very well. I just mentioned you in front of him and my father's evaluation of you. He said you are trustworthy and will help me!"

Reeves could not help but frown when he heard the speech. After taking a thoughtful look at Ye Feng, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "well, since you trust me so much, I'll say something more about questioning you. I'm afraid Diana may not believe me!"

Before Ye Feng spoke, Levis immediately said, "but I don't like to tell lies. Although you trust me and believe I can help Diana, I still have some reservations about you. Of course, this reservation doesn't affect us to save flamencourt!"

Diana was just about to speak, but Ye Feng shrugged her shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter. You and I don't want to make friends. As long as we can maintain the trust in cooperation, you can still maintain your doubts about me in other aspects! To tell you the truth, I asked Diana to come to you not because of your absolute loyalty to flamencourt, but according to the situation, only if you help flamencourt will your interests be maximized, so you will surely save him! "

Li Wei Si listens to Ye Feng to say so, a burst of speechless, just drive a car, did not speak again.

Ye Feng saw that Li Weisi didn't say a word, he knew that he had already said Li Weisi's mind, but Li Weisi didn't say anything, and Ye Feng didn't break it.

The car was quiet for a time. After a long time, Diana asked Levis, "how long will it be?"

Levis said, "it'll be here in a minute!" Then he began to accelerate the car, and soon stopped at the door of a western style tea restaurant. He said to Ye Feng and Diana, "here, get off!"

With these words, Levis immediately got off the bus. Ye Feng and Diana also got off the bus immediately. Diana couldn't help asking Levis, "is it here?"

After Li Weisi nodded, he immediately entered the restaurant. After Ye Feng and Diana looked at each other, they immediately followed him.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a lot of young people who didn't look like decent people standing on the first floor. When I saw Diana and Ye Feng go in, I couldn't help looking more.

However, when he saw Li Weisi passing by, he nodded to Li Weisi one after another. After a middle-aged man came down, he said a few words to Li Weisi and immediately took him to the second floor.

Levis looked back at Diana and Ye Feng and motioned them to follow him upstairs. After the three men went upstairs, he guessed that a middle-aged man with curly hair looked like a dark brown race, as if there was a mixture of Mexican and black people.

Diana then whispered to Yefeng, "he's Charlie!"

Ye Feng nodded and didn't speak. At this time, he saw that after Li Weisi passed by, Charlie immediately stood up and said warmly to Li Weisi, "Li Weisi, I really wanted to invite you before, but I couldn't do it!"

Then he went up and held his hand with Levi. After pulling Levi's hand, he pulled it hard. After drawing it closer, he hit Levi's shoulder with his shoulder.

Ye Feng saw that Charlie not only looked black, but also black in etiquette.

When Reeves sat down, Charlie looked at Diana and said, "Diana, welcome!"

Then he hugged Diana and asked Diana to sit down. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "Domingo? When did you become Diana's horse

But Ye Feng shrugged and didn't speak. He went to the back of the seats of Levis and Diana, sat there and lit a cigarette without saying a word.

Charlie took a look at Ye Feng, then sat down and said to Li Weisi, "now the purpose of Shi Kefei is very clear, that is to control flamencourt, so as to control the whole group!"

Reeves could not help nodding his head. "This is the situation now. If schleffer controls flamencourt, then the whole group will be in Cruise's hands. At that time, no matter you or I, I'm afraid there will be no place to live in Mexico!"

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's mainly you. Now I'm not a member of your group. It doesn't affect me much for the time being!"

Li Weisi hears speech but a smile way, "the influence is not big? Maybe. It may not affect them for the time being, but once the situation is stable, you will be their first goal. Don't forget, let alone in Michoacan, which is the whole of Mexico, how many people can earn their own money under the eyelids of flamencourt? You are the only one. For this reason, flamencourt offends many people. If he offends others, it means that you offend others. Do you want to have a little influence? Are you going out for a few years without the pressure of competition, so your brain is already silting up? "As soon as Charlie heard this, he frowned slightly and then lit a flue. "Well, what do you want me to do?"

Levis also lit a cigarette. After thinking for a long time, he said, "if we attack by force, I'm afraid it will hurt flamencourt in the end, so we can only outwit him!"

Charlie said anxiously, "of course I know how to outwit, but how?"

Li Weisi smoked a cigarette, but did not speak immediately, but looked back at Ye Feng, who was sitting behind him, smoking with his back to them, and said, "Domingo, you must have something to do?"

Charlie didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak. He frowned slightly and said, "do you ask this playboy? What can he do? "

But Levis said with a smile, "don't be cheated by the appearance of Domingo. This boy is full of flowery intestines!"

Charlie can't help but frown, staring at Ye Feng, after a look, said, "well, you'd better tell me what can be done to save him without harming flamencourt!"

Ye Feng then put out the cigarette, stood up, walked to the middle of Levis and Charlie, looked at the two humanity, "of course, there is a way, and it is very simple, but Mr. Charlie has to make a huge sacrifice!"

When Charlie heard this, he frowned and said, "great sacrifice? What kind of sacrifice? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at Charlie and said, "for you, this is a big gamble. If you win, you and Levis will be the best left and right hands of flamencourt. If you lose, Michoacan, even Mexico and even South America will have no place for you!"

Charlie sneered and said, "don't scare me by saying this. I'm not scared. Just tell me your way. I'll listen to it!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "from now on, the people of your power should start to clearly target the territory of Shi Kefei and cruise. No matter what method you use, you must make Shi Kefei and cruise feel uncomfortable! It's just Do you have that ability? "

Charlie frowned and said, "do you want me to declare war on Scofield and cruise?"

Then Charlie looked at Levis and said, "is that what you call a good idea? If my forces could declare war with cruise, I would not have left that year! "

At this time, Levis did not have the slightest expression on his face. Instead, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "Charlie is right. Cruise's power is second only to flamencourt. Charlie's power can't compete with him at all!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "of course I know, so I said, we must make Shi Kefei and cruise feel uncomfortable. Pay attention, it's just uncomfortable, not painful!"

But Charlie looked at Ye Feng and said, "what does it mean to be miserable? Is that too broad a concept? "

Ye Feng said, "it's very simple, that is, don't harass them with their studio, make them feel uncomfortable, let them lack skills, disturb their feet, as long as they are in a mess, even if only one night, our opportunity will come!"

When Charlie heard this, he couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and murmuring, "harassing them?"

At this time, Reeves pondered and did not speak. After a long time, he looked at Charlie and said, "you should have this strength, don't you?"

Charlie immediately nodded and said, "of course, I just don't understand how to divide the degree of harassment!"

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