Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, "this is very simple, that is, he back you advance, he into you back, anyway, peripheral harassment, never with them in direct conflict, in other words, never painlessly harass her, avoid and they just face!"

Reeves can't help but say to Charlie, "now you should know how to do it? What he said is quite clear! "

Charlie can't help nodding and said, "I understand, but I risk offending cruise to harass him and Shi Kefei. What do you do? You don't just do nothing but watch the fun? "

Levis frowned and said, "why don't you understand? As long as your work is in place, then the next thing is our business!"

Charlie sniffs speech to look at Li Weisi in amazement way, "your business?"? What's the matter with you? After all, I just heard that I was going to fight cruise, but I couldn't see what you were going to do! "

At this time, Levis sighed slightly, then turned his head to Ye Feng and said, "Domingo, tell him!"

Ye Feng also admires Charlie's intelligence. It's estimated that he is a brave and resourceless one. No wonder flamencourt made him out of the group to support himself. If he stayed in the group, he would have been destroyed.

However, although he thought so in his heart, he said to Charlie, "when you harass cruise and schleffe, they can't bear to deal with you. When they start to prepare to deal with you, their mind will not be on flamencourt. At least they have to part their mind. At that time, we will go to save flamencourt. Isn't the obstacle much smaller?"

As soon as Charlie heard this, his heart moved, and then he suddenly said, "Oh, I see. You mean, I'm going to attract the attention of Scofield and cruise. You're taking the opportunity to sneak attack, aren't you?"

Ye Feng can't help shrugging his shoulders and said, "it's not too accurate, but it's almost the same!"

Levis then said to Charlie, "so, are you ready to be the enemy of Scofield and cruise?"

Charlie can't help nodding and said, "of course, I'm ready. Do you still need to be ready? I'm always ready No, it should be said that I'm doing it all the time. Don't forget why I left the group in those years because I was pushed out by Cruise. Do you think I will forget this? How much trouble have I caused them over the years? So I don't need to be prepared at all. I don't need to be prepared physically or mentally. I do it all the time! "

Hearing what Charlie said, Reeves nodded to Charlie, then stood up and said, "let's split up!"

Seeing this, Charlie also got up and asked Levis, "Levis, if you want to save flamencourt, count me in. Just leave the harassment of Cruz to the younger brother below. I can't play with you, but save people with a little force besides my heart. You absolutely need me!"

Reeves can't help staring at Charlie, nodded at him and said, "OK, we'll let you know when we move!"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he immediately grinned and said, "all right, Levis, I'm waiting for your call. You can't break your appointment. I can't play with you. I'll forget it before. If you do this again this time, I'm really angry!"

Levis nodded, said nothing, turned and left. Ye Feng and Diana got up and left.

Charlie was smoking a cigarette and yelling to Diana, "Diana, don't worry, your dad's business is with me and Levis. I'm sure it won't go wrong!"

Diana quickly nodded to Charlie. After thanking him with her eyes, she went downstairs and left the tea restaurant.

After getting on the bus, Diana immediately asked Levis, "what do you do now? Should we go and save my dad? "

After looking at the time on his watch, Reeves said, "we've just come this way. Charlie hasn't done anything yet. We can't do anything now."

Diana quickly said, but Ye Feng immediately said to Diana, "what Levis said is right. Now we have to wait, wait for Charlie to act first, wait for progress, and then we can take the next step!"

Diana could not help sighing, "wait again? If you wait any longer, it'll be light! "

At this time, Levis said, "do you want to rescue your father step by step and safely, or do you want us to start now and take action in a completely uncertain situation. Not only can we not save your father, we may also suffer. It doesn't matter if we die, but no one can save your father any more!"

Diana was stunned when she heard what Reeves said. She looked at Reeves in amazement for a long time. Then she nodded and said, "OK, I'll wait!"

At this time, Ye Feng lit a cigarette, sat in the back seat, opened the window to smoke cigarettes, but his eyes were staring at the tea restaurant, and asked Li Weisi, "is Charlie's base camp here?"

Levis said, "cunning rabbit three caves, this is just a hiding place for him. If this was the base camp, he would have been killed by Cruise long ago!"With that, Li Weisi said to Ye Feng, "don't be blinded by his appearance!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "Oh?"

Levis said with a mysterious smile, "do you think Charlie is just a brave fool? If you think so, when you die in his hands, you don't know why! He's full of ghosts

Diana didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak. She was immediately surprised and said, "ghost spirit? I don't think he knows anything. He can't even come up with an idea. Is that a ghost? "

Levis said with a cold smile, "Charlie is a fool. If he didn't pretend to be stupid, he would have been killed long ago. It's because he looks like he doesn't have any scheming and anyone can use him, so he can live until now! His appearance has blinded you

When Diana heard this, she couldn't help sighing, "right? I've heard my father say that before, but he just said it and never mentioned it again

Levis said, "your father is very good at seeing people. That's why, for so many years, although there are so many mountains under him, as long as he's around, he can't leave! It's because your father knows the characteristics of everyone! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time and said, "I'm quite accurate in judging people, but now that you say that, I may have lost sight of Charlie!"

But Levis said with a smile, "it's not possible, it's certain! In fact, he has a lot of ideas in his mind, including our plans. He may have already thought about them, but he doesn't say it himself, he wants us to say it! "

Diana asked, "why? It's nothing to say! "

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "so it seems that Charlie really has his cleverness!"

Diana asked with a puzzled face, "what's so brilliant? what do you mean? Why can't I see that? "

Li Weisi also looked at Ye Feng and said, "I also want to listen to Domingo's opinions!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if he says the plan, he is the mastermind of the plan. Once it is done, of course, his credit is the biggest. There is no doubt about this. But once it fails, his guilt is also the biggest. But if the mastermind of the plan is us, he is only an accomplice. Even if it fails, he can refuse to say that it is because of human face, and what's more Most of all, he wanted to harass cruise and them, not to risk saving flamencourt! "

On hearing this, Diana frowned at Ye Feng and said, "no, when we left just now, he told Li Weisi to inform him to go!"

Levis couldn't help laughing and said, "I'll inform him when I get there, but I can say that he must have many excuses at that time, such as being entangled by Cruise's people and being unable to get away..."

Diana couldn't help but look at Levis in amazement.

But Ye Feng nodded and said, "but it doesn't matter. As long as he can really entangle the forces of cruise and schleffe, we will be able to save flamencourt!"

At this time, Li Weisi looked at Ye Feng and said, "how can I save you? With the three of us? "

But Ye Feng looked at Li Weisi and said, "it's not the three of us, it's just me!"

Li Weisi and Diana can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "just you?"

Levis said, "how can you save flamencourt by yourself? It's too much of a stretch, isn't it? "

Ye Feng took a look at Li Weisi and said, "you're a scholar, I'm a rough man. Let me do this kind of fighting and killing."

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