Reeves can't help but look at Domingo in surprise and says, "I'll give you the fight?"

Ye Feng knows that Li Weisi must still treat himself with his understanding of Domingo. Domingo is a playboy whose body has been hollowed out by wine and sex. If he is really Domingo, it's really over to count on himself.

It's a pity that Levis doesn't know who he is. If he happens to know the name of Satan and knows that he is Satan, his eyes will be totally different now.

Think of here, leaf maple just slightly shrugged, did not explain what.

And after Li Weisi stares at Ye Feng for a long time, he takes a deep breath, "you're not Domingo, absolutely not!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, heart next move, Diana complexion is also move, she almost want to ask Li Weisi how do you see?

And Li Weisi at this time toward Ye Feng way, "a person's eyes can't deceive people, your eyes have Domingo impossible wisdom and kill! This is a change that Domingo is unlikely to make in the near future! "

After taking a deep breath, Reeves got a glimpse of Diana's strange eyes and was more sure of what he thought. He immediately affirmed, "so, you're definitely not Domingo!"

Ye Feng didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that we are not enemies. That's enough!"

Li Weisi looks at Ye Feng thoughtfully. After a long time, he looks at Diana and questions her whether she knows.

But in fact, he didn't have to look at Diana at all. She should have known the answer with her strange eyes before.

Levis was silent at this time. He didn't seem to expect that Domingo would not be Domingo in the end.

Now all doubts seem to have made sense. After all, Carlos, Domingo's father, was ordered by flamencodo to be killed by mahanda himself.

If ye Feng is Domingo, how can anyone be willing to save his father's enemy under normal logic.

So before, Li Weisi always had doubts about Ye Feng, but Ye Feng was really thinking about how to help flamencourt when he was talking and doing things, which made Li Weisi confused.

But now, if ye Feng is not Domingo at all, then Carlos' death has nothing to do with him, and there is no hatred of killing his father. Then Ye Feng is willing to help flamencourto, which is a matter of course.

But now, although most of them are sure that Ye Feng may not be Domingo, new problems will arise. Who is he? Why help flamencourt? What is his purpose?

Ye Feng sees that Li Weisi stares at him all the time and doesn't speak. In fact, he can roughly guess what Li Weisi is thinking.

After all, Levis is not the first to doubt that he is not Domingo, nor is he the first to doubt his intention to save flamenco.

He thought to Levis, "you don't have to think about it any more. You have no choice to cooperate with me now."

On hearing this, Reeves could not help but sneer, "no choice? You mean we have to work with you to save flamencourt? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "yes, I'm not bragging. In this world, if I can't save flamencourt, then no one can save him. On the contrary, if I don't want you to save flamencourt, no one can save him in this world! In this way, do you think that you have no choice but me? "

When Li Weisi heard Ye Feng say this, he was extremely confident, not that kind of artificial confidence, but that kind of innate confidence, as if it should have been.

Looking at Ye Feng so, Li Weisi can't help murmuring, "who are you in the end?"

Just as she was saying that, Diana said to one side, "look, Charlie's on the move!"

Ye Feng and Li Weisi can't help looking out of the car, but they don't know when to use 100 people on the side of the road. They all walk towards the tea restaurant, one by one, which looks like the dragon and Phoenix, and is obviously a gangster on the Mexican street.

A group of people went to the door of the tea restaurant, but they didn't go in, and they couldn't all go in. Only a few of the leaders went into the tea restaurant and apparently went to find Charlie.

After about half an hour, after several people came down again, they explained to their subordinates, and the hundred or so people disappeared from the tea restaurant in an instant.

Diana then asked Levis, "are Charlie's men out now?"

Levis could not help nodding, "it should be right, we just wait for Charlie to give us the news!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "we are waiting for the news of Charlie, but there is no need to wait here. We can go to the villa where flamencourt is, observe the situation there first, and then wait for the news of Charlie by the way!"

Diane can't help nodding and echoing, "he's right. What are we waiting to do here?"However, Levis hesitated for a while, did not drive away immediately, and did not speak.

Ye Feng understood why Levis didn't drive, and immediately said, "do you still suspect that I will be bad for flamenco?"

Levis nodded and said, "now that you're asking me so plainly, I'll tell you plainly. I don't trust you more and more. What's your purpose of saving flamencourt? Who are you? These are all doubts! "

Then Levis said to Diana, "Miss Diana, I know you already know he's not Domingo, but do you know who he is? Why would he help you? Have you thought about that? "

Diana also moved when she heard the words, but after taking a deep breath, she said to Levis, "Levis, I trust him unconditionally. I hope you can trust him as unconditionally as I do. If we are still suspicious of each other at this time, then my father can't expect to be rescued!"

When Li Weisi saw that Diana trusted Ye Feng so much, he could not help frowning. Of course, he didn't understand what kind of ecstasy Ye Feng had given Diana, which made Diana trust him so much.

Seeing this, Ye Feng sighed to Levis, "if you don't believe me, you can take Diana first, and I'll act alone, so I don't have any burden!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately opened the door, Diana quickly pulled Ye Feng way, "where are you going?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "since we are reluctant to be together, it's better to act separately in exchange for mutual suspicion."

With that, Ye Feng said to Levis, "your side has already been deployed. Charlie helps you attract cruise and schleffer's attention. Relatively speaking, the pressure on your side is much less, but you'd better arrange Diana before you act, and don't let him get involved in the danger..."

Ye Feng said this, or opened the door to get off, toward the driver's seat of Levis waved, "predestined good-bye!"

Seeing this, Diana quickly opened the car door and got out of the car, catching up with Ye Feng and said, "don't be like this. Levis has doubts because she doesn't know who you are, which is reasonable!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown at Diana and say, "is that reasonable? In this way, you don't trust me 100 percent, and your suspicion of me should be reasonable? "

Diana took a deep breath, and then sighed to Ye Feng, "yes, I don't believe you completely, but it's just because we don't know about you, your purpose, who are you? We have to get along with you with such questions all the time. Can't you be frank and tell us who you are, so that we all have no doubt? "

Listening to Diana's words, Ye Feng could not help but smile at her and shrug her shoulders. "First of all, I want to thank you for your confession. Secondly, even if I tell you my identity, you may not know it! I just want to say that I save your father entirely on your face, otherwise, whether he is dead or alive has nothing to do with me. Now even you don't trust me, I feel that what I do is meaningless, so that's the end of the matter, not me! "

On hearing this, Diana said anxiously, "how can that work?"

At this time, Reeves got out of the car and took a look at Ye Feng and Diana. Then he took a deep breath and said, "come on, get in the car! I don't need to know who you are! "

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at Li Weisi, "don't know?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "you see how anxious Diana is. If you go now, I believe Diana will go too. If so, our rescue will break up before it starts. What's the point?"

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