When Ye Feng heard what Li Weisi said, he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'd rather break up the gang than have different ideas. Mutual distrust means that breaking up the gang can't save flamenco, but if we suspect each other, we can't save flamenco, and it's easy to break in by ourselves."

Levis then took a deep breath and said, "I understand what you mean. Everyone has his own privacy. I just don't know you, so I have some questions. I believe you should be able to understand, too?"

On hearing this, Diana immediately echoed Levis's words and said to Ye Feng, "yes! If Levis says that, don't leave! You are I'm at ease! "

After listening to Diana's words, Ye Feng nodded and said, "since you have all said that, if I go again, it seems that I will be unkind, so I won't go!"

Diana immediately went up to hold Ye Feng's arm and took him to the other side of Levi's car. When she got to the car, she pushed him into the car.

After Li Weisi saw Diana and Ye Feng get on the car, he sighed. He got on the car and started it. The car left the side of the road, but this time he drove again, the road became very quiet.

Diana and Levis did not speak any more, Ye Feng did not speak, just looking at the night scene outside the window, no one spoke.

Finally, seeing that the atmosphere was depressing, Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "in about half an hour, we'll be near the villa. What are you going to do?"

Ye Feng knows that Li Weisi is asking himself. He shrugs his shoulders and says, "the car will stop nearby and wait for Charlie's news. It's almost done there. As long as Shi Kefei and cruise leave the villa, I'll go there alone. Just wait for me in the car!"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "are you going to the villa alone? You haven't been there. I don't know anything about it. Let me go with you

Levis said, "Miss Diana, just wait in the car. I'd better go in with you. I'm familiar with it."

But Ye Feng said to Li Weisi, "let's all go in and let Diana stay in the car. In case of being found here, who will guarantee Diana's safety? I'll go in alone. I can't take care of myself if there are too many. Just stay in the car and protect Diana! "

Li Weisi hears speech for a while and looks at Ye Feng thoughtlessly. He doesn't speak. Ye Feng also looks at Li Weisi and says, "or if you have a better plan, you can say it and listen to it!"

Levis shook his head slightly and said, "there's no plan. Just do as you say. Diana and I will stay in the car and wait for you. You can go into the villa alone and rescue flamencourt!"

Diana couldn't help looking at Levis in surprise and said, "do you really let him in alone?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "since we have kept him, it means that at least in saving flamencourt, we recognize that he will do his best. Since we believe in him, we need absolute trust!"

Li Weisi also said to Ye Feng, "don't you think so?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "of course, I dare to go in alone, which also means that I have 100% trust in you, because you are my backup. I'm not unfamiliar with the terrain inside. I need you to connect with me by phone to ensure my action! I give you my back! "

Li Weisi hears speech to say toward Ye Feng, "this you although rest assured, we wait for your good news!"

But Ye Feng said to Li Weisi, "wrong, we have to wait for Charlie's good news first!"

Li Weisi smelt speech light smile, immediately took out a cigarette, also handed Ye Feng a way, "then we sit here, waiting for good news!"

Ye Feng took the cigarette from Li Weisi and lit it. He didn't speak any more. Soon, Li Weisi's car drove into a mountain area and finally stopped in the woods on a hillside.

After waiting for the car to stop, Reeves got out of the car, took out a telescope from the trunk and walked toward the side of the hill.

Ye Feng and Diana also opened the car door and followed Levis to the hillside. However, they saw that there was a villa not far from the hillside. At this time, it was still brightly lit. It was no more than ten miles from here.

Diana immediately said to Ye Feng, "that's my home!" Then he said to Levis, "how do you know there's such a place here where you can see my home?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "since flamencourt was shot, I've been preventing this kind of special situation, so I've done a survey around here for a long time!"

Diana suddenly nodded, but Ye Feng took a look at Levis and didn't say anything.

When Levis took the telescope and looked at the villa over there for a few minutes, he put down the telescope and said, "outside the villa, there are almost all cruise and Schiffer's people!"

Ye Feng took the telescope in Li Weisi's hand and looked at the villa in the distance. However, he saw that the courtyard of the villa was full of people, as Li Weisi said.

In addition, every room in the main building of the villa has lights on, and people can even be seen from here. Obviously, people here are not going to sleep tonight.After Ye Feng finished reading and put down his telescope, Levis walked toward the car and said, "it's no use looking now. Get on the car and wait for Charlie's call!"

Diana takes Ye Feng's telescope and stares at the villa for a while, as if hoping to find his father in the telescope.

Then Diana said to Ye Feng, "did you see the second window on the right of the third floor just now? The light inside is yellow. That is my father's bedroom. When I left, my father was still lying there!"

Ye Feng then took a look through the telescope and nodded, "that is to say, you probably still have that room, right?"

After putting down the telescope, Ye Feng saw Diana nodding, then said to Diana, "give it to me later, don't think about it! Get in the car

Diana nodded and followed Ye Feng to the car.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. As soon as he sees that it's Dixie's number, his heart moves and he immediately connects the phone.

However, the voice of qianse bee comes from the phone. Ye Feng remembers that qianse bee is also using this number to contact himself. It must be Dixie who even gave her the phone in order to make him believe that qianse bee is her.

But listen to thousand color bee in the phone said, "Maria wake up, while I don't pay attention to run!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately move a way, "how didn't see live her?"

The thousand color bee said, "how can a man who wants to run be able to see?"

Ye Feng didn't mean to blame qianse bee. At this time, she sighed, "she must feel that we betrayed her, so she no longer trusts us!"

Thousand color bee nodded and said, "it should be right. What I'm worried about is that she will go to save Ma anda herself, which will be troublesome!"

After a while, Ye Feng said, "don't worry about her for the time being. You should get in touch with Dixie now. I'm going to the villa in flamencourt tonight and ask her to help me with the aftercare work."

Thousand color bee smell speech then toward Ye Feng say, "I can't contact her, didn't you see I call you number is also her?"? I can't get in touch with her unless she takes the initiative to get in touch with me! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but heart next move, secret way Dixi Si in the end what is doing, do so mysterious.

The thousand color bee then asked Ye Feng, "where are you now? Shall I go to find you?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and said, "no, you'd better try to find Maria. If you can find her, try to take her to a safe place. If you can't find her, you'll wait for me at Domingo's house!"

Finish saying this words, leaf maple also didn't again much and thousand color bee say what, directly hang up the phone.

Diana has been staring at Ye Feng. Seeing that he finished calling, she asked him, "did Maria run away?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I hope she's OK!"

Diana then reminded Ye Feng, "mahanda is also in the villa, but in the garage on the ground floor!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Diana and say, "you're not afraid that I can save two people in a row. Some of them have no skills. When the time comes, will it affect saving your father?"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "I just think Maria is a little pitiful. I don't think so much about it. Of course, you have to save my father first. If you have any spare power, you are considering saving Ma anda!"

Ye Feng can't help laughing when he hears the speech. At this time, Li Weisi's voice comes from the car and says, "here comes the news of hairdressing!"

Ye Feng and Diana smell speech heart is a move, immediately quickly toward the car over there.

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