At this time, Ye Feng has finished smoking a cigarette, but before the person who went to report came out, Ye Feng began to mutter in his heart. After so long, it shows that things are different.

Just thinking about it, I saw a man come over in a hurry. When he got to the door, he looked at Ye Feng and said to him, "hands up first, we need to search ourselves, so that you can go in and see Shi Kefei!"

Ye Feng had expected this, but he didn't hide the pistol. In his opinion, if he was Charlie's man, it would be very strange to have no weapon on him.

Ye Feng smell speech immediately raised his hand, let the other party to search his body, soon from his body will pistol to search away.

The man looked at the pistol, can't help but look at Ye Feng, and then put the pistol, this just get out of the way, "go in!"

Ye Feng then breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked in. After a few steps, he saw that the man behind him was still behind him, and his hand was on his waist, as if he might draw a gun at any time.

However, Ye Feng was indifferent and continued to walk towards the villa. However, as soon as he arrived at the villa gate, the man behind him immediately came up and whispered something to the guard at the villa gate. The guard at the gate just let him go.

When Ye Feng walked into the villa, he saw that the lobby on the first floor was full of people, and it didn't all look like ordinary minions.

When Ye Feng enters the door, those people just take a look and don't pay much attention to it. The person who takes Ye Feng to enter the door immediately reminds Ye Feng to follow him.

Ye Feng immediately followed the man to the second floor. There were many guards in the corridor on the second floor, and they were almost the same as those outside. They were all soldiers, and they were all armed.

Soon the man took himself to the door of a room, let Ye Feng wait, immediately went to knock on the door, and soon heard a man's voice in the room, let him in.

The man opened the door, took a step inside, and then said, "here comes the man!"

But hear inside spread a person's voice way, "let him come in!"

The man immediately stepped back and said to Ye Feng, "go in!"

Ye Feng nodded and then walked towards the house. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a black man sitting behind a desk. His eyes were looking at him.

And then he heard the sound of closing the door behind him. At this time, he heard the black man say, "you said you were Charlie's man?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right!"

The black man sneered and said, "Charlie is harassing my place everywhere now. When you come here at this time, aren't you afraid that I will kill you in a rage?"

Ye Feng shrugged at the black man and said, "it's not a question whether I want to or not, but whether I carry out Charlie's orders!"

Hearing this, the black man couldn't help looking at Ye Feng. After looking at him for a long time, he said coldly, "it seems that you know that you are very lucky to be here?"

Then the black man lit a cigar and continued, "since you know you may not be able to come or go back, you dare to come. It seems that you are a character under Charlie's hands. How come I haven't seen you before?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "there are so many people under Charlie's hands. I'm just a small role running errands. Even if you've seen it, you won't remember me!"

Hearing this, the black man could not help nodding, but his ox eyes kept staring at Ye Feng and looked up and down. Then he took a puff of cigarette and asked, "OK, now explain your intention. What exactly does Charlie want to do?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "Charlie asked me to take a message for you. He has no choice to do so!"

Hearing this, the black man frowned and sneered, "you have no choice but to harass me and cruise? This reason is really good! I'd like to know how he has no choice? "

Ye Feng didn't know whether the black man was Shi Kefei or cruise. Now when he said that, he knew that he should be Shi Kefei. Unexpectedly, Shi Kefei was a pure black man.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said, "now you've taken flamencourt. His daughter Diana has already found Charlie. I hope he can come out and rescue flamencourt!"

As soon as he heard this, he immediately frowned, "we've taken flamencourt? Charlie is thinking too much. Flamencourt was shot and almost lost his life. We are protecting flamencourt now. Who knows if there will be another shooter! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's what Charlie said to Diana at that time, but Diana just sneered and said that you just put flamencourt under house arrest in the name of protection. Now as long as flamencourt is in your hands, you can control the whole group!"

Shi Kefei was smoking a cigarette, quietly looking at Ye Feng, and did not speak.

Ye Feng continued to say at this time, "so Charlie has no choice but to harass you and cruise's field according to their requirements. Their purpose is to attract you to leave the villa so that they can come in and save flamencourt!"After listening to Ye Feng's words, Shi Kefei immediately pondered, and then said, "this method is really good. If I am Charlie, I will do the same. If cruise and I are cheated to leave the villa, he just helps Diana a lot. If we don't leave, I am Charlie, I will take the opportunity to turn harassment into occupation and take me and cruise In any case, Charlie won't lose money in some of the fields of Charles! "

At this point, Schlick flicked the ash, but frowned, "but I can't figure out why Charlie sent you to tell me that?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "Charlie's meaning is very simple. He doesn't want you to kill flamencourt. As long as you guarantee flamencourt is OK, he is just acting. After all, he is not a business in the group now. But when Diana comes, he has to do something. After all, he was promoted by flamencourt before. He doesn't want to be promoted He talks behind his back and says that Charlie is ungrateful, so he plays the part he should play, but you should also guarantee the life of flamenco! Otherwise, it's hard for him to explain! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Shi Kefei immediately looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully. He didn't speak for a long time until he finished smoking a cigarette in his hand and put it out. Then he said, "if cruise and I really kill flamencourt, what will happen to Charlie? Are you against us? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Charlie didn't say that clearly, but I guess he must have thought of flamencourt's kindness!"

But Shi Kefei sneered, "even if it's true, what can he do? It's just taking up a few of our fields. What else can we do? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "not only that, but also you and cruise's reputation may be ruined everywhere. After all, you are all brought out by flamencourt. If he dies in your hands, you will get the group. The name is not right and the words are not right. Although in the end, you can use iron blood to suppress some words that are not good for you, but this kind of deviant thing will happen If you do, there will certainly be opponents. Even if you can't deal with you positively or make a stumbling block secretly, you can still do it, and the continuous reaction will last for at least a few years, and it will always be your trouble! Just dealing with these, you'll have no skills. I don't think this is what you want to meet, is it

Shi Kefei heard Ye Feng say this, his heart can't help but move, after pondering for a long time, he lit a cigarette again, this just said to Ye Feng, "these are Charlie's meaning, or your own meaning?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I said that Charlie didn't say anything clearly, but I have followed Charlie for so many years and understood him well. The result must be like this!"

After a while, he said, "so what should cruise and I do?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you can continue to put flamencourt under house arrest, but you can't hurt him. Just control him, and be kind to him and his daughter Diana. When the time is ripe and cruise's reputation is up, let flamencourt's name be right. Then it's a matter of course. Why bother?"

Shi Kefei listened to Ye Feng and pondered for a long time. Then he nodded to Ye Feng and said, "OK, I'll think about it. You go back first!"

But Ye Feng didn't mean to leave. Instead, he said to Shi Kefei, "I have another mission here. I want to see with my own eyes that flamencourt is still alive, so that I can go back and explain to Charlie!"

On hearing this, Shi Kefei looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you still want to see flamencourt?"

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