Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if I don't see flamencourt, how can I tell Charlie that flamencourt is still alive?"

Shi Kefei looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while, but he didn't speak for a long time. He just smoked and looked at Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng noticed that one hand of Shi Kefei was thinking, and the other hand didn't know when it was under the table.

Ye Feng knows that Shi Kefei has already killed himself. The hand under the table must be holding some weapon.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, you can also not let me see, or even shoot me now, but if I can't go back at the specified time, then Charlie will not just harass you and cruise's territory!"

Shi Kefei's face sank as soon as he heard this, and then the hand was lifted up. As expected, he had a gun in his hand at this time, and immediately sneered at Ye Feng, "it's not so simple, what else?"

Ye Feng frowned slightly and said, "the guards here seem to be more than a dozen people at most, and they are all the elite of cruise and your men. But don't forget, flamencodo is in Michoacan, even the whole Mexican elite. For so many years, he has more than you and cruise. I believe there are a lot of them outside, though now People are here, but the mind may not be on you and cruise. Besides, there are still some people who are not here today! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng stepped forward involuntarily, but continued to say, "what you and cruise should know is that everyone is concerned about the life and death of flamencourt now. As long as there is any bad news coming out, people outside will think wildly. Who will be next? The group has changed. Will it involve them? At that time, a small villa, plus dozens of people, wanted to keep it. Isn't that ridiculous? "

Ye Feng also looked at the gun in Shi Kefei's hand and said with a sneer, "what's more, the friendship between flamencourt and the official is not what you can imagine. Charlie, at that time, as long as he finds the official, he will explain the ambition of you and cruise. I believe that even if your men are retired, their equipment is not as good as that of the active servicemen?"

On hearing this, Shi Kefei suddenly changed his face, then sneered, "where can Charlie have such great ability to find the government army?"

But Ye Feng said to Shi Kefei, "don't forget that Diana and Charlie are together. As long as Diana says that her father flamencourt was kidnapped and held hostage by you and cruise, do you say that even if cruise doesn't admit it, does the government believe you or flamencourt's own daughter?"

On hearing this, Shi Kefei's face suddenly changed. Of course, he knew that their relationship with flamencourt was nothing more than the relationship between the boss and his subordinates. He couldn't kiss flamencourt's daughter any more.

Ye Feng saw that Shi Kefei's face was different. Knowing that he was already upset, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "the main purpose of meeting flamencourt is to tell Diana that her father is very well now. You have so many people here, are you afraid that I will save flamencourt alone?"

At this time, schleffer put down his gun and sneered, "you saved flamencourt alone? Hey, hey, if you really have this ability, I'll admit it! "

Then he put away his pistol and stood up and said, "it's not up to me to say this thing alone. You stay in this room and don't go anywhere. I'll go to cruise to talk about it and see what he says."

Ye Feng immediately shrugged, went to the side of the stool and sat down, "OK, I'll wait!"

Shi Kefei took a look at Ye Feng, shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the room. He summoned two men at the door and said, "you'll stay at the door!"

Then he said in a low voice, "if the people in the room are abnormal..." At this point, he made a hand across his neck gesture, "there is no amnesty for killing!"

The two guards immediately pulled out their pistols and stood at the door. He walked away.

At this time, Ye Feng sat in the room, lit a cigarette and waited while smoking.

At this time see Shi Kefei has gone away, Ye Feng is also in the heart secretly long sigh of relief, it seems that now the action of wisdom is still successful.

At least half of the success has been achieved. He's been fooled by schkeffer, and the other half, of course, depends on what cruise says.

At this time, outside the villa, a car from the woods is slowly moving towards the villa, and even the headlights are not on.

It was Levis and Diana sitting on the car. Levis drove the car to a mile outside the villa. Then he stopped the car and said to Diana, "we can only drive here. If we get closer, we will hear the movement."

Diana nodded, then opened the door and got out of the car. She took a look at the villa not far away. She had mixed feelings. After all, what she was looking at was her own home, but now she could only look at it instead of going back.

When Reeves got out of the car, he handed Diana a pistol and said, "keep it by your side."

Although Diana is the daughter of flamencourt, she has never fired a gun.But at this time, she also took the pistol without hesitation and held it tightly in her hand.

At this time, Reeves took a look at the direction of the villa, but saw that there was no movement inside. He could not help frowning.

Diana saw such a situation, more and more believe what Levis said to herself.

If ye Feng really came to save his father flamencourt, why was there no movement in the villa?

Levis frowned at this time, he has been doubting Ye Feng, although this situation is somewhat unexpected, but in his heart that is reasonable, so there is no big accident.

It's just that he and Diana originally wanted to make some noise in the villa, and when they attracted the guards in the courtyard, they could go in.

But now, as before, nothing happened in the villa. Even if he and Diana wanted to go in, it was impossible.

That is to say, Levi's plan was completely disrupted. When he was having a headache, he heard a small car engine sound not far behind him.

Diana also heard it, and her face suddenly moved. Li thought immediately took Diana to one side of the bush.

Diana then asked Levis in a low voice, "who could it be?"

Levis didn't speak, and he was also very surprised. If it was the people of schleffer and cruise, his drivers would never walk in the woods or on the main road.

If it's Charlie's person, he will definitely inform himself in advance. In this way, the person who came here may not be either schleffer's or cruise's person or Charlie's person.

Just thinking about it, I saw a car had come over, and the car was parked on the side of their car.

After the car stopped, the door opened and a woman came down. She was walking towards their car. Obviously, she was surprised to see another car here.

It's dark in the woods. Even if there is a bright moon in the sky and it's covered by leaves, it's hard to see each other clearly. Levis can only tell a woman from her figure.

Diana was nervous, holding the pistol tightly in her hand, and asked Levis in a low voice, "now what? Are we hiding here all the time? "

Levi's mind also kept thinking, now everything is completely out of his plan, for a moment, he did not think how to deal with it now.

Just thinking about it, I saw that the woman was coming towards the bush.

Diana subconsciously pointed a gun at the woman, but when the woman walked in, Diana suddenly changed her face.

She can see each other's face vaguely now. Unexpectedly, this woman is Ye Feng's person. She immediately stands up and says, "hello..."

It's Qian se Feng. She is still curious after parking the car. How can there be a car here? It's clearly from Ye Feng. Is it Ye Feng's car?

The thousand color bee just wanted to look around to see the situation. Unexpectedly, a person suddenly appeared in front of her, which really scared her.

However, qianse bee quickly recognized Diana, which was completely relaxed, "it's you. I'm scared to death by you!"

Levis didn't expect that Diana and qianse bee knew each other. He was surprised, but he also stood up and walked out with Diana.

When qianse bee saw that there was someone behind the Bush, he thought it was Ye Feng's, but when he looked carefully, he was disappointed.

Diana went to the side of the thousand color bee and said, "what are you doing here? What about Maria? "

The thousand color bee did not answer, but asked Diana, "what about the others? Aren't you together? "

Diana said, "he's gone to the villa, we're here Meet him

Thousand color bee hears speech eyebrow to move a way, "have you to answer, what does he want me to answer to do?"

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