Diana can't help but frown and look at the thousand color bee, "he asked you to meet?"

As soon as qianse bee nodded, Levis asked qianse bee, "we haven't known him for such a long time. What's his name?"

On hearing this, qianse bee said, "didn't he tell you who he is?"

Both Levis and Diana could not help shaking their heads, saying they did not know.

And thousand color bee smell speech also just eyebrow slightly a frown, immediately shrug a shoulder way, "since he didn't say, I'm not convenient to say!"

Then he saw that Levis and Diana's face were moving, and they didn't say a word, and they didn't ask any more questions.

However, qianse bee said to Diana and Levis, "although I can't say who he is, I can tell you that he is definitely helping you..."

Then the thousand color bee looked at Diana and said, "and now he's the only one who can save your father!"

When Diana heard this, she was shocked. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Since knowing that Ye Feng is not Domingo, Diana's own mentality has been changing. She believes Ye Feng for a while and doubts for a while.

Now Diana doesn't know whether she wants to believe Ye Feng or continue to doubt Ye Feng.

At this time, Levis said to qianse Feng, "since he sincerely wants to save flamencourt and regards Diana as a friend, won't he not even say a name?"

Diana could not help nodding and said to the thousand color bee, "yes, it's just a name!"

After hearing this, qianse bee said, "to tell you the truth, I don't know his name, I only know his code name!"

Diana could not help but look at the thousand color bee and said, "code name?"

Levis also said with a puzzled face, "who would need to use a code? Is he an agent of another country? "

Thousand color bee shrugged and said to Levis and Diana, "I'm sorry, that's all I can say. No matter how many situations there are, I'd better wait for him to tell you!"

Levis and Diana did not speak after hearing the words. After they looked at each other, Levis asked qianse Fengdao, "so you came here to meet him after receiving his call?"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way, "right!"

Reeves then sneered and said, "it seems that he has doubts about us and doesn't believe that we will meet him, so he's ready for the second time?"

When Diana heard this, she couldn't help but move. She looked at Levis in a dazed way. Then she asked, "what should we do now?"

The thousand color bee comforted Diana and said, "have you ever thought about why he no longer believes you? First of all, you don't trust him any more. After the trust between you no longer exists, many things can't be entrusted to each other! "

Then qianse bee took a look at Levis and Diana, and then said, "if I'm not wrong, you are not here to meet him, but you want to take the opportunity to save people by yourself?"

Levis and Diana looked at each other for a moment, but did not speak.

The more they look like this, the more they know that they are not wrong. At this time, they sneer and say, "since you don't believe him, there's no need for him to save flamencourt again. You have directly explained that I don't believe he will say anything!"

With that, qianse Feng snorted coldly, then turned back and walked towards his car, but said, "you'd better not take any action, and you don't have to take care of him. I'm here enough!"

Levi's face moved at this time. He quietly pulled out his gun and said to the thousand color bee, "don't move, raise your hand. I'll shoot if I take another step!"

As soon as Diana heard this, her face suddenly moved, and she immediately looked at Levis. However, she saw that Levis really had a gun in his hand, which was facing the thousand color bee, and was walking towards her step by step.

Although she has doubts about Ye Feng's identity, after all, Ye Feng and qianse bee didn't hurt her. She just doubts it, and didn't want to confront each other.

Seeing this scene, Diana couldn't help saying, "Levis, what are you doing?"

But Levis said to Diana, "they are a group. Since they don't disclose their identity, it means that they have reservations about us, which is enough to show that they are not the same people as us and they are suspicious! We have to guard against it

At this time, qianse bee slowly raised her hand, but said, "I advise you not to do this, it's not good for you!"

But Levis said with a cold smile, "sorry, I don't want to do this, but I can't gamble with the safety of flamencourt! We can't afford to lose! "

The thousand color bee can't help sighing, and then asked, "can I turn around?"

Levis immediately grasped the pistol, stopped and said, "turn around slowly, don't make any small moves!"

After hearing what Li Weisi said, Qian se Feng nodded and answered. Then she turned around slowly and said to Li Weisi, "your gun is not safe yet!"As soon as Levis heard this, his heart moved and instinctively looked at the pistol in his hand.

But at the same time, the thousand color bee began to rush towards Levis.

Seeing this, Levis immediately raised his gun to qianse bee. When he wanted to pull the trigger, qianse bee's hand was already in his hand.

Without waiting for Reeves to come back to his senses, the gun in his hand has no idea when it will arrive at qianse bee's pistol.

Originally, he aimed his gun at qianse bee, but now it's the opposite. Qianse bee is facing Levis with the muzzle of his gun.

Diana looked silly. She didn't expect that just for a moment, it was Levis who controlled qianse bee, but now it is qianse bee who takes the initiative.

Thinking of Diana, she immediately said to qianse bee, "don't shoot. If you have something to say, we should be partners!"

But qianse bee looked at Levis with a sneer and said coldly, "when you aimed at me with the muzzle of a gun, did you ever think that you were partners?"

At this time, Reeves humed coldly, "stop talking nonsense, and shoot as soon as you want to kill! I, Levi, am not afraid of death and life! "

But Diana said immediately, "don't shoot. These are all misunderstandings. As long as you say it, it's OK!"

Then Diana said to Levis, "stop talking and listen to me!"

But the thousand color bee said, "no one will talk. I won't kill you, but just keep the present posture. I won't let you leave here to destroy his action!"

Diana was stunned and explained, "we're not trying to sabotage his actions. We just don't believe that he really meant to save my father, so we're going to save him ourselves..."

Qianse Feng shrugged and said, "no matter whether you believe him or not, I don't believe you now. Now you stand here and don't go anywhere. No matter what you do when you enter the villa, it will destroy you His existing plan

As soon as Li Weisi heard Qian se Feng's words, he couldn't help but move. Just now, he heard Qian se Feng mention a word, and his heart could not help hesitating, "Sa What are you throwing? "

At this time, qianse bee stepped back to his car and just sat in the front of the car. His gun was still pointing at Levis, and he said, "don't worry, unless he doesn't agree with you at the beginning, as long as he agrees, he will do it!"

Diana listened to qianse Feng's words and immediately relaxed her breath. "Do you mean he said he would save my father?"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way, "with my understanding to him is such! Of course, you may not believe it

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately said to the thousand color bee, "believe it, I believe it!"

Thousand color bee sneers a way however, "you believe him now, but I don't believe you!"

Levis didn't say a word all the time. He was thinking about whose code name would carry the word "Sa". Then he suddenly thought of something. He looked at the thousand color bee and said, "he is Satan

As soon as Qian se Feng heard this, his face suddenly changed. He looked at Li Weisi and said, "you..."

Said heart is a Lin, quickly become surprised eyes way, "what do you say? What Satan

But Levis said with a smile, "don't pretend. Just now you almost let slip. I think about the code with the word" Sa ". It's estimated that Satan is the only name in the world!"

But Diana was puzzled and asked Levis, "Levis, what are you talking about? What Satan? Who is Satan? "

Levis said to Diana, "don't we always suspect him, don't we know his identity? He is Satan, the famous Satan

Diana was still puzzled and said, "Satan? His name is Satan? Death? "

But Levis said, "he is more terrible than death!"

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