Diana couldn't help looking at Levi's face. Although she didn't know who Satan was, she could tell from Levi's voice how terrible Ye Feng's code name would be. Otherwise, whose code name would be Satan, the God of death?

Levis then looked at the thousand color bee and asked, "am I right? In fact, you don't have to say anything. I can see it from your eyes. I'm not wrong at all! "

Thousand color bee listen to Li Weisi so say, in the heart is really remorse oneself why say to leak mouth, but on the face but pretend a pair of indifferent appearance, a shrug way, "you say right, right!"

Levis had already confirmed the answer in his heart, but he hesitated when he saw the thousand color bee saying so, and it was still the same look.

But Diana looked at the thousand color bee and said, "who is he? Say it

But the thousand color bee sighed, "it doesn't matter who he is, it's important whether you believe him or not."

Levis immediately said, "if he is Satan, then I believe him!"

But Diana looked at Levis and said, "why is he Satan, and you believe him?"

Levis explained to Diana, "Diana, you may not have heard the name of Satan. He is the top agent in the world's top secret service organization. As long as it's something he takes over, there's nothing he can't do!"

After Li Weisi took a deep breath, he continued, "no wonder he said that it would be done if he went in alone at that time. Even if I said that the people of Shi Kefei and cruise were veterans, he seemed indifferent. It turned out that he was Satan, so everything made sense!"

Diana just nodded, still a little surprised, and said, "is that so?"

Levis then looked at the thousand color bee and said, "don't deny it. Now considering all the circumstances, he is absolutely Satan!"

The thousand color bee knows that it is counterproductive to deny it now, and can only shrug and say, "if you say yes, I have nothing to say. Otherwise, since you trust him now because he is Satan, I hope you will stay here with me and meet him here with me!"

Levis had already hesitated from the tone and expression of qianse bee, but now qianse bee does not deny it. On the contrary, Levis doubts whether he is wrong.

The thousand color bee can see from the hesitation of Levis that he has already got the effect by doing the opposite, and immediately says, "since everyone believes in him and Satan now, don't act rashly, just wait for his news!"

At this time, Levis looked at the thousand color bee and said, "give me a positive answer first. Is he Satan or not?"

Thousand color bee shrugged and said, "I'm not the kind of person who likes to talk about people's right and wrong. I said, is it all up to him to tell you personally in the future that I'm not responsible for answering this question?"

When Reeves hears the words, he immediately ponders. Believe it or not, it's between his own thoughts.

Diana immediately nodded and said, "let's wait for him here."

What about Reeves? Looking at Diana in surprise, he said, "do you believe them?"

Diana frowned and said, "Li Wei, what's the matter with you? Tell me that he is Satan's man, and you are the one who says that he can do what he promises. Now that I completely believe it, you say it instead? "

Reeves could not help sighing, "I'm just testing her. I'm not sure he must be..."

Diana frowned tighter, and immediately said, "no matter how much I trust him, I've become suspicious because you've been doubting this and that. Now I only believe him!"

At this time, qianse Feng said to Diana, "trust him, you can't be wrong! If you think about it carefully, what did he cheat you, and why did he cheat you? If he wants to do harm to your father, he can go directly to your father's opponent, or directly grasp you to meet your father's opponent. He can also offer a gift, which is easier to win the trust of the other party. I think it's also very easy for him to catch you! "

Diana immediately nodded and said, "yes, you're right. I've already figured it out. At this time, my father's life and death are uncertain. There are not many people I can count on. If I still doubt, my father will die. Even if I'm wrong, I can only believe him, and only believe him can my father have a chance of life !”

Speaking of this, Diana also stepped on Levis and said, "Levis, you are the same. Don't forget that he asked me to find you. Without him, I would not believe you. I believe you because I believe in him. So now I believe in him and you, so you don't have to doubt things any more."

After listening to Diana's words, Reeves sighed. After pondering for a long time, he nodded to Diana and said, "OK, let's wait here. Now it seems that we can only do so!"

With these words, Levis looked at the thousand color bee and said, "we agree to stay and meet him with you. Can you put down your gun?"Thousand color bee shrugged and put down the muzzle of the gun, but her eyes never left Li Weisi. She doesn't trust Li Weisi completely. She should always be on guard against this guy's backwater.

At this time, Ye Feng has smoked four cigarettes in his room. Shi Kefei hasn't come back since he left. He can't sit any more. He immediately gets up and goes to the door to open the door.

However, as soon as the door was opened, two guards were standing with guns in their hands. Seeing Ye Feng open the door, they all glared at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng knows that this must be Shi Kefei's order, and he won't let himself leave easily.

Ye Feng shrugged with a smile, then closed the door and went back to sit down. If he wanted to break through, it was too easy.

However, Ye Feng has not planned to do so for the time being. Now that he has initially won Shi Kefei's trust, and has decided to attack Wen, he has to give up his military strategy for the time being.

After waiting about a quarter of an hour, Ye Feng finally heard a sound of footwork outside the door. Soon the door opened and Shi Kefei came in again.

Originally, Ye Feng thought that if Shi Kefei came back this time, he might take cruise with him. Unexpectedly, Shi Kefei came back alone.

Shi Kefei walked into the house, looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you worried?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "no, you and cruise must have wasted a lot of words, right?"

After he sat down at his desk, he lit a flue. "Yes, he doesn't trust you or Charlie, so it's reasonable to waste some words!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I'm very glad to hear that from Mr. Shi Kefei. At least it shows that Mr. Shi Kefei believes me on your side!"

Shi Kefei shrugged his shoulders and said, "we can't talk about trust or distrust. Those who work in our field are bleeding all day. We can't talk about who we trust or who we don't trust! I just think part of what you said is more reasonable! "

Ye Feng smell speech then toward Shi Kefei way, "so say, the result now is that I can see Franco Mingo much?"

On hearing this, Shi Kefei pondered for a while. He did not speak for a long time, but smoked a cigarette.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "so, cruise didn't agree?"

After several puffs of cigarette, schleffer said, "yes, but there's a time limit. Ten minutes at most!"

Speaking of this, before Ye Feng spoke, Shi Kefei immediately said, "cruise means to let you see one eye, and then let you go immediately. I know that you may not be sure whether flamencourt is dead or alive, so I'll give you ten minutes after many persuasions. What do you have to say to flamencourt is enough!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng pondered for a while, then nodded, "ten minutes is enough, thank you

Then Ye Feng stood up and asked Shi Kefei, "do you want to go now?"

Shi Kefei said with a smile, "brother, don't be so anxious! Have a cigarette first

Then he took out a cigarette and threw it at Ye Feng. Then he got up with a lighter and went to Ye Feng's side to light a fire for him.

However, Ye Feng frowned at Shi Kefei, who was totally indifferent to his attentions and was either a traitor or a thief. He could not help frowning and said, "Mr. Shi Kefei has something to say!"

Shi Kefei then said with a smile, "I have something to say, but I'm thinking about how to say it to you!"

Ye Feng's brow is a wrinkly way again, "have words to might as well say directly, everybody is what origin, all is not unclear, can not come to that beat about the Bush drag text to play method!"

Shi Kefei then nodded with a smile and said, "well, I'll tell you straight. I think you are a talent. After this, I want you to help me! I'll double whatever Charlie gives you! "

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