Ye Feng listen to Shi Kefei so a say, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "want me to come over to help you?"

Shi Kefei cracked a smile and said, "of course, you should know that the development of Charlie's side is limited. When you come to my side, it's different. I have a lot of development opportunities!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "I'm not good. I promise you right away. I have to think about it after I go back!"

Shi Kefei immediately shrugged his shoulders and nodded to Ye Feng, "no problem. I don't expect you to promise me immediately. If I say a word, you will promise me immediately. On the contrary, it makes me doubt my decision. You can betray Charlie without hesitation and betray me in the future. It's just a matter of time."

Ye Feng nodded to Ye Feng and said, "that's right, so now I'm more concerned about when I can see flamencourt!"

Shi Kefei also stood up and put out his cigarette and said, "well, I'll take you there now, but don't forget that it's only ten minutes, and you don't want to take flamencourt away. His gunshot wound hasn't completely healed. There are so many people on my side, you can't take him away."

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm just ordered to see his current state. I don't have the ability to save him. If Charlie wants me to do this, I won't come! I don't have that ability! "

Schleffer nodded with a smile and said, "that's what I said, so that when you do something ugly, everyone will be embarrassed and hurt, don't you think?"

Ye Feng nodded and said with a smile, "it's better to have words in advance. It's better to have ugly words in the front than in the back!"

Shi Kefei nodded and walked towards the door. After opening the door, he said to Ye Feng, "let's go!"

Ye Feng smell speech this just got up to follow Shi Kefei out of the door, Shi Kefei has been with Ye Feng toward the corridor there, quickly on the corridor to the third floor.

There are more guards in the corridor on the third floor than on the second floor, especially at the door of the last room. There are six people standing there alone.

Seeing Shi Kefei walking by, those people nodded to Shi Kefei one after another. Shi Kefei didn't say anything. After walking to the door, he held the doorknob in his hand. Then he turned back to Ye Feng and said, "remember! Ten minutes

See Ye Feng nodded, this just opened the door, Ye Feng this just went in, just go in, Shi Kefei will close the door.

Fortunately, Shi Kefei didn't follow in. Ye Feng took a look at the man lying on the bed, but saw that the man was half lying on the bed at this time. His face was very pale, and he looked much older than when he met Ye Feng last time..

An oriental looks old, indicating that his body is really empty. When he saw Ye Feng enter the door, he frowned and said in a weak voice, "how are you? What are you doing here? "

After Ye Feng walked over, he sat on the stool beside the bed and looked at the flamencourt in front of him.

Flamenco saw Ye Feng sitting here without speaking, frowning more tightly, then sneered and said, "is it cruise or Shike who asked you to come?"

But Ye Feng said, "Diana called me here!"

Flamencourt's face suddenly changed, but he soon regained his composure, and his tone was still flat. "You don't want to paint any more tricks. I've said all I have to say. Unless I die, I will never give all my strength to cruise!"

Ye Feng then said to flamenco, "don't talk now, and I don't have much time. I only have ten minutes, so next, just listen to me!"

Flamencourt said with a sneer, "I had nothing to say. Do you like to say it or not? Go away with that!"

Then he said in a cold voice, "now the villa has been controlled by Cruise and Scheffer. If Diana wants you to come, they will let you in so easily. Don't lie!"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "believe it or not, I'm using Charlie's identity to sneak in! Charlie is now smashing the field of cruise and schleffer outside. It seems that schleffer and cruise are still afraid of him! "

When Franco heard this, he could not help looking at Ye Feng and said, "do you know Charlie?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's Levis who took me to find him!"

Franco Mingo looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you still know Levis?"

Ye Feng then said, "how can I know him? Diana took me to see him. Diana said that you think Reeves is a good man!"

After listening to what Ye Feng said, flamenco suddenly got some spirit, and his body was lifted up on the Internet. Obviously, he wanted to sit up.

Ye Feng immediately got up, took the needle and put it on the back of flamencourt's body. Then he said, "I really don't have time. Shike didn't just give me ten minutes!"

Then flamencourt said, "let me ask you one last question! Is Diana all right now? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "he and Li Weisi are somewhere outside the villa. Everything is fine with her. Just like you, some of them don't trust me very much!"Flamencourto then said, "of course I won't believe you. I asked mahanda to kill your father Rox. I'm your father's enemy, but you try to save me. No one will believe you in this truth."

But Ye Feng looked at Franco Domingo and said, "you are right. If I were Domingo, I would kill you now to avenge my father!"

Franco could not help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "if you are Domingo? What do you mean by that? Aren't you Domingo? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "of course not!"

Flamencourt, however, stared at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he said, "so, Domingo really died in the warehouse last time?"

Ye Feng nodded, "there are so many guns in the body. Unless it's Superman, how can it not die?"

Flemingo looked at Ye Feng and said, "since you're not Domingo, what's your purpose to approach Diana deliberately? Who are you? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "yes, I did approach Diana on purpose. The purpose is to approach you!"

Flamencourt sneered, "see, you're finally telling the truth? Who the hell are you? Who are you from? "

Ye Feng immediately said to flamenco, "I'm from TSL!"

After hearing this, flamenco's face suddenly changed. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you You are Sa Satan

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately sneer a way, "so look, I didn't find you wrong, you really know a lot of things!"

Flamencourt said immediately, "isn't the deal tomorrow? Why did you come ahead of time? "

Ye Feng said, "the original deal was intended to be in Domingo and Maria's wedding. Now Domingo's father Klose has died, and Ma anda has been arrested by you. How can the wedding be held as scheduled?"

Flemingo's face moved slightly, and then sighed, "originally, everything was planned to be done after Domingo's wedding, but many things can't be explained, time is different, some things can't be controlled..."

Ye Feng immediately asked flamenco, "I don't care about that. I came to you today and asked you only one question. If you answer me truthfully, you will have a chance to see Diana again!"

"You want to know the deal between dromus and me?" he said

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression to move ground to look at Francesco to say, "it seems that you really know a lot of things!"

Flamenco said with a sneer, "of course, I know a lot of things. If dromus doesn't make things clear, will I promise to help him?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, "so, this time you are going to kill me?"

Flamencourt shook his head and said, "kill you? Do I hate living too long? Of course You're right. In general, dromus really wants you to die, but it's not me who will kill you, and I don't have that ability! "

Ye Feng immediately asked flamenco, "what's the deal between you and him?"

Flamencourt looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a moment, and then said, "I can tell you, but after I see Diana is all right!"

Ye Feng said with a sneer, "don't dream. If you want to see Diana, you must leave the villa. Do you want to use this method to force me to help you leave! As a father who loves his daughter, you absolutely don't want me to bring Diana here to see you? "

"It's a very good deal for you, isn't it? You help me to leave, I tell you the plan of dromus, I can't find any reason why you will refuse me! "

Ye Feng pondered for a while, just said a deal, the door opened, outside came Shi Kefei's voice way, "time is up!"

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