Ye Feng immediately stood up and nodded to flamenco. He said nothing more and left the room directly.

Flamencourto stares at Ye Feng for a long time. He always sees Ye Feng leave the room. After the door is closed again, he breathes a sigh of relief.

Originally, flamencourto was lying in the hospital bed, until he found out the ambition of cruise and schkeffe, and he couldn't even see anyone around him, he already felt a trace of despair.

But just now, when he knew that this Domingo was not Domingo, but the world-famous Satan, he had a trace of fear in his heart.

However, he thought that he could use Satan to get the news of dromus, and he could use him to resolve the current crisis. At this moment, flamencourt saw the hope again.

Now he just needs to wait for the result. Flamencourt knows that cruise and schleffe won't do anything to him for a while. They also need to help them stabilize the group's morale.

In addition, since Ye Feng has come, he will certainly find a way to avoid being in danger for a long time.

After Ye Feng went out, Shi Kefei sent Ye Feng downstairs, and said to Ye Feng, "think about what I said after you go back. I'll wait for your news!"

Then he took out a business card and handed it to Ye Feng, saying, "if you think it through, call me. I'll wait for your call!"

Shi Kefei has been sending Ye Feng to the lobby of the villa on the first floor. After leaving the lobby, he shakes hands with Ye Feng and says, "I hope I can wait until I get an excited reply!"

Ye Feng took his business card and said, "I will definitely reply! Goodbye Then he walked towards the door without looking back.

Shi Kefei stopped Ye Feng and said, "wait a minute!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but move. He stops and looks back at Shi Kefei. He doesn't know if this guy has found anything?

Shi Kefei frowned at Ye Feng and said, "did you come on foot? Why didn't you see your car? "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, secret way is ah, he came from the side of the hillside on foot, at that time did not want to pretend to be Charlie's men.

It was a temporary decision. For a moment, I didn't think that I didn't bring a car. The guard at the door didn't find this flaw, but now Shi Kefei found it.

Ye Fengxin next a Lin, but on the surface but a shrug a way, "have no way, come of time is temporarily called by Charlie, the car drive half way to break down!"

"Then I'll send someone to drive you," said Schiffer

Ye Feng quickly said, "no, not far ahead is the main road, then call a car on the line!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Shi Kefei nodded and said, "that's OK! I wish you a good journey

Ye Feng nodded, turned his head and waved, and continued to walk forward, but his heart was empty. He obviously felt that Shi Kefei must have seen something, but he didn't know why he didn't expose himself.

Ye Feng is still thinking about whether Shi Kefei is going to put a cold gun in the back, but his pace is still not accelerated, to prevent the other side did not find anything, but after he accelerated his pace, it caused suspicion.

At this time, Shi Kefei stands at the gate and stares at Ye Feng's back, with a smile on his face. At this time, he takes out a gun from his arms and aims at Ye Feng's back.

But Shike not only aimed at it, but also didn't shoot until Ye Feng disappeared at the corner of the intersection in front of him.

After Ye Feng disappeared, Shi Kefei put away his gun and looked back at a window on the third floor.

But I saw a window on the third floor. At this time, I was standing in a man with white hair and a white beard.

He was standing at the window all the way. He had a full view of the scene of Shi Kefei sending Ye Feng away just now. At this time, Shi Kefei looked up at himself, nodded slightly towards him, and then disappeared in the window.

At this time, schleffer hurried into the villa and went up to the third floor until he reached the innermost room of flamencourt.

When I opened the door and went in, I saw that flamencourt was lying on the bed looking at himself.

Shi Kefei immediately smiles, lights a cigarette, sits by flamencourt's bed and smokes, but says nothing. He just looks at flamencourt quietly.

Flamencourt frowned and said, "don't you know the basic etiquette of not smoking in front of patients?"

With a shrug of his shoulders, he threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out. "Oh, I'm so sorry, flamencourt!"

Flamencourt frowned and said, "my carpet is worth thousands of dollars a foot, more than your damn head!"

Shi Kefei shrugged and said with a faint smile, "is my brain so cheap now?"

Flamencourto snorted coldly, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "If you're OK, go out. I want to have a rest alone."

But he said with a smile, "flamencourt, do you think I'm the one who will come to sit on your side and be angry with you if I have nothing to do?"Flamencourt sneered at Scheffer and said, "if I remember correctly, eleven years ago, you were starving to death. I gave you a bite to eat!"

Shi Kefei nodded and said, "that's right. I haven't forgotten this meal. In this way, I've been with you for 11 years, and I've also reported my kindness for 11 years!"

Flamencourt sneered and said, "repay me? Why don't I feel anything? "

Said immediately and cold hum a way, "since you and cruise came close, I feel you in revenge!"

But Shi Kefei immediately said, "flamencourt, I can't say that. I was so poor that I couldn't afford a bite. You gave me bread and a job, but how much did I help you in the next few years? Bullets alone have taken a lot for you... "

He immediately pulled open the collar of his coat, pointed to a gun scar and said, "well, when you were negotiating with the Brazilians, they had already laid an ambush. I helped you block the bullet. The doctor said, it's only about one centimeter from my heart. If it's a little bit off, I'll go to see God..."

Without waiting for flamencourto to speak, he immediately pointed to another gun scar on his body and continued, "this is when you negotiated with the Italians, and I blocked the black gun for you, and I almost died..."

At this point, he immediately ripped off his coat completely and continued to say, "look at all the things I have on me. Which one is not for you or for the group? What have I got after 11 years?"

Flamencourt took a deep breath and said, "so that's why you betrayed?"

Shi Kefei shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't betray. I just chose a more suitable road for myself."

However, flamencourto said, "I remember all the things you have done for the group and me over the years, and I will make compensation and reward to you every time..."

Shi Kefei frowned and said, "did you know me the first day? Is it money I want? I have plenty of money. What I want is respect and attention. "

Flamencourt said with a smile, "Oh? really? So, did cruise give you respect and attention? As far as I know, you are on his side. You are just a horse! You are really more and more mixed back, do not want to do my horse, but willing to do the horse's horse, this is the respect and attention in your eyes? "

But Shi Kefei said immediately, "these are only short-lived. When cruise gets on your top, all he has now is mine!"

Flamencourt laughed and said, "are you dreaming?"

Shi Kefei frowned and said, "my original intention was to hand over the group to you and Levis after I retire. You can complement each other and make the group better!"

But schleffer laughed, "Levis? The coward? Do I have to cooperate with him? What skill does he have... "

Flamencourt sneered, "he has brains you don't have Do you have a brain? "I'm a fool

Shi Kefei was stunned when he heard the speech. He stood up and looked at flamencourt angrily. "In your eyes, I'm a rude man..."

But flamencourt said, "go and look in the mirror. You don't look like a brat at all."

Then, without waiting for Scheffer to get angry, he immediately said, "but even if you are a reckless man, I still choose you and Levis to cooperate! Why? "

Shi Kefei was just about to lose his temper when he heard flamencourt say so. He was shocked and nodded, "yeah? Why? "

Franco said, "because you have the bravery that Levis doesn't have. Although he has a bit of brain, he is suspicious and ill. He likes to hesitate when he meets important things. At the critical moment, he needs a man like you to help him make up his mind!"

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