After listening to flamencourt's words, schlefelton looked at flamencourt in silence for a while. He was still standing, but then he sat down slowly. The angry look on his face had disappeared completely.

After staring at flamencourt for a long time, Shi Kefei asked flamencourt, "don't mention the past. Let me ask you, what did the boy come in and say to you just now? Ten minutes, you should have a lot of things to talk about

Flamencourt frowned. "Since you know we can say a lot in ten minutes, why do you agree to let him see me?"

Shi Kefei shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't care. Later, I didn't want him to see you, but cruise wanted him to see you, and wanted to know what you would talk about!"

Flamencourt shrugged, "what else can we talk about? It's just Charlie's care for me, hoping I can keep fit and so on! What else? "

Shi Kefei frowned and said, "I advise you to tell the truth. I still think about the old love. Once cruise comes, it's not as easy to talk as I am!"

Flamenco laughed when he heard more about the words. He looked at Scheffer and said, "I can't see. Do you still think about the old love? But I still thank you. I really have nothing to say. You only gave me ten minutes, but I didn't have enough time to exchange greetings. Do you expect to talk about any tricks? "

At this point, flamencourt closed his eyes and said, "I'm tired and want to rest. If cruise wants to ask something, you can ask him to come in person. Don't ask you to run errands!"

On hearing this, Schiffer's face moved slightly, but at last he stood up, took a look at flamencourt, and turned away.

Flamencourt, however, stopped schleffer and said, "schleffer!"

After hearing the words, Shi Kefei looked back at flamencourt and said, "have you figured it out? I'm going to tell you? "

Flamencourt shook his head and said, "I just want to remind you that cruise is very cunning. You are not his opponent!"

Shi Kefei, however, frowned and said, "he and I are not rivals, but cooperative relations!"

Flamencourt, however, shook his head with a smile and said, "understand for yourself! I'm resting! " Then he closed his eyes.

After standing in the same place and staring at flamenco for a few more eyes, he said nothing and went out of the door.

After leaving flamencourt's room, Schiffer stood at the door, hesitated for a moment, and then walked to another door.

When he got to the door, Shi Kefei knocked on the door gently. It makes people think that a stout black man like Shi Kefei could knock on the door so carefully.

When he heard a steady voice coming from the door, he opened the door and saw the man with gray hair and beard sitting there.

As soon as schleffer entered, he closed the door and then walked towards the man. "Cruise, flamencourt won't say anything!"

But cruise looked at Scheffer and said, "he won't say, so you have nothing to do with him?"

Shi Kefei's heart moved and said, "didn't you say that now we still need flamencourt. Don't kill him as much as possible!"

But cruise said immediately, "I said so, but there is a little punitive damage to him. As long as his name is not hurt, it has nothing to do with Daya?"

After listening to cruise's words for a while, shikefei turned around and said, "I'll go now..."

But cruise said hastily, "well, you should have done it just now. Now you've left. Don't you go back and tell flamencourt clearly that's what I mean?"

Shi Kefei was stunned, but he came back and sat on the stool opposite his desk and asked cruise, "what should I do now?"

When did Domingo become Charlie's man

"So he's going to see flamencourt. There must be something else," said schleffer immediately

Cruz picked up a cigar and smoked, but frowned slightly. "But according to what you said, what he said to you, even if he was Charlie's person, it means that this boy has courage. If he is not Charlie's person, he dares to come over as Charlie's person, it means that this boy has not only courage, but also a little wisdom! If it can be used by us, there is no lack of material that can be made! "

Shi Kefei then said to cruise, "but then again, cruise, now Charlie has been harassing us in our territory. Are we really so indifferent to sit and do nothing?"

Cruise then said to schleffer, "I told you just now that Charlie's move is called turning the tiger out of the mountain. He just wants us to be nervous and worried. It's better to leave here and rush back to see what's going on. Once we leave here, then it will be controlled by them soon. At that time, we will be equivalent to giving up flamencourt. You and I are here now It's almost a showdown in front of flamenco. Do you think we have a way out? "

After a long time, he said, "so we don't do anything?"Cruise then snorted coldly, "I asked your people to go and catch Diana, but none of the rubbish you sent didn't come back. Needless to say, they must have been killed! Now Diana should have been protected by Charlie and Levis. It's obviously unrealistic to use Diana's life safety to blackmail flamencourt. We have to think of other ways! "

But Shi Kefei asked cruise, "what else? You say, I'll do it! "

But cruise looked at schleffer and said, "what I want is not a man who is obedient to me. Can't you give me some practical constructive opinions?"

Shi Kefei shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't know me. I have no brain, I'm just a standard Mangfu, yes, he is. What constructive advice can you expect from me? "

Cruise could not help sighing, then shook his head, and asked Scheffer, "what's the opinion of those guys in the lobby on the first floor? Haven't you made it clear yet? "

Shi Kefei sneered and said, "those guys are a group of people who are driven by the wind. They are completely neutral now. They don't say they support flamencourt, but they don't say they want to support us. It seems that they want to remain neutral until you decide with flamencourt."

Cruise snorted coldly at the words and scolded, "these slippery people know that they will be like this!"

Schkeffer said, "in that case, what are they left to do? Why don't you go back to the mountains and watch the tiger fight! "

But cruise looked at Scheffer and said, "can you guarantee that once those guys leave the villa, they will still be neutral? I don't ask them to be on our side, but at least keep them away from flamencourt! If you let them go, they will stand on the side immediately after they go back, flamencourt, and you and I will really be alone! "

Shi Kefei could not help nodding when he heard the speech, and then sighed slightly, "what should we do now? Flamencourt didn't say anything. You asked me to let that guy go. At that time, I really should catch this guy and see what he was up to! "

But cruise said with a cold smile, "I just want him to go back. If he can bring out the current situation of flamencourt, maybe there will be some subtle changes in the progress of things!"

But he frowned at cruise and said, "subtle change? What else can change? "

Cruise said, "if he is really Charlie's person, then he will definitely explain the situation here to Charlie, and telling Charlie is the same as telling Diana. If he is not Charlie's person, then it shows a problem. Diana is the mastermind behind him. Maybe Diana sent him to inquire about the news!"

"In other words, are you going to tell Diana about flamencourt? Why? "

Bruce said, "Diana is a dutiful child. He knows her father is under house arrest, but his life is not in danger. At least he doesn't hate us so much!"

"So what?" he said

Cruise can't help but stare at Scheffer and said, "don't worry, use your brain. If she doesn't hate us so much, then we can use her!"

Shi Kefei can't help but frown. He still doesn't seem to understand what Cruise's intention is, but he's worried that cruise will say he has no brain, so he doesn't ask.

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