At this time, after Ye Feng bypassed the detour in front of him, he immediately went to the woods. Before, he had sent the location to qianse bee. I believe the qianse bee should be in place now.

As long as Ye Feng turns on his mobile phone to find the location just now, he can quickly find it. After walking for about half an hour, he sees someone talking in front of him,.

After hearing the sound, Ye Feng's heart still moves. Shouldn't qianse bee come alone? How can there be others? However, after Ye Feng gets close, he can see that the other two are Levis and Diana.

Ye Feng this just walked past, thousand color bee hears the footstep sound not far from the side, immediately point the muzzle at that side, scolded a way, "who?"

Ye Feng immediately said that it was me, and then walked towards that side.

Thousand color bee a listen is Ye Feng, this just put down the gun, Diana but a face surprise way, "my father also came?"

But soon I saw that Ye Feng was the only one who came back. He was disappointed and said, "where's my father?"

At this time, Ye Feng left. After looking at Diana, he said, "I've met your father!"

Diana asked Ye Feng, "didn't you say you could save my father? Just met him? "

Levis then said to Diana, "he must have his reasons for doing this. First listen to what he says!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but see a Li Weisi, this goods before all doubt oneself, how oneself left for a while, the tone of voice all changed.

Thousand color bee didn't wait for Ye Feng to finish, immediately asked Ye Feng, "what's the situation over there? Isn't there any difficulty? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I originally wanted to save flamencourt, but I told him that I was Charlie's man and that Charlie sent me to negotiate with them!"

Three people listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help but frown, Diana immediately said, "I only care about my father, how is my father now?"

Ye Feng said to Diana, "don't worry, although he is now under house arrest by cruise in the villa, there is basically no security concern, and I believe cruise will not touch him for the time being!"

At this time, Levis immediately asked Ye Feng, "what did you say to flamencourt when you saw him? Does he know what's going on outside? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course I know, but he is worried about Diana's safety. I told him that Diana is safe now, and he is very happy!"

Diana frowned. "That's all? You come back empty handed, so how can we save my dad? "

But Ye Feng said, "don't worry for the moment. Cruise is a man who is hidden from the public. After I went in, I only saw Shi Kefei. Cruise didn't show up from beginning to end. Moreover, there are many people in the lobby on the first floor. They don't seem to be Cruise's people. They should be the people who were under house arrest with your father!"

Levis said immediately, "do you remember what they looked like?"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "coincidentally, I really have the ability to never forget..."

With that, Ye Feng describes the appearance of several people he noticed to Li Weisi and Diana, and Diana and Li Weisi immediately tell them who they are and who they are.

Reeves then pondered, "is Robin in there, too?"

Ye Feng immediately asked Li Weisi, "who is Robin?"

Diana said, "he's also a member of my father's staff. It's said that he's one of the more powerful people in the younger generation."

Levis said, "this young man is very courageous. He was originally following me, but flamenco worried that it was not suitable for him to follow me, so he was transferred to follow flamenco directly and was going to focus on training him!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "now let's leave here and find a place to settle down!"

Diana asked Ye Feng, "we're gone. What's my father going to do?"

Ye Feng said to Diana, "I know you are worried about your father, but the villa is not as simple as you think. I can kill you now and take your father out, but I can only guarantee that I will go back and your father will come out, but the living one is still a corpse. I'm not sure!"

Levis then said to Diana, "since we've met flamencourt, at least we can prove that he's still alive. Let's go back and think of other ways first!"

Then Ye Feng and qianse Feng get on the car first. Levis wants to drive his car. Ye Feng says to Levis, "get on our car! Take whatever you have in the car! "

Reeves smell speech heart next move, immediately go to the car trunk, carrying a suitcase, on the car of thousand color bee.

Ye Feng sits in the co driver, while Li Weisi and Diana sit in the back seat. After the thousand color bee starts the car and drives away from the forest, Ye Feng secretly hides Shi Kefei's business card and hands it to Li Weisi.

Levis took a look at the business card and said, "this business card belongs to Schiffer. Generally, he doesn't give it to people easily!"

Ye Feng said to Levis and Diana, "he said if I want to work for him, I'll call him!"

"What's the matter?" said Diana? You promised him? You've been bribed by him? "This time, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Li Weisi immediately said, "if he is really bribed, he won't tell us!"

Ye Feng shrugged and then said to Li Weisi, "don't you see a problem from Shi Kefei's business card?"

Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the problem?"

Levis immediately said, "this shows that schleffer and cruise are not monolithic!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "that's right, so if we want to save flamenco, Shi Kefei is a soft board!"

Li Weisi took a deep breath at this time, and then he said to Ye Feng, "Shi Kefei was poor at that time. It was flamencourt who brought him out of the slum, but later Shi Kefei saved flamencourt several times in order to repay his kindness. He should have been the most trusted talent of flamencourt..."

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "it's hard to know what's going on in the world. Examples of great kindness becoming great hatred can be found everywhere!"

Levis then said, "I heard flamenco ask me about my impression of schleffer! Ask me how I feel if I'm going to work with Scheffer! "

On hearing this, Ye Feng's face suddenly moved, and his mouth said, "it shows that flamencordo is ready to hand over the group. At least, it is also the focus of training you and shikefei?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "I had this idea at that time, but flamencourt didn't say it clearly, so I didn't ask in detail!"

At this time, Ye Feng said, "anyway, Shike should be different from cruise. He should be the key to us. We should not only save flamencourt, but also eradicate cruise completely!"

Diana can't help but look at Ye Feng and doesn't speak.

Levis then asked Ye Feng, "are you Satan?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but a consternation, surprised looked back at Li Weisi, this guy so smart, this can see?

But when I turned my head, I saw that there was guilt in qianse bee's expression. I immediately understood that it must be related to qianse bee.

But to say is the thousand color bee completely betrayed himself, Ye Feng also don't believe, it must be the thousand color bee in unknowingly, inadvertently revealed his identity information.

With Levi's brain, as long as the thousand color bee shows a little bit of information about itself, Levi can judge who he is, which is much easier.

But Ye Feng didn't admit it directly. He just looked at Li Weisi and said, "you still care who I am? Does it really matter who I am? "

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is human nature. All people are born with a vague fear of the unknown. If we don't know who you are, our doubts about you will be from beginning to end, and there will always be flaws in our cooperation, which is not conducive to our internal unity, right?"

Ye Feng listened to what Li Weisi said, but he didn't speak. At this time, she heard Diana say immediately, "who are you? Why should you hide it? Unless you don't treat us as friends or as a group at all! "

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "since you all said that, can I not admit it?"

As soon as Levis heard this, he immediately looked at Ye Feng excitedly and said, "are you really Satan?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Satan is not a good name. I'm afraid he's already notorious. What's good to recognize?"

Li Weisi just nodded and stretched out his hand to Ye Feng. "Nice to meet you. No wonder you have so much courage and insight. You are the famous Satan!"

Ye Feng's skill is simple and Li Weisi's hand clap, can't help but frown a way, "I wonder is, how can you know the name of Satan?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "actually, I don't know. I only have a chance to hear from flamencourt once in a while, so I know more about it. Only in this way can I know that there are people like you in the world. It's really amazing!"

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