Ye Feng is not used to Li Weisi's flattery. Before, Li Weisi was always aiming at himself, but now he starts to flatter himself. It's just two extremes, which makes Ye Feng feel uncomfortable.

Li Weisi also seems to see Ye Feng's unhappiness, and then shrugs his shoulders and says, "I seem to talk a little too much, I start to talk less now!"

Ye Feng did not echo, but looked at the thousand color bee, then asked, "Maria there is no news?"

Thousand color bee shook his head and said, "there is no news for the moment. If she wants to hide, no one can find it!"

But after taking a deep breath, Ye Feng murmured, "I'm afraid she doesn't just want to hide so easily!"

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion to move to see a leaf maple way, "you mean, worry about her to run to save her father Ma anda?"

Ye Feng didn't speak, but his expression had already given the thousand color bee a positive answer. He was so worried.

Thousand color bee comforts Ye Feng way at this time, "she is a female, and has no ability, she is not a fool, believe should not take a risk?"

But Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "fear is fear. Once people attach too much importance to some feelings, they often lose their sense!"

This time, without waiting for the thousand color bee to speak, Diana in the back seat immediately said, "yes, there is only one father. If I were him, I would try my best to save my father!"

Ye Feng shrugged at qianse bee and said, "you see, what's the ability of Diana? What she's doing now, isn't that what Maria is going to do? "

When Diana heard this, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you praising me or hurting me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you have the right to regard me as praising your filial piety."

Diana nodded. "I think so, too, but that's what children should do!"

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng did not continue to say anything.

Li Weisi didn't speak for a long time. Then he said to Ye Feng, "in fact, you don't have to worry. Maria is not worth mentioning for cruise. Maybe she won't be in any danger!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "do you think they are too human? You don't think about it. What kind of business do you do? Elder brother, you are selling white powder, not charity. Will you have sympathy for a weak female

When Reeves heard the speech, he was silent for a long time.

But Diana then looked at Ye Feng and said, "in your eyes, is our family inexorable?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "for me, your father and Ma anda should die! Of course, including cruise... "

Levis took a breath at this time. In fact, what's the difference between him and cruise, as well as flamencourt and mahanda? They are all the damned drug dealers in Ye Feng's eyes.

Diana heard the words, but she said, "in this case, why do you want to save my father?"

Li Weisi also looked at Ye Feng at this time. He had this question in his heart. Unexpectedly, Diana asked her own question this time.

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "now that you know my identity is Satan, I will not let you know that I did not intend to save flamencourt, but my task is related to him, so I have to save him. You can rest assured that I am more worried about his death than you! So anyway, I'll save him, even if you don't want to, I'll go! "

As soon as Levis and Diana heard this, their faces moved, and they thought of each other.

Diana sighed, "I thought you were because Because... "

Seeing this, qianse Feng couldn't help saying, "do you think he's going to save your father for you?"

Diana wanted to say it, but she finally held back. She didn't want to say it for herself. She didn't know whether to thank her or complain about her.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "why to save? The reason is not important. The important thing is the result. As long as I am willing to save your father, you don't have to worry about my reason. At least our goal is the same!"

Then Ye Feng asked Li Weisi, "Mr. Li Weisi, don't you think so? As long as our goal is always, even if it is only temporary, there should be no problem in cooperation, right

Li Weisi is thinking about some problems. Listening to Ye Feng's question, he suddenly takes a look at Ye Feng, then nods his head and says, "yes, that's what it means!"

Ye Feng then asked Diana and Levis, "we need a foothold now. You are local people. Should you have a good introduction?"

Then Ye Feng said to Diana, "don't go to your old house. It has been found by shikefeiren last time. It has been exposed there!"

At this time, Levis said, "we live in Michoacan state. I believe that cruise and Schlicker have done almost the same thing. On the contrary, I think the most dangerous place is the safest one!"Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "what do you mean..."

Before Ye Feng finished, Li Weisi immediately nodded and said, "yes, it's to go to the old house that has been found. I believe they have found you there once, and they already believe that you won't go back, so it's relatively safe there!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately a burst of ponder, didn't speak.

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm just a suggestion. As for whether to go or not, you can see for yourself."

Ye Feng nodded and agreed, "I agree. I'll go back to the old house before. What Levis said is right. They have found the pot there once. According to the common sense, they must infer that we won't go back. We just do the opposite. We'll go to the place they have searched!"

Thousand color bee smelled speech to nod a way, "you are sure I turn round to open toward that side!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "go there!"

Thousand color bee smell speech immediately a sharp turn, the car changed the original direction, toward the direction of Diana's old house.

Soon the car returned to the old house again. There was no one here, only a few cars left by Shi Kefei.

After Ye Feng and others park their cars and enter the old house, Ye Feng tells them not to turn on the lights for the time being, so that there will be people nearby who are still pouring tea.

Several people discredit into the lobby, each sitting on the sofa to rest, Ye Feng then asked Li Weisi, "Charlie there is no news?"

Levi just took out his mobile phone. When he turned on the screen, there was a faint light on the side of the hall, which made Levi's face shine. Diana's face, sitting on his side, was also looming.

After Li Weisi looked at his mobile phone, he said to Ye Feng, "he sent me two messages, saying that he was attacked by shikefei Gang, so he may not be able to get away for the time being!"

Ye Feng can't help but sneer, "what do I begin to say? He will find a reason not to show up when he comes to the critical moment

Reeves could not help but take a deep breath, and then said, "the second message is that he robbed several sites of Shi Kefei, and did not see Shi Kefei's people go back for the time being!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "Shi Kefei, they certainly won't go back. If they lose their sites, they can get them back again some time, but if they lose their position in flamencourt, there will be no more! It is clear at a glance which is more important! "

At this time, Li Weisi put away his mobile phone and looked at Ye Feng, "what shall we do now? It seems that Charlie can't count on it. Neither cruise nor Schiffer will leave easily! "

At this time, Ye Feng takes out the business card given by Shi Kefei from his pocket. After hesitating for a moment, he takes out his mobile phone and dials Shi Kefei's number on the business card. After a moment, he hears Shi Kefei's rude voice on the phone, "who?"

On hearing this, Ye Feng took out his cigarette to light it and said, "it's me. Mr. Shi Kefei is really forgetful. Not long ago, he asked me to call you after I came back to think about it clearly? Forget so soon

On hearing this, Shi Kefei immediately pondered, and then said, "are you the villain who just came to the villa for Charlie?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, it's me!"

Shi Kefei immediately said with a smile, "so, you are reporting me good news?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "on my way back, I always thought that following Charlie seems to have no future. He is always a small workshop model. How can he compare with Mr. Shi Kefei? I still know the reason why trees die and people live!"

Shi Kefei immediately said with a smile on the phone, "so, you promised me to help me with my work?"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "I can help you, but the mode is not the way I help Charlie!"

Shi Kefei puzzled way, "still have mode? So what's our model? "

Ye Feng said, "I don't need Mr. Shi Kefei to spend money to support me. We just cooperate on a piece by piece basis. I'll help you with your work. How much money do you give me? Every time I talk about this, no matter before or after, I have the right to refuse. Of course, Mr. Shi Kefei also has the right not to use me at any time!"

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