After listening to Ye Feng's words, Shi Kefei couldn't help being silent. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Feng to say so. After thinking for a long time, he said, "piecework cooperation? It's very fresh

Ye Feng said to Shi Kefei, "you gave me time to think about it at that time, and I also gave you time to think about it. Don't worry about answering me. Call me when you think about it!"

With that, Ye Feng doesn't give Shi Kefei another chance to talk, so he hangs up Shi Kefei's phone directly.

At this time, Li Weisi looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "single calculation? This one is very fresh! "

Ye Feng is as like as two peas in a way to Levi's. "What you say is just like Shi Kefei. I don't know that you are friends."

But Levis said, "I've never seen this kind of cooperation before. Maybe it's a little strange!"

Diana then asked Ye Feng, "if Shi Kefei agrees with you, do you really want to cooperate with him?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "cooperation is not impossible!"

Diana's face was moving. "Do you really want to cooperate?"

This time, before Ye Feng spoke, Li Weisi immediately said, "you can rest assured that even if he cooperates with Shi Kefei, it must be targeted. If you don't listen to him, he can refuse!"

Then Levis looked at Ye Feng and said, "if I'm not wrong, you'll only take some of the work that Shike didn't do for cruise? I'm not wrong

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately looked at Li Weisi, then gave him a look of appreciation, and then said, "you are really the person that flamenco values, and your brain is really good!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "but I believe that Shi Kefei will not do anything against cruise in the beginning. He will test me first, and only when he thinks I'm trustworthy can he reveal his real intention!"

Diana can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. "Isn't Shike's real intention? What is his real intention? "

Ye Feng didn't answer, but looked at Li Weisi and said, "Li Weisi, you've had a lot of contact with Shi Kefei. I believe you know more about him than me and Diana?"

Reeves can't help nodding and said, "I've worked with him for six or seven years. I know something about him."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but immediately say, "so you say, Shi Kefei is who?"

At this moment, Levis immediately said, "one of them..." Then he explained to Yefeng, "this is not what I said, but what flamencourt said about him!"

Ye Feng said to Li Weisi, "what I want to hear is your evaluation of him!"

Levis immediately said, "my evaluation of him is basically the same as that of flamencourt. He's just a brat!"

At this point, Levis immediately added, "but I have a new point of view. He is not only a reckless man, but also a self righteous and smart reckless man!"

Levis said immediately, "Charlie is the kind of person who is reckless on the surface, but very careful in the heart, who knows how to hide his shrewdness, or is very deep in the city. However, shikefei is just the opposite of Charlie. He is reckless from the inside and outside, but just to make people feel that he is very intelligent!"

Ye Feng listens to Li Weisi to say so, can't help nodding, "since you so affirm him, so I don't need to worry!"

Reeves could not help frowning and said, "worried? What are you worried about? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know them very well. If the impression that Shi Kefei gives me is just the side that cruise or he wants to show me, then I may have followed their way."

Said Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, continued to say, "but if you are this evaluation of him, I have nothing to worry about, even if there is really any conspiracy, I also have psychological preparation!"

Levis then said to Ye Feng, "if there is any conspiracy, it must be Cruise's idea. What idea can Shike have? Cruise's nickname is old fox

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng sighed, "it's a pity that I didn't see cruise this time!"

Levis said at this time, "Shi Kefei must be a horseman fooled by Cruise. If he succeeds, maybe Shi Kefei has some advantages, but if he fails, the first one to die is Shi Kefei!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but toward Li Weisi way, "you think of these didn't say with Shi Kefei?"

Li Weisi said to Ye Feng, "you don't understand. My relationship with Shi Kefei is not very good. I have more opportunities to get along with him than he did with flamenco, but flamenco has more opportunities to get along with me alone, and I give flamenco more ideas and so on, while Shi Kefei is aggressive. Once I gave an idea to Shi Kefei to carry out a mission I don't think it's right for flamencourt to want others to go that time, so I suggest that Schiffer go, but that time was very dangerous. Schiffer almost died! "

Ye Feng can't help but look at Li Weisi and said, "since then, Shi Kefei will hate you? Think you want to hurt him on purpose? "Levis could not help nodding and said, "yes, it's true at all. Since then, schleffe has seen that I'm not happy and has been against me everywhere. Although I've explained, he can't listen to me at all. That's why after that, he began to get closer to cruise, which may be a bit of Cruise's provocation, so if I call him to tell him this, Even if he had doubts in his heart, Shi Kefei would take it as my stratagem, so I didn't contact him once after this incident! It's just that he's worried that he'll think in a normal way! "

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "if it's what you said, it's because you didn't inform him, otherwise it will be reversed!"

Reeves can't help nodding, "yes, I'm just worried about that, so I don't do anything! Even I don't want to get in touch with the people in the group. I just don't want to arouse the idea of Shi Kefei, and I don't want to provoke cruise! "

Ye Feng said to Li Weisi, "you can rest assured that if Shike doesn't hate you, he won't remind cruise to find you, and even if cruise wants to find you, it's estimated that Shike will try every means to stop you!"

Levis shrugged and said, "I know. That's why I'm not worried at all!"

Diana then said to Ye Feng, "so if you get close to Shi Kefei, you can save my father?"

Ye Feng then said to Diana, "I can't save myself. If you just want your father to leave the villa alive, it's quite easy, but your father will lose everything in front of him. Your father's group will completely belong to cruise!"

Diana said, "so what? As long as my father is OK, everything else is secondary! "

Ye Feng said to Diana, "it's just your own idea. Have you ever thought about your father flamencourt's own idea?"

Diana couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this. Levis said to Diana, "Miss Diana, he's right. As far as I know about your father, if you lose everything, your father would rather die in the villa than come out!"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged, "so, to save your father, it's not only to save your father's life, but also a lot of complicated things to do!"

Levis also continued to say to Diana, "he's right. We must take this opportunity to help your father eradicate cruise completely, or sooner or later it will still be a hidden danger and your family will never be at peace!"

The thousand color bee, who had not spoken for a long time, shrugged and said to Diana, "shovel the grass without removing the roots, and the wind blows with sound. If an ambitious like cruise is not completely dealt with, his follow-up actions may be more extreme than now!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right, so what we need to consider now is not only your father's personal safety!"

Reeves took a deep breath, stood up, moved himself, lit a flue and said, "now we have to wait patiently!"

But Ye Feng said, "I can't wait!"

Reeves can't help but look at Ye Feng in amazement, "can't wait?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "tomorrow, things must be completely solved!"

As soon as Levis heard this, his face could not help but move again, "tomorrow? Is it too urgent? "

But without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Diana immediately said excitedly, "tomorrow? You mean I can see my dad tomorrow? "

Ye Feng nodded, also stood up and said, "if there is no accident, it should not be wrong!"

Levi asked Ye Feng, "are you so confident?"

In Ye Feng's heart, he says that he is not confident, but the situation forces him to solve the problem thoroughly within tomorrow. He has no choice!

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