Li Weisi saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, so he didn't ask any more questions. At this time, Ye Feng stretched out and said, "it's late today. Don't say anything. Let's get up tomorrow and see what's going on!"

Qianse Fengwen was the first to get up and say, "I'll have a rest first. I'm really tired today!"

Levis shrugged, then got up and asked Diana, "Diana! This is your house. Where do I sleep? Can you arrange it? "

Diana then got up and told Levis to go to a room on the second floor, while she was going to rest in a room on the first floor.

Before entering the door, he asked Ye Feng, "what about you?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'll sleep on the sofa! It doesn't matter! "

Diana nodded, went to hold a quilt after entering the door, and went out to give Ye Feng a way, "it's cold at night, here's the quilt for you!"

Ye Feng has been lying on the sofa, nodding her thanks to Diana, but she is standing on the other side of the sofa, a pair of words and stop.

Seeing this, Ye Feng couldn't help asking, "what else do you want to ask?"

Diana just sat on the sofa opposite, looking at Ye Feng and said, "can I really save my dad in one day tomorrow?"

At this time, Ye Feng sat up and said to Diana, "I said yes, at least eight or nine percent of the chance."

Diana frowned, "aren't you Satan? I heard from Levis that what you said seems to be very powerful. How can you get a chance of 80% or 90%

Ye Feng can't help but be shocked when hearing the speech, and then said to Diana, "even if it's a fairy, I can't guarantee that anything is 100%. I dare say that there is a good chance of 80% or 90%, which is already a high probability!"

Then Ye Feng did not wait for Diana to speak, and immediately said, "besides, Satan is just a name, not a god!"

Diana just nodded, but she still broke the casserole and asked, "what's the other one or two?"

As if he was afraid that Ye Feng might misunderstand something, he immediately explained, "I mean, if you can know what else may lead to failure, can it be avoided?"

Ye Feng can not help but angry and funny way, "if you can know what that is, it's not 89%, this 12% chance of failure, is random, anything can happen, anything can lead to accidents!"

Ye Feng said and added a way, "you don't have to think much, since I promised, I will certainly save your father! And tomorrow, you don't have to follow us. Just stay here and wait for news. I'll go with qianse bee and Levis! "

Then he quickly denied his words and said, "no, I'll just go with Levis. Qianse bee will stay here to protect you, so as to avoid accidents in the rear!"

Diana can't help but be stunned when she hears the words. She looks at Ye Feng and says, "is her name thousand color bee? What a special name? It's a code, isn't it? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, it's just a code, but whether it's a code or a name, it's just a name!"

But Diana said, "what if I want to follow?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "this is not to discuss with you. This is an order. You can't leave here tomorrow! I don't want you to be the second Maria. I don't have so much energy. I'll save either your father or Maria's father all day long. Now I have to save Maria, and finally I'll try to save you! "

Diana's face suddenly moved when she heard Ye Feng say this. When she heard Ye Feng say this, her tone seemed a little impatient. She couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "do you think I'm tired?"

Ye Feng shook his head, then lay down and said, "you don't want to think much about anything. Go to bed quickly. I'm tired too. Now I need to rest and conserve my energy. There are many things to do tomorrow. It's estimated that I won't have any chance to rest until midnight!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately closed his eyes and didn't plan to talk to Diana any more.

Diana can't help but take a deep breath. What she thinks now is that Ye Feng was good to herself before.

I didn't think that Ye Feng would be tired of herself now. Thinking of this, Diana sighed in her heart and left.

After Diana walked away, Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes and sighed. Now he just wants to solve everything tomorrow. He doesn't have so much energy. It's better to be in Mexico.

After hearing the sound of Diana entering and closing the door, Ye Feng closed her eyes and began to sleep.

The next day, when Ye Feng opened his eyes, he heard that someone was busy in the kitchen. Ye Feng sat up behind him and heard that there was humanity on one side, "wake up?"

Ye Feng side head a see, but see Li Weisi don't know when, already sat in the opposite of his sofa, and dressed neatly appearance, must be early wake up.

And thousand color bee stretched a waist to come out from the room at this time, leaf maple originally thought thousand color bee is busy in the kitchen, did not expect that she is from her own room.

Ye Feng can't help but stand up and look at the kitchen, "you just wake up? Who's the kitchen? "Levis said, "it's Miss Diana. She said it's a big day, so she's going to cook for us and help us make a delicious meal."

At this time, Diana came out of the kitchen and said to the three people in the living room, "are you ready to wash? Dinner will be ready soon

Ye Feng stretched a stretch, and then went to the bathroom to wash, after he finished washing out, three people have been sitting at the dining table waiting for themselves.

Ye Feng went to see, did not expect Diana is to do Chinese food, cooked rice, but also copied several dishes.

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "I remember last time we were here, there should be no such dishes in the refrigerator, right?"

Diana's face moved slightly and said, "I got up at four o'clock and went to the nearby vegetable market to buy it!"

Seeing this, Reeves quickly explained to Diana, "it's more than four o'clock in the morning. There should be no problem. No one will find out!"

Diana also stares at Ye Feng, as if she is afraid that Ye Feng will blame him for going out without permission.

But Ye Feng just shrugged and sat down, staring at the food on the table.

Diana looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? Is it not to your taste? "

Ye Feng just frowned and said, "no, it looks like that. It smells very fragrant!"

Diana said with a smile, "that's good. I haven't cooked for a long time. This is the Chinese food my mother taught me when she was alive!"

Levis took the rice, picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. He said that it tasted good while eating.

But Ye Feng looked at Li Weisi in surprise and said, "can you use chopsticks?"

Levis shrugged his shoulders and said, "Franco is Chinese, and there are many Chinese restaurants in Michoacan. I often patronize them. I've learned to use them for a long time!"

Qianse bee is holding a knife and fork. She can't use chopsticks at all. She looks a little clumsy. Diana can't help laughing. She quickly takes chopsticks and teaches Diana how to use them.

Ye Feng picked up the chopsticks and put them down after a few mouthfuls without saying anything.

Diana said, "what? Really not to your taste? "

But Ye Feng said, "Oh, no, it's delicious, but I'm not used to eating rice for breakfast I'm full, you eat! I'll have a cigarette

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and walked toward the living room, but Diana muttered, "I forget that Chinese Americans eat porridge in the morning, not food!"

Qianse bee said to Diana, "don't worry about him. He said that if you are full, you will be full. It's not you or me who are hungry. We eat ours!"

Say thousand color bee with just learned chopsticks, learn to clip vegetables, finally really clip up, excited wawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawa.

Diana has no mind to eat any more, but has been staring at Ye Feng in the lobby.

Li Weisi soon had enough to eat. After wiping his mouth, he went to Ye Feng and sat down. He also lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. Then he asked Ye Feng, "what are you going to do today?"

Ye Feng then toward Li Weisi way, "a moment you follow me to walk!" Then he said to qianse Feng, "don't go out. Stay here and protect Diana!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she frowned and said, "these are all the tasks I've been given. Last time I protected Maria, this time..."

Then the thousand color bee saw that Diana's face was not right, and immediately turned around, "OK, no problem, I'll take care of it here!"

Qianse Feng then turned away from the topic and said to Diana, "you're really good at copying these dishes. If you have a chance to teach me, I want to learn!"

Diana just nodded a little, and the loss on her face was hard to hide.

Seeing this, qianse bee could not help taking a deep breath. Then she said to Diana in a deep voice, "don't look at it. It can't change anything. That guy has someone in his heart now! There is no room for anyone

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