Charlie smell speech immediately to Shi Kefei smile way, "what idea can I make?"? What's the situation now, don't you know? "

Shi Kefei sneered and said, "I don't quite understand what you're saying, let alone what you're doing!"

Charlie also sneered, "if you keep talking like this, it's boring!"

But Shi Kefei said to Charlie directly, "if you have anything to say, just say it. I'm not good at guessing riddles! And I hate riddles! "

Charlie said immediately, "are you alone now?"

Shi Kefei immediately said, "yes, I'm alone. If you have anything, just say it!"

But Charlie said with a smile, "I just called you, why didn't you answer, and then directly cut off, and just called me back, and said I was smart, understand the disguise? What does that mean? "

Shi Kefei's heart moved and said, "what do you mean?"

Charlie immediately sneered and said, "scoffe, we are all old friends Even if you're not old friends, you're old acquaintances. We all know each other so well. You don't have to talk like this any more? "

Shi Kefei immediately said, "you call me, now blame me for calling like this?"

Charlie immediately said, "just now cruise was next to you. Cruise was next to you. You didn't even dare to answer my phone? What are you doing? "

Shi Kefei's tone became slightly angry and said, "what do you want to say? If you don't go directly to the subject, I'll hang up!"

Charlie immediately said with a smile, "schleffe, I have already explained that I will give you back your field, but you don't believe me!"

He said immediately, "why? It's not your style of doing things. You won't waste such a big thing. Finally tell me, are you playing with me? "

Charlie immediately said, "of course, it's not for fun. I don't have the time and energy to play with you. I just do it for cruise!"

As soon as he heard this, he could not help but move his face and said, "did you do it for Kreis?"

Charlie immediately said, "Scofield, let's not beat around the Bush!" Then he took a look at Ye Feng, who had been looking at himself. Then he continued to say to Shi Kefei, "I sent someone to contact you last night!"

Shi Kefei could not help but feel a move when he heard the speech, and then said, "and then?"

Charlie said immediately, "now the safety of flamencourt is about you and me!"

Shi Kefei sneered and said, "is that a bit exaggerated?"

But Charlie snorted coldly, "no exaggeration at all! I can directly tell you that now you are lost and have a chance. Don't wait for a while. If you don't have a chance, you will be doomed! "

Shikefei said to Charlie, "Charlie, you don't have to scare me. You should know that I'm following cruise now!"

Charlie immediately said with a smile, "so you're from cruise? So what are you doing on the phone? We all know who cruise is, so we don't have to say much about it. And I tell you, Goro Ono came to see me today! "

Shi Kefei can't help frowning when he hears the words, "has Goro Ono ever gone to see you?"

Charlie immediately said, "he came to me on behalf of cruise, let me help him, the worst result is to remain neutral, don't ask about flamencourt."

It should be a secret thing! What do you tell me to do? "

But Charlie said, "you only know part of it, and you don't know what his other conditions are."

Shi Kefei immediately said, "what are the other conditions?"

Charlie immediately said with a smile, "the contradiction between you and me should not be a secret, right?"

Shi Kefei said immediately, "there are many people in the world! What do you mean

Charlie said immediately, "don't I take up some of your space? Cruise can say that if I agree to his terms, he will persuade you not to ask me to go back to the site, and also promise that I can go back to the group, and the treatment will not be much worse than you at that time! "

After listening to what Charlie said, Shi Kefei's heart suddenly moved and pondered for a long time without speaking.

Charlie continued, "I'm not hiding it from you. I was very happy to hear that at that time, but after Ono Goro left, I thought about it carefully. This is either Cruise's delaying tactics or conspiracy. Now you should be his most trustworthy person? He started to sacrifice your interests just to woo me. Except that he may be deceiving me, other possibilities are that you are just a tool in his eyes... "

Shi Kefei immediately sneered and said, "don't try to stir up the relationship between me and cruise!"

Charlie also sneered, "I'm not provoking. Besides, do you still need me to provoke your relationship with him? I just tell you, from you, I see myself, even if what he promised is true, in order to win me over and sacrifice your interests, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not sacrifice my interests for others in the future! That's the main reason I'm looking for you! "After taking a deep breath, Shi Kefei asked Charlie, "what do you mean..."

Charlie immediately said, "our own destiny should be in our own hands. We are not chess pieces that others can use and abandon at any time. We should have our own principles! Of course, I think so, but I don't know if you think so! "

Shi Kefei then said in a deep voice, "say the purpose directly!"

Charlie immediately said, "we should cooperate with each other to save flamencourt. Cruise's character is not suitable to be the boss at all. Only flamencourt can take charge of the whole group. Although there are some problems occasionally, everyone's overall power is still balanced. But once kreus comes to power, this balance will be completely broken. Maybe everyone's interests will be destroyed If something goes wrong, it's only fattening his own family! "

After listening to what Charlie said, he pondered again. After a long time, he said, "I'll help you. What's the good for me? I've just changed my master. I'm still a dog myself! "

Charlie said to schleffer, "no one treats you like a dog. Maybe cruise gives you such an impression, but at least I don't, Levis doesn't, and I don't think flamencourt has ever thought that way! You and flamencourt have known each other for a longer time than I and Levis. You should be the one who knows him best among us

As soon as he heard this, he was silent again, and then said, "but I betrayed flamencourt after all. Now he's in prison, so I need to. Once he gets out of trouble, who knows if he will settle the accounts in the future?"

Charlie said immediately, "I'm sure you don't believe it. You have to rely on your own intuition to think about it. I don't think flamencourt will. You and flamencourt are close friends. We've been together for so many years, and some misunderstandings are inevitable. Don't we also have disputes and misunderstandings? Flamencourto has driven me out of the group for you.... "

Shi Kefei said with a sneer, "don't scare me. Everyone knows that flamencourt is driving you out of the group in name. In fact, it's just protecting you and giving you space for your own development!"

Charlie said immediately, "anyway! Flamencourt asked me to leave for you. Why didn't he ask you to leave for me? So in his mind, your status is still higher than mine... "

As soon as Shi Kefei heard this, he was silent again. At last, he sighed, "you're right It's just

Charlie immediately said, "I'm very grateful that you can listen to me so much. Really, before I wanted to call you, I was still a little frustrated. But after chatting with you, it's nothing. Our grudges can be resolved. What's the matter with you and flamencourt?"

At this time, he pondered again, and then asked, "you just said that Levis is with you?"

Charlie immediately said, "not only is Levis, I believe you know how many people in the group don't agree with cruise, otherwise you won't put them all under house arrest in the villa!"

After taking a deep breath, Shi Kefei said, "OK! I'll think about it! "

Charlie said immediately, "there's no time. What else do you think? What are you worried about? How can you start to act like a mother? In the final analysis, everything we have is given by flamencourt. Even if we make the wrong decision today, everything will be gone in the end. The big deal is to go back to the origin. We originally have nothing. What's to be afraid of? I remember you used to eat bad food in the slums. What else do you have to worry about? "

After listening to what Charlie said, he took a deep breath and said, "OK, I promise you!"

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