Charlie listen to Shi Kefei agreed, immediately nodded toward Ye Feng, with eyes to tell Ye Feng, Shi Kefei on the phone has agreed.

Ye Feng stretched out his thumb to Charlie, and Charlie immediately said to Shi Kefei, "Shi Kefei, I tell you, you made the most wise choice."

Shi Kefei said, "there is nothing wise or unwise. What do you want to do? Please contact me again! First of all, I'll stay in the room too long, and cruise will doubt it! "

Charlie should be a, such as Shi Kefei hung up the phone, this just toward Ye Feng said, "Shi Kefei has promised!"

Ye Feng nodded, while Li Weisi said, "you're right. It's a wise choice for Shi Kefei to sit down!"

Charlie looked at Ye Feng and said, "now shikefei has promised to help us deal with both internal and external affairs. What should we do now?"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng looked at Levis and said, "Levis, what do you suggest?"

Levis said at this time, "if schleffer agrees to us, then we can start to launch a general attack on the villa. We couldn't do this before, because we were worried that flamencourt would be hurt in it, but now we don't need it, because schleffer will protect flamencourt in it!"

Ye Feng nodded, then looked at Charlie and said, "how many hands can you transfer?"

Charlie said hastily, "you don't expect my hand to help you capture the villa, do you? You don't know that all the people in there are veterans. My men are all little gangsters who have no experience. It may be useful for you to ask them to smash the field. If you really want to save people and make enemies with those veterans, they will die when they go! "

Ye Feng takes a deep breath and looks at Li Weisi.

Levis also nodded at this time and said, "that's right. It's totally unrealistic to expect Charlie's people. At most, his people have a good momentum. If they really want to attack the villa, they still can't!"

Ye Feng then asked Levis and Charlie, "don't you have any contact with the local government?"

Levis immediately said, "in Michoacan, the person we can use is mahanda. Now mahanda is in the villa. Who else can we look for?"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the speech. Li Weisi is right. Now Ma anda is under house arrest at the same time. It's hard for people who want to call the government.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help pondering for a while, and didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. When he takes it up, it turns out that it's the number of thousand color bee. He secretly says that it's Diana who has an accident again, right?

Thinking of Ye Feng or connected the phone, but listening to the voice of the thousand color bee, we found Maria

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, "found Maria?"? What's her situation now? Are you all right? "

Thousand color bee immediately toward leaf maple said, "temporarily nothing, just a little low mood!"

Ye Feng sighed a little, but then thought of what, immediately asked, "you said you found Maria? You mean you and Diana? Have you left the villa? "

Hearing this, the thousand color bee hesitated and said, "this The main reason is that Diana didn't want to stay in the villa and wanted to come out to relax. I thought there should be no big problem, so I drove her out. I didn't want to meet Maria on the way! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but way, "Diana want to go out to stroll, you agreed?"

The thousand color bee sighed, "whether it's Diana or Maria, they're all human beings. You didn't give me an order to treat them as criminals. I can't force them to listen to me!"

Ye Feng thinks that she just wants qianse bee to protect the safety of Maria and Diana. She has no other requirements. Now Diana wants to go out for a stroll, and qianse bee is around to protect her. What she has done is enough.

Think of here, leaf maple immediately toward thousand color bee way, "you now return to villa, still on the way?"

Thousand color bee says immediately, "still on the way, preparing to return to villa!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "don't go back for the time being. I'll send you a location later. You'll bring them to me!"

Having said that, Ye Feng hung up the phone and immediately sent a positioning to qianse bee, then said to Li Weisi, "there's a way!"

Li Wei Si hears speech brow can't help a wrinkly way, "what method?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Li Weisi, "Maria, the daughter of Ma anda, will come here soon. At that time, we can let her go to the nearby military camp with us as the daughter of Ma anda, and let her claim that her father Ma anda is in danger and must call the army to save people!"

As soon as Li Weisi heard this, he couldn't help but move. Then he nodded to Ye Feng and said, "it's a good idea, but there are still problems. First of all, will Maria agree to do it? Second, do people in the army believe Maria's words?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "no matter what the problem is, when Maria comes, you'll know. As for the army, you can only have a try! Better than doing nothing here? "Reeves can't help nodding, but Charlie frowned, "in this case, what do you want me to do? I feel like I'm useless again!"

Ye Feng looked at Charlie and said, "how can you be useless? What were you doing all night? "

Charlie frowned and said, "it's not necessary to ask. Of course, he's harassing Scheffer's field and occupying several of his fields..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "don't do anything today, just do one thing!"

Charlie can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "repeat what happened last night, continue to harass the field, occupy the field, but this time..."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, Charlie immediately said, "I understand, this time I'm going to harass Cruise's field, not Shi Kefei's field..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course not, you only occupy Cruise's field, but don't move Shi Kefei's field. Aren't you telling cruise that you and Shi Kefei have reached some kind of agreement, and now he's with you?"

Charlie can't help frowning when he hears the speech. After staring at Ye Feng, he says, "I just said on the phone that I would return the field to Shi Kefei. Now I have to occupy his other fields?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Charlie, "you just need to explain this to Shi Kefei. The purpose of doing this is to protect Shi Kefei from being discovered by Kress. He should understand and understand if he has to!"

Charlie heard the speech for a while pondering, then nodded and said, "now it seems that we have to do the same!"

Levis then said, "what do you need me to do?"

Ye Feng said to Li Weisi, "just help Charlie. Cruise's field must not be as easy to occupy as Shi Kefei's..."

As he said this, he seemed to think of something and immediately said to Levi, "it's too waste of human and material resources for us to occupy this and that field. Is there anything cruise can't lose?"

As soon as Li Weisi heard this, his face suddenly moved, and he immediately understood Ye Feng's meaning. He quickly said, "he has a drug factory in the southern suburb, and few people know about it. The location is relatively obscure. Only the high-level people in the group know about it. If something goes wrong there, we'll wait for Cruise's headquarters to be unstable!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately a nod, immediately toward Charlie way, "don't choose other places, is this drug factory, you take this place, should not have any problem?"

Charlie smell speech a surprised way, "you want my people to occupy Cruise's factory?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at Charlie, "how? What's the problem? "

Charlie shook his head and said, "the problem is that there is no problem, but our business, unless it is to force others to think and find out each other thoroughly, has a tacit understanding. Even if we know where the other party's factory is, it is absolutely impossible to use any brains, which is equivalent to declaring war on them!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Charlie and said, "what? What do you think of the current situation? Can't we declare war on cruise? "

Levi has been pondering without saying anything, then he said to Ye Feng, "if so, there must be not enough hands on Charlie's side!"

Ye Feng said to Li Weisi and Charlie, "there are not enough people in your group? There should be a lot of flamencourt among them, right? You can borrow people from them, and that will solve the problem? "

Charlie and Levis are pondering, as if thinking about who else in the group can be trusted.

Finally, Levis thought of someone and said to Charlie, "we can borrow someone from Uncle Ming!"

Charlie can't help but move his brow when he hears the words. He looks at Levis and says, "Uncle Ming? He has retired to the second tier for a long time

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