But Levis said immediately, "Uncle Ming recommended the second tier, but of course, what about the people who were trained by him? Although many of them have been changed to zhenghang, there are still many brothers in their hands. To tell you the truth, people like us who have been changed to zhenghang are somewhat partial. "

As soon as Charlie heard this, his face could not help but move, and he immediately nodded and said, "yes, as long as we have settled uncle Ming, uncle Ming only needs a word. Don't those guys all pay a lot of attention?"

Reeves could not help nodding and then said, "we'll go to see Uncle Ming in a moment. Flamencourt has been kind to Uncle Ming. I believe uncle Ming should not know the situation now. As long as he knows, he won't sit back and ignore it!"

Charlie nodded again when he heard the speech. At this time, Li Weisi said to Ye Feng, "well, we'll be divided into two groups in a moment. You take Maria to find the local army, and Charlie and I will go to find uncle Ming!"

As soon as Ye Feng nodded, he heard someone knocking at the door. After Charlie called in, a waiter came in and said that there were three women looking for him.

Ye Feng immediately asked the waiter to call the three women in. After waiting for a moment, he saw qianse bee, Diana and Maria come in.

Thousand color bee and Maria came in and sat down. Only Maria's face didn't seem right. She was completely listless.

Ye Feng immediately got up and asked Maria, "are you ok? Where were you? Why is your face so ugly? "

Without waiting for Maria to speak, the thousand color bee immediately said, "she, go to her father's former subordinates, want to ask them to help, who knows none of those guys dare to show up!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this, but she saw that Maria held her hand tightly and said, "Domingo Ah, no matter who you are, since you have borrowed the look of Domingo, I hope you will take it as for Domingo, and finally do something for Domingo and help my father... "

Ye Feng immediately patted Maria's hand and said, "don't worry, we are now discussing how to save people!"

But Maria frowned slightly and said, "is it flamencourt you want to save?"

Ye Feng knew what Maria meant and said to her immediately, "don't think about it any more. We are not in conflict with each other in saving flamencourt and your father. They are all together!"

Diana also immediately said to Maria, "I told you on the way that your father was not captured by my father now. He is in the villa now, but the villa has been occupied by the cruise Gang!"

After hearing this, Maria looked at Ye Feng and said, "but isn't it dangerous for my father to rescue flamencourt?"

As soon as Diana heard this, she immediately got up and said, "Oh, you mean to let him save your father and let my father wait to die, right?"

Hearing this, Maria waved her hand and said, "that's not what I mean! I'm just worried that your dad won't let my dad go! "

This time, without waiting for Diana to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "you don't have to worry about this. Now flamencourt has no heart to ask your father!"

Li Weisi then got up and said to Ye Feng, "then Charlie and I will go to find uncle Ming first?"

Ye Feng nodded and said to Li Weisi, "you take Diana with you, tell Diana about the situation, let Diana talk to Uncle Ming, maybe you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

As soon as Levis heard this, he could not help nodding, "that's good!" And he said to Diana, "Diana, come with us, too!"

But Diana said, "where are you going?"

Levis said, "let's get in the car."

But Diana looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "shall I go with them?"

Ye Feng nodded to Diana and said, "go with them. They will tell you how to do it on the way."

Diana listened to Ye Feng's words, then nodded. After looking at Ye Feng again, she left with Levis and Charlie.

Only Ye Feng, qianse bee and Maria were left in the private room. Ye Feng took Maria to the table and asked her, "are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

Maria shook her head and said, "I'm not hungry. I just want to save my dad!"

Ye Feng took a look at Maria, or called the waiter, let him on some things.

After waiting for the waiter to serve, Ye Feng said to Maria, "you eat something first. If you don't eat it, the child in the stomach will have to supplement the influence! When you finish eating, I'll take you to save your father! "

When Maria heard this, she couldn't help looking up at Ye Feng and said, "really?"

Ye Feng said, "you came with Diana. You should have heard from her. I went to the villa once last night. It's a pity I didn't see your father. You have enough to eat first, and then you have to do something for me!"

Maria can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "what can I do for you?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "after you are full, we will go to the military region of Michoacan state and find the person in charge there. You will tell them that your father was taken by Cruise and ask them to send troops to save people!"When Maria heard this, she frowned and said, "how could they listen to me?"

Ye Feng said to Maria, "of course not under normal circumstances, but you can tell them that if your father has an accident, flamencourt will not spare them!"

Maria's brow frowned more tightly. "How can it be? My father was arrested by flamencourt... "

Ye Feng immediately looked at Maria and said, "who knows? Now flamenco has been put under house arrest by Cruise. No one knows exactly what happened! You just have to do what I say! "

Maria listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately a while pondering looking at Ye Feng, did not say anything.

The thousand color bee then said to one side, "just do what he asks you to do! He will not harm you

At this time, the waiter came in with something, and Ye Feng quickly let Maria eat.

Although it's not a meal, Ye Feng still seems to be eating like a wolf when he sees qianse bee eating. He must have left last night, but he hasn't had a good meal yet.

Seeing the way Maria was eating, qianse bee was a little hungry. She called the waiter and ordered one by herself. She sat there to eat with Maria.

Ye Feng then took advantage of this time, went to the smoking area outside the private room and lit a cigarette to smoke.

When Ye Feng finishes smoking a cigarette and goes back, Maria has almost finished eating. Ye Feng immediately leaves the Japanese restaurant with Maria and qianse bee.

After getting on the bus, Ye Feng asked qianse bee to drive. She asked her to find out the location of the military region in Michoacan state first, and then drove to the other side.

On the way, Maria asked Ye Feng, "if you rescue my father and Diana's father, flamencourt still wants to kill my father, what should I do?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'll just save your father. As for how to treat your father after flamencourt, I really can't control it!"

But Maria said to Yefeng immediately, "why do you want to save flamencourt? He's a drug lord. I don't know how many people he killed? Domingo died in his hands. Now my father is like this again... "

The more Maria said, the more excited she was. Ye Feng said repeatedly, "don't be excited. This is not an unsolvable matter. First of all, it should be an accident for your father to shoot flamencourt. Secondly, flamencourt's health is not very good, and he is still under house arrest. He has no energy to think about your father's business any more. Finally, even if he doesn't care When you think about it, you can talk to Diana and ask Diana to intercede for you. Maybe it will be a big thing and a small thing! "

While driving, qianse bee said to Maria, "yes, Diana is a good talker. I believe she will help you as long as you talk to her, but don't say anything in front of her, such as saving your father instead of her father. Everyone's father is a father. She should understand your feelings, but she wants to save her father Mood, you should be considerate, don't you say

After a long time, Maria nodded and said, "maybe I'm too extreme. I don't mean to hurt her!"

The thousand color bee shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter. We saw you on the road just now, but Diana saw you first. Although she is actually the daughter of flamencourt, she is not the same kind of person as flamencourt after all. I believe she won't go to her heart!"

Said thousand color bee also toward leaf maple way, "you say?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said to Maria, "you're right. Diana looks like the daughter of flamencourt, so many people subconsciously regard her as the same person as her father. In fact, Diana is also very kind. It shouldn't be a problem for you to find her!"

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