After hearing what Ye Feng said, qianse bee took a look in the rearview mirror and said, "look, I'll say it!"

Maria nodded and said, "I'll talk to Diana when I meet her again."

Soon after the car arrived near the military area command, you could see the military camp in the wasteland in the distance. As soon as the car arrived at the gate of the military camp, some soldiers came and stopped the car.

A soldier came up, knocked on the window and asked, "this is a military area. Don't come near it at will!"

Ye Feng then said to the soldiers, "this is Miss Maria, the daughter of Michoacan governor mahanda. She came here to find the person in charge here. She has something important to do!"

When the soldier heard this, he was stunned and looked at the back seat from the window. When he saw Maria, his face suddenly moved. He remembered that he had seen Maria following ma'ana on TV. She was right.

After looking at it, the soldier still said to the three people in the car, "drive the car to one side, I'll report to you, just a moment!"

Qianse bee then drove the car to the corner of the gate of the military region, and the soldier had already communicated with the soldiers of other guards.

Several other soldiers heard that the daughter of the governor was sitting in the car. They could not help but look at the car. The soldier went into the barracks to report.

At this time, qianse bee sat in the driver's seat, looking at everything at the barracks gate, but said, "it seems that these soldiers all know you?"

Obviously, this was said to Maria. After hearing this, Maria immediately nodded and said, "my father used to be on TV, and I've been with him several times. Maybe these people have seen TV, so they know me!"

Ye Feng can't help but smile and say, "it's good to be on TV. It can make more people know themselves!"

Thousand color bee smell speech then toward leaf maple a smile way, "you envy?"? You can also be on TV. When you retire and have nothing to do, consider becoming a movie star. I can be your agent for free

Ye Feng Wen Yan light smile, shook his head, did not say anything, retired life, he never thought about carefully.

Now listen to the thousand color bee said, secretly don't know whether they can retire this time, now things are completely stuck in Mexico side, don't know when to completely solve.

Just thinking about it, I saw a soldier walking towards the door quickly, and then bent over to the inside of the car, "our general asked you to go in, but you can only walk!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and got off the car. Although qianse bee followed him, he complained, "why do you want to walk?"

The soldier said apologetically, "because there was a car bomb time here before, and the car outside entered the barracks!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, her face suddenly moved, and then she said to the soldiers, "do you suspect that the governor Qian Jin is here to blow you up?"

The soldier shrugged helplessly and said, "I didn't mean that, and I didn't set the rules!"

Ye Feng let thousand color bee don't embarrass the soldiers, let the soldiers take them into the barracks, the barracks gate is a huge open space.

There were soldiers training everywhere in the open space. When I saw two women coming in at the door, one by one completely listless soldiers, I felt as energetic as a chicken.

There are soldiers whistling to this side, trying to attract the attention of qianse bee and Maria.

Thousand color bee looked at the soldiers on both sides, but murmured, "these guys don't know how long they haven't seen a woman?"

But Maria felt uncomfortable and said to Ye Feng, "let's go back?"

Ye Feng said to Maria, "don't you save your father?"

On hearing this, Maria couldn't say anything. In order to save her father, mahanda, what's this? Besides, the soldiers just looked and whistled and didn't do anything.

Soon the three men saw a building in front of them. After walking for about ten minutes, they finally entered a building. The soldiers led them to a door on the fifth floor and knocked on the door.

Inside immediately came a middle-aged man's voice, asked them to enter.

When the soldier opened the door, he saw a middle-aged Mexican officer in military uniform sitting in it.

Seeing Maria, the Officer immediately stood up and said with a smile, "Maria, long time no see!"

In amazement, Maria took a close look at the officer's 40 years old appearance. She was familiar with it, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it. Maybe she had seen herself on TV, just like the soldiers outside.

Thinking of Maria smiling at the officer, nodding, "Hello!"

After the officer looked at Maria, he looked at Ye Feng and qianse Feng. Then he asked them to sit down and asked, "Maria, what can I do for you? Why don't you ask your father to call before you come? "

As soon as Maria heard this, she immediately said to the officer, "my father has been Buddha Kidnapped by Cruise! "

The officer frowned and said, "cruise? Which cruise? "Maria was immediately asked, where does he know which cruise, she immediately to Ye Feng cast the eyes for help.

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's the right man of flamencourt, cruise!"

On hearing this, the officer said, "the men of flamencourt? So the governor was kidnapped by flamencourt? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately say, "can say so, also can not say so."

The officer smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly ground looking at leaf maple way, "what meaning?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "because cruise betrayed flamencourt, flamencourt is now also kidnapped by Cruise!"

On hearing this, the officer's face suddenly changed. He looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way. Then he looked at Maria and said, "is the governor really kidnapped?"

Maria immediately nodded and said, "yes, he and flamencourt are in flamencourt's villa now. Send someone to help him!"

The officer pondered and frowned, "Maria, are you kidding? How come I haven't heard a word about such a big thing! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "this kind of thing, how can Maria make fun of her father, and also run to the barracks to make fun of it?"

Maria immediately echoed, "yes, I'm not kidding. My father was kidnapped last night. I don't know what's going on. Please send your troops as soon as possible."

The officer looked at Maria thoughtfully, then took another look at Ye Feng and Qian se Feng, and then said, "who are these two of you?"

Maria suddenly hesitated and didn't know how to introduce Yefeng and qianse bee.

But Ye Feng immediately said to the officer, "I'm Maria's fiance Domingo!"

The thousand color bee also said, "I'm Maria's friend! Officer, we are very worried about Uncle Ma anda's safety. Look... "

The officer frowned and said, "you should go to the police for this kind of thing. You don't have to come to the barracks for me, do you?"

When Maria heard this, she was shocked and looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said to the officer, "you could have called the police, but Cruise's men are all retired soldiers. If the police go there, I'm afraid there will be casualties, and the police may not be Cruise's opponents!"

But the Officer immediately said, "if so, will there be no casualties in our military?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the speech. He seems to recognize that the officer doesn't want to help.

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the rank of the officer. It should be at the rank of lieutenant, not the head of the barracks.

Ye Feng then immediately stood up and said, "since you can't be the master, let you be the master."

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, his face suddenly moved. He immediately patted the table and said, "this is the military camp. You think it's the vegetable market. You can see whoever you want to see?"

Seeing this, Maria said, "he doesn't mean that. He's just anxious to save my dad..."

But the lieutenant snorted coldly, and then said to Maria, "Maria, we should do something about governor mahanda, but as you know, we are soldiers, not police, and we have our own discipline. How can we leave the military camp and enter the urban area without orders?"

Ye Feng immediately said to the lieutenant, "aren't you cruise's man?"

On hearing this, Maria's face suddenly changed, and there was a look of horror on her face.

And the Lieutenant's face was also slightly moved, and then said with a sneer, "what cruise man? I'm just a soldier, I'm a national! "

Ye Feng said with a sneer, "what you said is very nice. Now the governor of the country has been kidnapped. Since you are a soldier and a person of the country, you can't help yourself? Don't talk about the governor. Even if he is an ordinary citizen, shouldn't you soldiers all help him? "

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