The lieutenant looked at Ye Feng coldly and didn't say a word. It wasn't that he had nothing to say, but that he had already disdained to talk with Ye Feng.

Then he stood up and said to Maria, "Maria, I wanted you to come in to receive you because I wanted to meet your father. But your fiance said that, so I don't think we need to talk any more. I won't send you away!"

On hearing this, Maria suddenly changed her face and said to the lieutenant, "don't do that. He didn't mean that..."

Ye Feng looked at the lieutenant and said, "you are just looking for an excuse to send us away. Why do you say that you are so familiar with Ma anda? If you were familiar with Ma anda, you would have sent troops to help us!"

Said Ye Feng also toward Maria, "Maria, let's go, don't ask this kind of person! He is not worthy of your low voice

Finish saying this, Ye Feng immediately pulls Maria to turn around to walk, Lieutenant smell speech but immediately toward Ye Feng scold a way, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng looked back at the lieutenant and sneered, "am I wrong? I keep saying that I'm old acquaintances with the governor, but what I say is that I refuse. If I refuse, I will refuse. I have to pretend that I care! Don't you think it's hypocritical? "

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, he immediately pulled out his gun and said to Ye Feng, "you have the guts to say it again. Do you believe I can kill you?"

Maria immediately said, "don't shoot, let's go..."

But the lieutenant sneered, holding the gun step by step toward Ye Feng, and finally put the muzzle of the gun against Ye Feng's forehead, "go? Is it too late to leave now? "

But Ye Feng frowned, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "if you have seed, shoot!"

The lieutenant immediately snorted, "do you think I dare not shoot? I tell you, here, I can find out n reasons for killing you. I don't need to be responsible at all! "

Maria immediately said to the lieutenant, "what did he say that you don't like to hear? I apologize for him. I don't want you to save my father, right?"

But the lieutenant snorted coldly, "if you make a mistake, you will pay for it. Although you are his fiancee, you are not him after all!"

Maria understands the meaning of the lieutenant. He wants Ye Feng to apologize to him in person.

She immediately toward Ye Feng way, "you apologize to him, we quickly leave, don't toss about here..."

But Ye Feng made a wink at the thousand color bee on one side. The thousand color bee knew, and immediately went to pull Maria to open the way, "you don't have to care about the things between their men!"

On hearing this, the lieutenant couldn't help laughing and said, "this beautiful woman is right. It's a matter between us men. Don't let your women in or interfere!"

After saying this, the lieutenant immediately said to Ye Feng in front of him, "if you are a man, apologize to me now. I'll take it as if nothing happened. You leave quickly!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "first of all, I have to apologize to you. I'm very sorry. I never apologize to anyone!"

Then he muttered, "am I contradicting myself? I said I would not apologize, but I'm still sorry to you. I'll take back this sentence and say it again... "

Ye Feng said and immediately changed his tongue, "I never apologize to people!"

Then he cleared his throat and said to the lieutenant, "isn't that a little bit of a man? If it's not enough for men, I can make my voice a little rougher! "

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, his face suddenly changed. No matter how stupid he was, he could recognize that he was mocking himself.

He immediately scolded secretly, then opened the pistol and said, "do you really think I dare not shoot?"

But Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I bet you don't have bullets in your gun..."

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, his face suddenly moved and he subconsciously looked at his pistol.

However, at the same time, the lieutenant suddenly felt a pain in his wrist. He didn't know what was going on, but he didn't know when his gun was gone.

The lieutenant looked around again. He didn't know how his pistol came to Ye Feng's hand. At this time, Ye Feng was holding a gun to himself.

Seeing this, he suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you know where this is? You dare to grab a gun and point it at me. Do you know that I don't need any reason to array you on the spot? "

But Ye Feng nodded and said, "I believe, but you need to have a gun in your hand first when you put me on the spot."

Say Ye Feng but again toward the lieutenant way, "so you know I can shoot to kill you at any time?"

The lieutenant sneered, "how dare you? If there's a shooting in the barracks, do you think you can run? 0 "

Ye Feng shrugged and said," run? Who said I was going to run? Anyway, I've offended you, and you're not going to let me leave so easily, are you? I'm not going to leave anyway. Before I die, I'll put you on my back. Don't you have any opinions? "The lieutenant smell speech facial expression immediately move, hurriedly toward Ye Feng way, "you don't mess, I didn't want how you, just scare you, if you really shoot, don't say you, even Maria and her friends don't want to leave here alive!"

But Ye Feng shrugged, and then asked the thousand color bee, "he said I kill him, we can't leave here, you're not afraid!"

Hearing what she wanted to say, Maria was pulled by qianse bee. Qianse bee said, "what's to be afraid of is death. Anyway, before we die, we should let him go in front of us!"

The lieutenant didn't expect that qianse fengyijie was not afraid of death. He could not help looking at Maria in amazement.

Ye Feng then put the muzzle of the gun against the Lieutenant's head and said, "I'm sorry, see you next life..."

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, he immediately softened and cried out, "don't shoot, don't shoot..."

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "can you be like a man, I didn't shoot, you are so scared. If I shoot, you can't be scared to death?"

The thousand color bee said to one side, "if you shoot him, he will die. How can he be scared to death?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but a surprised, immediately nodded a way, "Oh? really? I haven't really thought about that

Then he said to the lieutenant immediately, "why don't we do an experiment to see if you are scared to death or shot first after I shoot?"

Ye Feng said that he was still sitting trying to pull the trigger. The lieutenant could not help changing his face and said, "don't shoot. I'm wrong. I apologize to you..."

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "what do you say? I can't hear you

The lieutenant immediately said in a loud voice, "I'm wrong. I apologize to you. I shouldn't have done that to you. I'm sorry!"

Ye Feng then said to Maria, "Maria, he apologized to me. Do you think I'll forgive him?"

Maria has been scared silly, listen to Ye Feng say so, even busy way, "since he apologized, then forget it!"

Ye Feng sighed, "your heart is always so kind!"

Then he said to the lieutenant, "I only forgive you because of Maria's face. Don't think your apology is valuable. I don't care about it at all!"

The lieutenant immediately stopped and said, "yes, yes, yes, I'm a fart. I don't know you're like this. Just think I'm a fart and let me go!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded, "fart? Let it go? That's a good metaphor! "

Then he said to the lieutenant, "I can't see that you can still be so humorous in this situation. You are a man indeed! Well, that's it! "

The lieutenant heard this, a long sigh of relief, but the heart is thinking, he is just a temporary compromise, as long as you take the gun in Ye Feng's hand first, then tell him to live or die.

But although listen to Ye Feng say so calculate, but completely didn't want to put down the meaning of the gun, can't help but frown way, "you are not promised to let me go, how still hold the gun?"

Ye Feng smiles and says to the lieutenant, "where you offended me, I really let you go like a fart, but now it's another thing!"

The lieutenant frowned and asked, "what else is the matter?" Then, as if remembering something, he immediately said, "Oh, by the way, it's not that I don't save the governor, it's that I really don't have the authority!"

But Ye Feng said, "it's not that you don't have this authority. A lieutenant, how can you transfer some soldiers? You don't have authority, but you don't intend to help at all. The reason is very simple! "

When it comes to tears, Ye Feng added, "because you are cruise's man at all!"

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, his face suddenly changed, his eyes turned around several times, and his mouth said, "how can it be? I could be cruise? "

But Ye Feng sneered, "what's impossible in Mexico, especially in Michoacan?"

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