Ye Feng said and snorted coldly, "big drug lords like flamencourt can sit up and have a meeting with the people of the government with high sounding. You don't know how many people in the army took his kickback. As far as the team is concerned, how many cruise people in the army are strange? What's more, Cruz's current staff are all retired soldiers, which is enough to show that he has a lot of ties with the army. Am I right? "

When the lieutenant heard Ye Feng's words, he immediately looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, he seemed to be more relaxed. He quickly denied, "no, you're not right. I'm not Cruise's man!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "so you are from flamencourt?"

The second lieutenant quickly denied it, "no, I'm the army of the country, I'm the people of the country!"

Ye Feng can't help but sneer, "it's all this time. I'm still telling lies here. Originally, I'm not sure you must be a person of cruise, but you don't admit that you are a person of flamencourt, which is tantamount to indirectly admitting that you are a person of cruise!"

Said, did not wait for the lieutenant to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "you do not have to admit, you admit it or not, there is no result for us!"

With these words, Ye Feng looked back at Maria and said, "never expect these people to become public servants. They only have money in their eyes!"

While Ye Feng turns his head, the lieutenant suddenly grabs the gun in Ye Feng's hand, but as soon as he reaches out his hand, he hears a bang.

The lieutenant was stunned, and Maria screamed, but the thousand color bee just looked at the Lieutenant with her eyebrows.

At this time, the lieutenant looked at Ye Feng in front of him, and then looked at his hand, which had been broken by a shot. At this time, the flesh and blood were blurred, and he could not see that it was a hand at all.

For a moment, the lieutenant forgot the pain. At this time, he immediately covered his hand and began to scream.

Ye Feng at this time but looked at the lieutenant, sneer a way, "this time unexpectedly still want to resist? Do you really think I'm joking with you? "

At this time, the cold sweat on the Lieutenant's forehead came down, and the veins in his temples and neck were protruding. His face was pale, and he was too painful to speak.

And thousand color bee walked to the door of the office for the first time, looked toward the outside, then immediately toward Ye Feng Road, "there are soldiers out here already!"

At this time, the lieutenant said to Ye Feng, "if you shoot in the barracks, the nature will completely change. You don't want to leave here..." Then he began to hum again.

Ye Feng then grabbed the Lieutenant's collar, and then stood behind him, with a gun to his temple, but said, "my purpose here has not been achieved, please don't go!"

With that, Ye Feng pushes the lieutenant to the door, and then asks qianse bee to protect Maria and take her to the corner of the office.

Maria has been completely hoodwinked at this time. They came to the barracks to ask for help from their father Ma anda. Now Ye Feng has injured other officers. It seems that not only can't save her father, but they may also put the three of them here.

But Ye Feng turned back and said to Maria, "you don't have to worry. What I promised you, I'm sure I can do it!"

Maria seems to see a glimmer of hope from Ye Feng's firm eyes, but thinking that the current situation is totally unfavorable to them, there is no hope at all.

For a time, Maria felt some contradictions in her heart. She didn't know whether she should still firmly believe Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng had already pushed the lieutenant to the door, and the soldiers outside almost reached both sides of the corridor, completely blocking the office.

Ye Feng then yelled to the door, "my purpose is to meet the top leader of the army. I have no other meaning, but if he doesn't come out to meet people, I'm sorry for the lieutenant!"

Someone outside immediately yelled to Ye Feng, "don't be impulsive. We'll send someone to call the leader. You promise that the lieutenant won't be hurt again!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "whether the lieutenant will be injured again depends entirely on himself and you. If he still has some ghost ideas, I can't guarantee that I can control my emotions. Now you all retreat to the corridor on both sides immediately. I'll give you 30 seconds. If I see another person in the corridor, I won't kill the lieutenant, so I'll shoot him immediately. Can I It depends on his luck to live! "

As soon as the soldiers outside heard this, they immediately began to retreat towards the back. Someone was still stabilizing Ye Feng's mood and said, "don't get excited, we will retreat now..."

Ye Feng said, "Twenty three Twenty two Twenty one... "

At this time, the lieutenant said to Ye Feng, "you either kill me or wait to be killed! You can't expect to get out of here... "

Ye Feng frowned, immediately took a gun to the Lieutenant's arm is a gun, suddenly the whole field of people are Leng for a while.

The soldiers outside immediately began to want to go up again, but the lieutenant was immediately subdued. He knew that playing with Ye Feng was totally impractical, and the goods simply did not come in.The lieutenant immediately pleaded with Ye Feng, "don't shoot, don't shoot You can take me as hostage. I'll take you out of here. You ask them to prepare to withdraw... "

But Ye Feng sneered, "don't you understand me? Before my purpose of coming to the barracks today is achieved, you ask me to go, and I won't go! "

Then Ye Feng immediately yelled at the door, "do you want another hole on him? Ten seconds to go... "

When the soldiers outside heard this, they began to rush to the Internet, and immediately began to retreat towards the aisles on both sides.

The lieutenant then cried, "what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng said, "didn't I just say my request? I want the top leaders of your barracks to see me! "

The lieutenant said immediately, "the general is not in the barracks. He went to the state government meeting early in the morning."

Ye Feng sneered and said, "the governor has been arrested. He's going to the state government to hold a bullshit meeting!"

The lieutenant immediately said, "really, at this time, how dare I cheat you? He really went to the State Council! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng ponders for a while, then reaches out his hand to wipe off the Lieutenant's body. Finally, he takes out his mobile phone in his pocket and hands it to him, saying, "give him a call, tell him the situation here, and let him come back immediately. If you can't see him in an hour, you are ready to see the emperor!"

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, he immediately ran out of his hands and began to make a phone call. When the phone was through, he immediately said, "general, there's something wrong with the barracks..."

The general's voice came from the phone, yelling, "I already know. What are you doing? How could someone go to the barracks and shoot? "

Ye Feng immediately touched the Lieutenant's skull with the muzzle of his gun. The lieutenant immediately understood and said, "general, he said he would see you in an hour, or I would die!"

The general immediately sneered, "he let me have an hour, just an hour..."

Ye Feng then directly took the Lieutenant's mobile phone to hang up, the lieutenant immediately stunned, even busy way, "he has not finished!"

Ye Feng said, "there's no need to listen to nonsense any more. One hour has already started, and now it's only 57 minutes..."

The lieutenant said immediately, "he didn't even promise to come back!"

Ye Feng shrugged, "that can only blame you in your general's mind weight is not big enough, that also has no way, can only blame your life is not good!"

The lieutenant even said hurriedly, "you call me again, I'll call him again, I'll talk to him well! Be sure to persuade him! "

But Ye Feng said, "there's no need! That's it. He wants to save you. If you don't call him, he will come back. He doesn't want to save you. If you call seventeen or eighteen times, the result will be the same! "

The lieutenant was stupid. He was not the general's confidant at all. He was not sure whether the general would come to save himself.

Ye Feng patted the Lieutenant's shoulder from behind and said, "don't be nervous, the worst result is that you still have more than 50 minutes!"

Lieutenant quickly toward Ye Feng way, "don't wait for the general, I am a lieutenant rank, I can also transfer troops, I help you transfer now, how many people do you need?"

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "if you said that you had just indicated your intention in us, how good would you have done so immediately? We are all in peace. Maria will be grateful to you, and I will be respectful to you. Ma anda will also appreciate your help. You see, it's a happy ending. I've been stirred up by you to be like this... "

"It's not too late..."

Ye Feng said immediately, "it's late! Missed opportunities, how can they come back? You'll never have the chance! "

On hearing this, the lieutenant said, "don't do this..." Then he yelled to Maria, "Maria, I know your father too. Please help me beg for mercy..."

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