Maria has been hiding behind her desk with qianse bee. When she heard the lieutenant say this, she was shocked. Although she felt that it might not be good for her to threaten the military, she also clearly realized that at this time, whether Ye Feng's choice is right or wrong, she must have the same heart with Ye Feng.

Thinking about this, Maria immediately said to the lieutenant, "if you want to meet my father, you won't treat us so well in the beginning. The friendship between one person and another person is not polite to each other when both parties are good, but if one party is in danger, will the other party sacrifice his life to help each other?"! Did you do that? "

The lieutenant thought that Maria should be very good at speaking. He never dreamed that Maria would say such a thing. For a moment, he was scolded by Maria and was speechless.

In fact, it's not only the Lieutenant's surprise to Maria's answer, but even Ye Feng feels that these words just now don't look like what Maria would say.

However, Ye Feng looked at Maria with sincere appreciation and nodded to her solemnly. The look in her eyes seemed to tell Maria that she would live up to her trust.

Of course, Maria also saw Ye Feng's look, and she couldn't help nodding to Ye Feng, saying that she would let Ye Feng do whatever she wanted. She absolutely stood on his side, although she couldn't help anything.

Ye Feng sneered at the lieutenant and said, "do you hear me? Just give up. Don't count on me for the only way you can survive. I still count on your general not willing to die! "

The lieutenant then realized that it was almost impossible for him to survive if he wanted to beg for mercy. He then said to Ye Feng, "the general will never save me!"

Ye Feng sighed, "although I also feel it, don't be so self-confident. In case the general finds out his conscience, or suddenly he is kind-hearted!"

The lieutenant said immediately, "it can't happen. You were right. I'm from cruise, but the general is from flamencourt. We all know that flamencourt and cruise are fighting secretly. So the people in our barracks have already been divided into two groups. I'm not from the same faction with him. To be exact, he wants me to die, so that he can give me help To make room for his people, you are helping him by killing me

Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then said, "if I say that, it seems that it's good for me to kill you. Isn't it better for me to take your head to present a memorial to the general?"

The lieutenant said immediately, "you can't do that! Although the general and I are not from the same faction, you have killed a lieutenant in the barracks so blatantly. No matter whether I am a general or not, the general will not forgive you on the surface, even if he is grateful to you on the inside! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but also nodded a way, "what you say is also reasonable! He's really going to do the surface work! "

The lieutenant said immediately, "with my understanding of him, he will not only do the surface work, but also make the surface work to the extreme. He even cried more than my relatives before my funeral!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a surprised way, "it seems that this general even more disgusting than you!"

The lieutenant sighed, "where is the State Army now? It has been the private arms of these drug lords for a long time, but no one wants to poke open this layer of window paper! "

After listening to the speech, Ye Feng said, "I didn't come here to listen to you about the history of these troops. My purpose is just one. Now flamencourto and governor Ma anda are being held hostage by Cruise. I have to ask the army to rescue people!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "since you say the general is from flamencourt, then he should be willing to send troops!"

Then Ye Feng picked up the Lieutenant's mobile phone and immediately called the general.

After a while, he was connected, but the general immediately said on the phone, "don't call me any more. I have something important here. You should persuade the prisoner first. If you can persuade him, you'd better. If you can't persuade him, you'll wait for me to go back. You can discuss with him and see if you can wait..."

Ye Feng heard the general say so, can't help but angry and funny, fortunately he is not a lieutenant, if the lieutenant heard the general say so on the phone, it is estimated that the heart of suicide.

He also advised the prisoner to see if he could wait. Obviously, he told the lieutenant that he had completely given up the idea of saving him.

But Ye Feng was not a lieutenant after all. He immediately said to the phone, "general, I'm Domingo!"

The general was not the lieutenant on the phone. He frowned and said, "Domingo? Which Domingo? What's your rank? "

But Ye Feng said immediately, "I'm not from the barracks. The lieutenant was held by me!"

On hearing this, the general immediately sneered, "how dare you call me? Do you think he can't persuade me? I warn you, it's no use. I'm a soldier. I'm not under any threat from you! "

Ye Feng immediately said, "I'm Domingo, the son-in-law of Michoacan governor mahanda!"

When the general heard this, his face suddenly moved. After taking a deep breath, he said, "are you the governor's son-in-law?"Ye Feng immediately said, "at this time, I don't think it's necessary for me to tell such a lie. I can tell you that not only I am here, but also the governor's daughter Maria is here!"

The general can't help but wonder, "since you are the governor's son-in-law to be, what do you do when you go to the barracks and take my men?"

Ye Feng said hastily, "I won't talk much nonsense with you in a long time. I'll tell you directly that both flamencourt and governor Ma anda are being held in flamencourt's villa by Cruise. Now they are in danger. Since you are flamencourt's people, should you show some performance?"

The general pondered and said, "how can I believe what you said?"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "since you are from flamencourt, you can try to contact him and Ma anda to see if you can contact him!"

General is a while pondering, but listen to Ye Feng way, "give you time to verify, I wait for you to call back!"

Ye Feng then hung up and said to the lieutenant, "it seems that you really have no effect. Since I can contact the general directly, it's unnecessary to keep you!"

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, he immediately said, "I'm still useful!"

But Ye Feng frowned, "if the general is willing to send troops, you are useless! What's your use? "

The lieutenant said immediately, "of course I'm useful, and I've got a lot to do!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "Oh? I can't see that! "

The lieutenant immediately said to Ye Feng, "you already know that I'm from cruise, so you should know that since I'm from cruise, I'll know some secrets about him more or less!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "I think you are mistaken. My purpose is not to deal with cruise. I just want to save people. As for what's the secret of cruise, I don't have any interest to know!"

But the lieutenant immediately said to Ye Feng, "that's because you don't know what secret he has. When you know, maybe you will be interested in it!"

Ye Feng listen to the lieutenant so a say, can't help but frown a way, "you should not be to live, what lies dare to say?"

But the lieutenant said immediately, "with your intelligence, I think you can tell whether I'm lying or not."

Ye Feng hears speech after pondering for a while, immediately shrug a shoulder way, "well, anyway now waiting for the general's telephone, also have nothing to do, might as well first listen to you how to say!"

The lieutenant said immediately, "cruise got something recently! He attaches great importance to it

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but oh a, dull way, "what thing?"

The lieutenant said immediately, "I don't know exactly what it is, but I was lucky to see it once. It's a piece of black metal! According to cruise, many people in the world want it recently... "

To tell you the truth, Ye Feng had no interest in the secret of cruise.

But now listening to the Lieutenant's words, his eyes suddenly brightened and his heart was awe inspiring.

Black metal? Isn't that the main goal of my mission?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked the lieutenant, "are you sure cruise has such a thing?"

The lieutenant immediately gave a smile and said, "I knew you would be interested. Your tone has changed!"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "don't talk nonsense, I promise you now, as long as you tell the secret of the black metal, I can't kill you!"

But the lieutenant said immediately, "I only know so much. I don't even know what the black metal is. I only know that cruise is very nervous and deep. It's impossible for anyone to get close to it!"

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