Ye Feng hears the lieutenant say so, immediately a burst of silence, this black metal, Ye Feng has always felt that it is this thing that makes him come back from the dead, and it is also this thing that makes him go through all kinds of space.

What's more, the purpose of dromus's coming to Mexico this time, that is, the black metal. Everything he did, whether it was to save flamenco or maanda, was for this metal.

Now I heard the lieutenant say that the metal was on Cruise's side, which really surprised Ye Feng. Ye Feng thought that flamenco was his goal all the time, and didn't expect to become cruise.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, the lieutenant immediately said to Ye Feng, "I've seen that metal. Although I don't know what's the use, I know that cruise attaches great importance to him, and I've been to cruise's house. I can take you there!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart moved again. If so, his previous plan would be totally overturned. He didn't need to save Ma anda and flamenco at all. As long as he went to cruise's home to find out the ferrous metal, the task would be over.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help looking back at Maria hiding behind him. He can't help but move. If he was himself before, he would never mind so much business. Now he's taking the lieutenant to cruise's house to deal with it as soon as possible.

But now looking at Maria's expectant eyes, he knows that if he gives up to save Ma anda, Maria will be disappointed and hate herself.

If I have never promised Maria that I would go to save Ma anda, I will go now. But I have given Maria hope, and now I have to destroy it myself. It's really cruel.

What's more, besides Maria, there is another Diana who also has ardent expectations for herself. These two women have too high expectations for themselves. Can they really just walk away?

Ye Feng doesn't have any special feelings towards the two women, but now he has experienced too much, and his sense of responsibility seems to have become stronger.

After so much experience, Ye Feng also encountered many things that had a beginning and no end. From the fantasy world to the interstellar world, many things didn't have that, many people didn't have the result, so he left again.

Previous experiences have made Ye Feng not want to give up anyone's idea at will. Therefore, Ye Feng finally chose to save flamencordo and maanda when he knew that it would be faster to go directly to cruise's home.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to the lieutenant, "I'm not interested in this thing at all. I'm here to ask you to send troops to save people, not to rob Cruise's bird treasure!"

The lieutenant smelled the speech, his face moved slightly, and finally sighed, "it seems that what I said is useless. Today, I can't escape death!"

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. At this time, he heard his mobile phone ring. It was the Lieutenant's mobile phone. When he took it up, he saw that it was the general.

As soon as he got through, he asked the general, "how's it going? General, have you been on the phone with flamencourt and mahanda? "

General smell speech but immediately say, "you all know the result to still ask, interesting?"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "so you didn't get in touch? Then the general believed what I said! "

The general pondered for a while and then said, "don't act rashly. Stay there. I'll go back in a moment and meet again!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately should a, immediately hang up the phone, this will be the lieutenant pulled close to the office, then shut the door.

After the lieutenant entered the office, Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "go and bandage his hands!"

Thousand color bee nodded, then went to help the lieutenant check his hand injury, asked the lieutenant if there is anything for dressing.

The lieutenant said there was one in the desk drawer. Qianse bee went to take out gauze and red medicine and began to bandage the wound for the lieutenant.

The lieutenant took a look at Ye Feng and asked, "don't you kill me?"

But Ye Feng said, "I didn't say I wanted to kill you from the beginning to the end. I'm not a killer. I have to kill people to be happy!"

At this time, the lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief. At first, he thought that he could not survive today. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng released himself at the last moment?

Ye Feng then lit a cigarette and said to the lieutenant, "my purpose has been said several times, that is to save people. Now the general has promised to come back and meet me, so I don't have to embarrass you, but I don't know how to deal with you!"

After the lieutenant took a deep breath, he said to Ye Feng, "although you let me go, I won't thank you, and I've told you the secret of cruise. I'll take it as if I bought my own life with this secret!"

Ye Feng is smoking a cigarette to shrug a shoulder however, express indifferent way, "whatever you think!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, the lieutenant said, "you are not Domingo, are you? Although I haven't met Domingo, it's not the first time I've heard his name. He's just a playboy in Michoacan. It can't be you! "Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's not so important whether I'm Domingo or not. The important thing is that you will have no master after today. I think you still have to think about what you should do in the future!"

The lieutenant could not help sighing. Of course, he understood what it meant. They were going to save flamencourt. If flamencourt was rescued, cruise would have a way of thinking.

And he himself is the person of cruise. If cruise is gone, he has been regarded as the representative of cruise in the military, then the next day is really hard!

Think of here, the lieutenant can't help a headache, this is actually with Ye Feng directly shot to kill himself has no difference.

Even if I get my life back now, it doesn't mean that I can escape this disaster and the next one.

Thinking of this, the lieutenant couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "I told you cruise's secret. Did I surrender to you?"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, immediately saw a lieutenant, smile a way, "you seem to still have a little brain!"

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, he immediately said with a smile to Ye Feng, "I will send troops to save people later, I can lead the team!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "this is not my decision. The general will come soon. Do you think he will give you the first skill of saving people?"

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, his heart suddenly moved. Yes, now the situation is very clear. Saving flamencourt is a meritorious service.

Who saved flamencourt at this time? Flamencourt will remember all his life. Why didn't he turn the corner at that time and still hold on to cruise?

Thinking of this, the Lieutenant's intestines are destroyed. Not only his future is ruined, but perhaps flamencourt knows that he refuses to send troops to save him, and he will seek revenge on himself. He doesn't need the general to crowd him out, so he has no place to live in Mexico.

Thinking of this, the lieutenant immediately knelt down in front of Ye Feng and said, "please help me!"

Ye Feng was smoking a cigarette. Seeing this, he could not help frowning and said, "now everyone wants me to help? I'm not Christ Jesus. I can't save so many people! "

But the lieutenant said immediately, "I can save you. You must be the first to save flamencourt. As long as you say something nice in front of flamencourt, I don't need any reward, as long as flamencourt doesn't hate you!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "do you want a reward?"

The lieutenant shook his head and said, "I can't even think about it. I just want to keep my life and my job. I'll be from flamencourt in the future, OK?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't promise anything, and I promise I can save you..."

Lieutenant listen to Ye Feng said, immediately a face of loss, he knew that if ye Feng refused to save himself, he would only die.

At this time, Ye Feng said, "but I won't go to flamencourt and deliberately say your right and wrong. I won't mention this..."

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, he looked at Ye Feng gratefully. Although Ye Feng didn't say to save himself, if he didn't speak ill of himself in front of flamenco, he was saving himself.

But Ye Feng added at this time, "it's no use asking me. I don't care, and I won't go to flamencourt to ask for credit. I didn't save him for any good. I have my own purpose. As for the first merit, it should be the general. I think it's better for you to ask me for help than the general. I don't know what to say, but I can't control him Will the army say anything against you at that time? "

On hearing this, the lieutenant was stunned and looked at Ye Feng for a while. He knew that Ye Feng was right. He could only ask the general not to speak disorderly.

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