After less than an hour, Ye Feng's mobile phone rang again. It was the general's number.

Ye Feng just connected to listen to the general said, "I have now returned to the barracks, is upstairs, you open the door, I go in or you come out to chat?"

Ye Feng is a smile way, "you should not be outside ready sniper gun waiting for me to go out?"

But the general immediately said, "nonsense, I've come to talk with you about how to rescue flamencourt. Since you want to save flamencourt, it means that you and I are all his people. Why should I kill you?"

Ye Feng smell speech but a shrug a way, "have no way, who call here is your territory?"? What's more, people have ulterior motives. We have to guard against them. You'd better come in and have a chat! "

But the general said without hesitation, "OK, I'll go in! Wait

With that, the general hung up. Ye Feng took a look at his mobile phone and said to the lieutenant, "the general is coming. Do you want to talk to him?"

The lieutenant shook his head helplessly and said, "the general and I are not the same people, and each of us is our own leader. Now that we have this opportunity, don't we seize every opportunity to eradicate me? I don't have to think about it! "

But Ye Feng laughs and doesn't say a word. After a while, he hears a knock on the door. Ye Feng immediately gets up and opens the door.

As soon as the door opened, I saw a middle-aged man in military uniform, 50 or 60 years old, standing at the door. After looking at Ye Feng, he nodded, "I come in?"

Ye Feng is immediately get out of the way, let the general come in, this just closed the door.

The general looked at the lieutenant and saw that the gauze on his hand was still full of blood. He could not help frowning.

The lieutenant looked awkwardly at the general, then sighed.

The general then took a look at the situation in the office, and finally his eyes fell on Maria. With a slight frown, he said, "Maria?"

Maria immediately got up, nodded to the general and said, "I am! Do you know me? "

The general nodded slightly and said, "it's more than knowing you. When you were ten years old, you broke your arm and were hospitalized. I went to the hospital to see you! But it was more than ten years ago! "

Maria remembers that she broke her arm when she was in primary school, but that was a long time ago. If the general didn't mention it, she even forgot about it.

However, it also shows that the general knows himself well, even remembers what happened more than ten years ago.

Maria immediately nodded to the general and said, "yes, I did break my arm, but..." He said with an embarrassed smile, "I don't remember you!"

The general immediately said with a smile, "it's normal not to remember. It was a long time ago!"

Maria nodded and did not speak any more. The general looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you from flamencourt or from maanda?"

But Ye Feng shrugged and said, "is it different? First of all, mahanda is from flamencourt

But the general stared at Ye Feng for a long time, and then said to me, but I don't think you are from flamencourt or mahanda.

Ye Feng said with a smile, "whose person is that important? Cruise is a member of flamencourt, but what he's doing now is hurting flamencourt! "

The general can't help nodding and said, "I've sent people to the villa to investigate. I believe there will be results soon!"

But Ye Feng said with a faint smile, "the general is really cautious. At this time, we need to investigate first!"

However, the general shrugged his shoulders and said, "there is no way. Under the current situation, we can be careful not to make any mistakes."

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "not bad! That's good! "

Then the general said faintly, "let's wait for the news to come back."

After that, the general looked back at the lieutenant, frowned again, and then sneered, "as a man of cruise, what do you think of this situation?"

The lieutenant felt embarrassed for a while, and then he faltered. He couldn't explain why for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng said to the general, "he now knows that he is wrong. He has been convinced by me that he is going to vote for flamencourt."

The general can't help but be stunned, and then sneer, "you turn really fast!"

The lieutenant did not expect that Ye Feng would speak for himself at this time. He could not help nodding to Ye Feng and expressing his gratitude.

However, after listening to the general's words, he immediately said to the general, "he who knows current affairs is a hero. Before, cruise was also under flamencourt's hands. I followed cruise. In fact, he is also a flamencourt's person in essence. Now that Chris has betrayed flamencourt, of course I can't go along with him!"

General smell speech can't help a sneer, Ye Feng is toward general way, "general, if you now think of a way to eradicate him, and then cultivate one of their own people, so how long does it take to cultivate?"

The general didn't quite understand Ye Feng's meaning. He frowned at him and said, "what do you mean?"Ye Feng immediately said, "instead of re cultivating one, you'd better accept him directly. I believe that after this time, you should be your own people!"

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, he immediately got up and stood upright toward the general, "I will be the general's man in the future!"

The general frowned and looked at the lieutenant for a long time before he said, "let's talk about it later."

As soon as the lieutenant heard this, he was disappointed, but then he thought about it later, which means that he should not have any problems at present!

At this time, the general's mobile phone suddenly rang, he picked up the mobile phone to have a look, immediately toward Ye Feng Road, "the news of the front line is coming!"

Having said this, the general immediately connected the phone. After listening for a while, he nodded and said, "you continue to monitor. If there is any situation, please report it to me in time!"

The general then hung up the phone, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's really possible that, as you said, there is something different in flamencourt's villa!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "you sent out people to explore for a long time, and then came to a different conclusion?"

But the general toward Ye Feng way, "a little calm don't be impatient, just this conclusion, enough!"

Then the general said immediately, "how many soldiers do you need?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "if it's elite, a hundred people are enough!"

But the general frowned and said, "I don't know what the standard of your sharp mouth is!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "what are the qualities of the veterans around cruise, you should know?"

The general immediately nodded and said, "I know, many of them are from here!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "as long as the quality is not lower than that, it belongs to the elite!"

The general can't help but frown and say, "this standard is too low. Is 100 people enough? Shall I make you a thousand? Ten thousand will do! "

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "soldiers are in essence, but not many. A hundred people are enough. No matter how many, not only can't help, but they may miss things!"

The general can't help nodding and said, "OK, I'll give you 100 people!"

With that, the general immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, and then said, "dispatch 100 capable soldiers, gather in the playground!"

After the call, the general immediately toward Ye Feng Road, "need support?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no need, as long as there are 100 people to support it!"

When the general heard this, his face suddenly moved again and said, "do you want these 100 people to support in the past? I'm not going to save people with you? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "yes, what we want is their support. It's enough to save me alone, but after we get out, we need support and cooperation!"

The general can't help frowning at Ye Feng, originally wanted to ask why Ye Feng is so sure, but thinking of the Lieutenant's injured hand, he seems to understand what.

This lieutenant, the general, knows a little bit, at least better than those veterans in cruise, that is, Ye Feng's elite. He can be paid by Ye Feng, and he is still in the military camp, which is enough to show Ye Feng's ability.

Thinking of this, the general nodded to Ye Feng and said, "a hundred people will gather in the playground soon. You can take them away at any time!"

Ye Feng immediately said to the general, "thank you!"

The lieutenant said at once, "I'll go with you. I'll take it as a crime."

Ye Feng took a look at the lieutenant, shook his head and said, "no, you'd better take good care of your hand injury. If you can't, it's a problem whether you can take a gun in the future!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to qianse bee and Maria, "the goal has been achieved, we can go!"

Thousand color bee and Maria smell speech immediately ordered to nod, toward leaf maple this side walked to come over.

The general then went to the door and said, "OK, I'll take you to inspect the soldiers."

Ye Feng is smiling a shrug a way, "need not, general pick of person, absolutely can't wrong!"

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