Ye Feng looked at the time, nodded, and then re - point on a flue, "a cigarette smoking to go!"

Thousand color bee saw a leaf maple, did not say anything more.

But Ye Feng said, "that is to say, you still have a cigarette. What can you say to me?"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but a consternation, immediately stare at Ye Feng to see a moment later, this just slightly a sigh way, "I know you are giving me an opportunity!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "you're right. I'm giving you a chance!"

The thousand color bee sighs slightly, "I really have nothing to say! I'm sorry

Ye Feng smell speech but stare at thousand color bee to see a few seconds later, this just shrugged a way, "don't be sorry, everyone has their own choice, just you are ready to pay for their choice?"

The thousand color bee can't help but ponder for a long time.

Ye Feng also sighed a little at this time, and then said to the thousand color bee, "by the way, I just told you my name is Ye Feng. I haven't known you for a long time, but it's not short. What's your real name?"

Thousand color bee just now is still in a burst of meditation, did not expect that Ye Feng suddenly a change of words, asked his real name, can't help but a consternation.

Ye Feng sees thousand color bee a face surprised to look at oneself, immediately a shrug a way, "of course, if you don't want to say even!"

With these words, Ye Feng finished smoking his last cigarette, and then threw the cigarette end on the ground. After stamping it out, he said, "it's time for me to go!"

After Ye Feng said this, he took a deep breath. He didn't say anything more. He went straight to the direction of the villa.

Seeing this, qianse bee immediately catches up with Ye Feng from behind.

Ye Feng can't help but stop, standing in situ did not move.

The thousand color bee just held Ye Feng all the time and didn't say a word for a long time. After about a minute, it released its hand.

As soon as she released her hand, she said to Ye Feng, "my real name is Chiba crane!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "are you Japanese?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "yes, I'm Japanese, but I grew up in South America! My mother is Brazilian

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it seems that you are a Japanese Pakistani hybrid. Generally, the hybrids are very beautiful. I hope you have a chance to see your true face!"

Thousand color bee smell speech immediately nodded a way, "certainly have a chance!"

Ye Feng smell speech looked back at a thousand color queen bee, nodded, "I should go!"

Thousand color bee at this time took a deep breath, then toward Ye Feng way, "don't completely believe Shi Kefei!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. When he wants to ask something, qianse bee has turned around and left.

Ye Feng know thousand color bee estimate this period of time is also after a good period of inner struggle, finally said such a word.

But it is such a sentence, for Ye Feng, it is enough.

Although Ye Feng didn't intend to believe Shi Kefei completely, he said this from the mouth of qianse bee and confirmed his own idea.

Second, although the thousand color bee may have something to hide, but the key time or to reveal information to themselves, indicating that the thousand color bee is essentially toward their own!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a look at the back of the thousand color bee and immediately walked towards the villa.

When I got to the door of the villa soon, I saw that the villa was still the same as last night, and the yard was full of guards patrolling.

But this time, Ye Feng did not observe too much, but walked directly towards the door.

The man at the door frowned when he saw Ye Feng coming far away. One of the guards saw Ye Feng last night.

When Ye Feng came to the door, the guard frowned and said, "you didn't come just last night. Why did you come again?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "there's no way. Who told us that we are running for life?"

The man frowned again and said, "this time I'm looking for Shi Kefei?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "yes! Charlie asked me to come to Scofield

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the man said, "you wait here, I'll report!"

Ye Feng poured a thanks, immediately reached into his pocket ready to take out cigarettes, the guard was going to turn away, see so, immediately took out the gun to Ye Feng way, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng at this time even busy way, "I take out a cigarette, don't be nervous!" Said slowly from the pocket with slow motion will take out the cigarette box.

Seeing this, the guard put away his pistol and then said to Ye Feng, "wait!" Then he turned and left immediately.

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, nodded to the guard, and then looked at the other guards as if they were staring at his side.

I don't know whether it was too dark last night and I didn't pay much attention to these people, or because today these people are obviously more nervous than when they saw themselves yesterday?

Although Ye Feng saw these, but still self-care of smoking cigarettes, eyes do not look disorderly, just standing at the door there waiting, deliberately pretending to be a indifferent appearance.The guards didn't give up staring at him because ye Feng was idle. Several guards at the door never left Ye Feng.

After waiting for Ye Feng to finish smoking a cigarette, the guard who went to report also came back, let Ye Feng come in and said, "just like last night, I still want to search myself!"

Ye Feng had no choice but to raise his hand and let the guards search him, but this time he didn't have any weapons, so the natural guards couldn't find anything.

Ye Feng immediately followed the guards into the villa. This time, he didn't see the people he saw here last night in the lobby of the villa. It's obvious that these people have been locked up by Klose. They can't be released.

After arriving at the room where Shi Kefei met on the second floor yesterday, the guard did not knock on the door, but directly opened the door to let Ye Feng in.

Ye Feng frowned. As soon as he went in, he heard the door behind him close, and there was a click, as if it had been locked from the outside.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. He takes another look at the office. There is no one. He goes to try to open the door and finds that it's really locked.

Ye Feng heart can't help but secretly, is his side of the situation was found, so they deliberately put themselves in, the purpose is to house arrest themselves?

Just thinking about it, at this time, the phone on the desk rings. Ye Feng hesitates to take a look at it, but finally he walks over and gets through the phone.

He knew that the phone would not ring for no reason. He didn't ring until he was here, indicating that the phone was for him.

After getting through the phone, Ye Feng put the receiver in his ear and didn't speak, listening to what the people on the phone wanted to say.

But listen to the voice of Shi Kefei in the telephone way, "you come again so soon, cruise already suspected, so he wants to house arrest you!"

Ye Feng said, "Oh? So how about you? That's what I mean? "

But Shi Kefei said immediately, "I can only listen to him, temporarily can only house arrest you, also can't contact with you!"

Ye Feng said, "then you call this phone, you are not afraid to be found?"

Shi Kefei immediately lowered his voice and said, "I'll call you in the bathroom. Don't worry, you stay there first, and I'll find a way to see you!"

Finished not waiting for Ye Feng to speak, immediately hung up the phone, Ye Feng just looked at the phone, then put down the phone, went to the desk and sat down.

Ye Feng re lit a cigarette, took a look at the desk, which opened the drawer in front of a look.

The drawer is full of office supplies. Ye Feng wanted to see if he could find a pistol here. It seems that he thought too much.

This office should have been the office of flamencourt before. I subconsciously thought that this office belonged to Schiffer.

After finding nothing, Ye Feng puts his legs on the desk, leans his body back on the back of the chair, smokes cigarettes and looks at the ceiling. But in his mind, is he going to spend time here?

Just thinking about it, I saw a camera in the corner, facing my side, and the red light of the camera was flashing, which was obviously on.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately walks his eyes away. When he doesn't see the camera, he thinks that maybe Shi Kefei or cruise is looking at him.

It's easy to say if it's Shi Kefei who looks at himself. But if it's cruise who looks at himself and answers Shi Kefei's phone just now, does cruise also know?

Ye Feng is not afraid that he will reveal Shi Kefei. He has no interest in his life and death, but is afraid that he will delay his time to save others.

Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette and set a time limit for himself. If there is no situation within a quarter of an hour, he will take the initiative to create some situation.

I don't have so much time to waste here. The other party designs such a trap to let himself fall into the trap. It's just too much to think that such an office can trap me? It's whimsical!

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