However, Ye Feng still decided not to move for the time being to see what cruise wanted to do. After all, if he wanted to go out, he could go out at any time, let alone a door. Even if the guards outside were blocked at the door, he could go out.

But Ye Feng still wants to see what kind of tricks cruise and Shi Kefei are playing, and before he leaves, qianse bee specially reminds himself not to trust Shi Kefei too much, so Ye Feng still has some doubts in his heart.

Ye Feng looked at the time and knew that he still had a little time. Anyway, people were already in the villa. He could do whatever he wanted, and he was not in a hurry. At this moment, he simply sat at his desk and began to close his eyes.

And Ye Feng knows that the other side should still be watching their every move from the monitoring, so instead of what they are doing here, it's better to use static braking to wait for the other side's action and see what they are going to do next.

It's just that Ye Feng doesn't seem to understand. Since cruise has doubts about himself, why don't he kill himself directly? Instead, he uses this move to trap himself here.

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng heard a sound of footstep outside the door, and the sound of footstep was very weak, as if someone deliberately slowed down the pace, and didn't want to let himself hear it.

But I don't know if my hearing is too good, or if the sound insulation of this study is not very good. I still listen very clearly.

Then listen to outside as if someone is whispering something, but this time the voice is too small, Ye Feng here can't hear clearly, can only hear the voice of a man.

Ye Feng then opened his eyes, lit a cigarette, then stood up and walked towards the door, but just to the door, the outside voice has stopped, and then there is a sound of footsteps walking away.

Ye Feng can't help but frown. Is it the secret way in his heart that the guards outside have received any new orders? Are they going to do it by themselves?

If that's the case, ye Fengzheng can't wait for it. He wants the other side to show his cards first, so he knows what he should do next.

But it seems that Ye Feng thinks too much, there is no movement outside for a long time. Ye Feng subconsciously presses the doorknob and finds that the door is still locked.

Ye Feng knows that he is looking at himself in the monitoring room, but he doesn't care. No matter how he disguises himself, he doesn't care. But normal people are locked in the door and will try to open the door to have a look.

After a while, Ye Feng sat back at his desk and continued to smoke the rest of the cigarette. Then he continued to close his eyes and wait for the other party to take the initiative.

I don't know how long after that, Ye Feng's patience gradually dissipated with time. When he took out his cigarette box, he found that there was only the last one.

Ye Feng told himself, the last cigarette smoking, the other side has no situation, he also did not wait, direct action.

But Ye Feng a cigarette just to smoke half, heard outside the door and a burst of footstep sound, but this time the footstep and no can hide, listen clearly.

After a while, I heard the sound of the door lock. After a while, I saw that the door was opened, and Shi Kefei appeared at the door.

Shi Kefei stood at the door and took a look at Ye Feng. Then he came in and closed the door.

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette, frowns at Shi Kefei and says, "is this your way of hospitality?"

Shi Kefei immediately shrugged his shoulders to Ye Feng and said, "there's no way. You can't blame me. Cruise now doubts what's the relationship between me and you. He doesn't trust me 100%!"

Ye Feng smell speech didn't speak, just looking at Shi Kefei, eyes but slightly glance to the camera.

Shi Kefei looked back and said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry. This camera is just a decoration. It doesn't have any function at all!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help but is a wrinkly ground looking at Shi Ke Fei way, "completely have no function?"

Shi Kefei immediately said to Ye Feng, "of course, otherwise last time I met you here, what I said was heard by others?"

Ye Feng is a little bit distrustful, no function of the camera will always be on red light display?

Shi Kefei seemed to see Ye Feng's doubts, and immediately said, "originally this camera is useful, but listen to flamencourt say, once he hit it with something, so it looks like it's open, but it's useless!"

After listening to Shi Kefei's words, Ye Feng can't help but get up and walk to the camera. After a closer look, just as Shi Kefei said, there is a smashed mark on the camera.

Shikefei then said to Yefeng, "Charlie asked you to save flamencourt alone? Is that too careless? "

Ye Feng looked at Shi Kefei and said, "how can I be alone? Charlie told me, let me find you, you and I are inside and outside, don't you? "

On hearing this, Shi Kefei immediately said, "yes But... " Then he hesitated for a while and said, "under Cruise's eyes, what I can do is very limited. In the end, it's up to you!"Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help but move a way, "so your inside answer outside, is how to understand?"? What do you want me to understand? "

Schleffer immediately said, "don't you understand what I'm saying? Of course, it's still up to you. I can beat the drums to help you. Can't I jump out and expose myself right away? Of course, I still have to hide my identity. In case of any accident, I'll help you with my identity. "

Ye Feng smell speech a while ponder ground looking at Shi Kefei way, "I don't care how you coordinate me, you put me in this room in the end is a few meanings?"

Shi Kefei immediately said to Ye Feng, "cruise knows you're here, and he knows you're Charlie's man. I don't know if he's testing me. In a word, it means let me solve you!"

Ye Feng can't help staring at Shi Kefei for a moment and then said, "so, are you here to solve me?"

Shi Kefei said hastily, "how can it be? Of course I've come to tell you what's going on here! "

Ye Feng smell speech then looking at Shi Ke Fei way, "is it? I saw you come in and didn't tell me anything! "

Shi Kefei immediately said to Ye Feng, "I haven't said anything yet. You wait for me to tell you!"

But Ye Feng hummed coldly, "I don't have so much time and energy here to listen to you. You hurry to make a long story short!"

Shi Kefei immediately said to Ye Feng, "cruise has just received a phone call, and Charlie has started to sweep his field. It is said that uncle has informed his former subordinates that the minimum requirement is to ignore this matter, but there are also many people who go to help Charlie!"

Ye Feng hastily said, "these things do not need you to say, I also know, what else?"

Schleffer immediately said in a deep voice, "so cruise is a little out of control. I'm afraid he will be bad for flamencourt today!"

Ye Feng looked at Shi Kefei thoughtfully and said, "so I need to rescue flemingo right away!"

Schleffer nodded and said, "I can take you to see flamencourt later, but don't blame me for not warning you in advance. I have nothing to do with this matter since I sent you into flamencourt's room!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly looking at Shi Kefei way, "have nothing to do with you?"

Shi Kefei immediately said, "of course, it doesn't really matter, but it doesn't matter on the surface. I won't regard myself as your end, and on the surface I will catch you!"

Ye Feng understands what Shi Kefei means. He wants to show cruise that he is still helping cruise.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help but look at Shi Kefei in surprise and said, "cruise has doubted you for several times. Do you think it's meaningful for you to pretend like this? I think cruise suspected you had a different mind long ago

Shi Kefei frowned slightly and said, "we all know this, but we haven't broken it yet!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning more tightly, "since you also know that cruise is doubting you, and cruise is really doubting you, you can even disguise nothing? I really don't understand you

Shi Kefei shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's just that he still needs me at present, and I can't openly rebel against him at present. Many things are just superficial articles, just to see who can make this superficial article better!"

After taking a deep breath, Shi Kefei said, "if I can get rid of him before he completely turns over to me, then I win. If he can get rid of me before I completely and openly betray him, then he wins. In fact, winning or losing is so simple!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "didn't expect that you are also competing secretly, just don't know what is the concept of win or lose in your respective hearts!"

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