But Ye Feng stares at cruise and doesn't talk any more. Instead, he just sits there smoking cigarettes.

Cruise also stares at Ye Feng. After a long time, he says, "what are you talking about? I really don't understand! "

Ye Feng slowly puffed out his cigarette and said, "you've been Recently, this concept can be put into the last one or two years. Have you got something? "

Upon hearing this, cruise frowned slightly, as if he was thinking hard. After thinking for a long time, he shook his head and said, "you still have something to say. I really don't understand what you said!"

Ye Feng said to cruise, "I'll give you some key words, black, metal..."

Cruise's brow was wrinkled again, and there was a flicker in his eyes. "Black metal object? What is it? "

Ye Feng has seen from cruise's twinkling eyes that his key words have made cruise sound. He has a clear idea, but he is still pretending to be confused.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng shrugged, "if you talk like this, it's boring!"

Cruise still did not admit the tunnel, "I really do not understand what you are talking about, what black metal objects, I really have not seen!"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and stares at cruise. After a long time, he says, "do you think if I don't know something, I will come here to find you?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, cruise did not speak, but his eyes subconsciously glanced at the two guns on the table.

But Ye Feng looked at Cruz and said, "I advise you not to make a wrong idea. If I dare to come alone, I will have made all the preparations. In my eyes, all the veterans you are here are just a bunch of live targets, and life and death are just a matter of looking at me!"

Said here, Ye Feng immediately reached out to pick up a gun on the table, instantly pointed to cruise, did not wait for cruise reaction, immediately pulled the trigger.

"Bang Bang..." After a few shots, cruise was stunned.

However, when he looked at himself carefully, he found that one shot didn't hit him. He couldn't help sneering. What kind of shooting method is this? If you can't hit someone with such a short shot, you have to have certain skills.

Ye Feng then said with a smile to cruise, "you must think my shooting is bad!"

Cruise shrugged his shoulders and said, "don't you think so?"

But Ye Feng said to cruise, "look at your clothes first!"

Upon hearing this, cruise looked down at his clothes, and his face suddenly changed. His suit was twisted, but now his suit is open, and there are no buttons left.

In other words, that is to say, just now Ye Feng shot, obviously not aimed at himself, but aimed at the buttons of his clothes.

But Ye Feng is doing the opposite of himself. From this point of view, if you want to shoot the twist on your clothes, you can't miss yourself.

But now the result is also very clear, his suit twist a left, but he was not shot.

Cruise thought that when Ye Feng shot just now, he seemed to be shaking his hand. He thought Ye Feng couldn't use a gun, so that's why he did.

Now think about it carefully, this should be why Ye Feng shot, only hit the button on his suit, but did not hit his real reason.

Although cruise still has some incredible feeling, but the fact has made him unable to argue anything, the guy in front of him, with a gun has reached the point of perfection.

Not to mention Ye Feng's marksmanship, when he knew that Ye Feng was going to take the gun, he also had a sense of crisis and wanted to take the gun, but when his consciousness just rose, the gun was in Ye Feng's hands.

Cruise stared at Ye Feng, for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, and then there was a bang on the door. From time to time, there was a voice of Shi Kefei saying, "are you ok? Cruise? We're going to rush in! "

Cruise then took a deep breath. Just now, Ye Feng shot. There should be no bullets in his gun. At this time, if his subordinates come back and shoot at him, Ye Feng will die here.

But cruise saw Ye Feng glancing at another gun on the table. He seemed to tell himself that as long as he was willing, the gun was also his. Ye Feng was able to take the lead and shoot himself before the outside people rushed in.

Thinking of this, cruise took a deep breath and yelled out the door, "it's OK, I'm trying the gun!"

When the people outside heard Cruise's voice, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Kefei frowned. He thought Ye Feng started to fight against cruise, but he didn't expect to hear Cruise's voice.

What's going on inside now? Did cruise "test gun" kill Ye Feng? It can't be true?And at this time, cruise is facing the outside humanity, "all scattered, don't stand here!"

As soon as the others heard this, they let him go. Only after he stood at the door and hesitated for a long time, did he walk away slowly.

At this time, cruise said to Ye Feng, "who are you?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I've been asked the same question by too many people these two days, and I'm too lazy to answer it. Now I'll remind you for the last time Black metal objects... "

Cruise said immediately, "yes! I recently got what you call a black metal object

Ye Feng this just long vomit an airway, "do you know? If you still play silly with me, I'm ready to kill you. Fortunately, you didn't say that! "

Cruise listen to Ye Feng said relaxed, his seat audience, but the heart is for it.

At this time, Ye Feng continued to say to cruise, "OK, now I'll ask you, where is that thing?"

But cruise frowned at Ye Feng and said, "what do you want? Want that thing? "

Ye Feng said to cruise, "it's not me who wants that thing! I'm just taking that thing for people! "

But cruise said to Ye Feng, "it's just a black metal object, which has no value. Who wants it?"

But Ye Feng looked at cruise, and then sneered, "if there is really no value, will you collect it like a treasure? Don't tell some childish lies. It will only make you look stupid! "

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, cruise shrugged his shoulders and said, "the thing is here, but it's not here. If you want it, I can give it to you! I'm not interested in that stuff anyway! "

Ye Feng put out the last cigarette, and then he looked at cruise and said, "I don't think you are a generous person. You will give it to me, so there must be a plot!"

Cruise shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, since the purpose of your coming here is for that thing, I promise you now that it can be given to you. You don't need to waste much time to complete the entrustment of the person behind you. So what can I get if I give you this thing?"

When he said that, cruise also lit a cigarette and looked at Ye Feng as he smoked. "You should know that everything in the world is valuable, even if it's just a piece of iron that looks insignificant! You should be very clear about equivalent exchange? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "if you had said that earlier, there would have been no obstacles in our communication! That metal object may not be of any value to you. It may even make you lose your life. If you hand it over, you can exchange your life. Although you must feel that your life is worth more than that iron block, so it should not be equivalent in front of you, but on my side, you are super valuable. If you exchange a metal block that you feel worthless for your life, don't you think Is it a good deal? "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, cruise immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "in order to get this black iron, do you want my life?"

Then he flicked the ash, looked at Ye Feng and said, "well, I admit that I can see the ugly quality of the poison powder, but I don't have much vision for other things. I may have lost my eye. This black iron block may be a valuable treasure!"

Cruise said here, and continued, "you are right. My life and the black iron may not be equal in exchange. I am really worth the money! Maybe my life is not as valuable as that black iron in your eyes! "

Ye Feng smell speech but eyebrow tiny wrinkly way, "so?"

Cruise took a puff of his cigarette and said, "so I won't hand it in!"

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