Cruise so, it seems that some beyond Ye Feng's expectation, but Ye Feng also quickly realized that maybe cruise really did not take the black metal seriously.

On the contrary, after listening to Ye Feng's words, cruise began to know that this thing is more valuable, so it's the scene now.

But Ye Feng still reminded cruise, "you should be clear that whether it's worth money or not, you should look at it relatively. If for you, I believe nothing can compare with your life?"

Cruise shrugged his shoulders and said, "you're right. Everything is relative. If it's not valuable, you won't attach so much importance to it. That is to say, now my life is tied up with this thing. If I give it away, I will die. If I don't, I may still live!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help staring at cruise after a moment, can't help laughing up a way, "it seems that you can go to this step today, really is not completely brainless."

Cruise looked at Ye Feng and said, "am I qualified to talk about my conditions with you now?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "indeed, you are qualified to talk about terms now!"

Cruise looked at Ye Feng for a while, but he didn't speak for a long time. He just smoked a cigarette.

But Ye Feng frowned at cruise and said, "how? When it's your turn to talk about the terms, you're silent? "

But cruise said to Ye Feng, "it's not that I don't speak, it's just that I haven't thought of what I want for the moment!"

Ye Feng did not speak, cruise immediately said, "you first came to save flamencourt for Charlie and them, am I right?"

Ye Feng's face had no change at all

Cruise looked at Ye Feng with admiration and said, "secondly, there are internal transactions between you and Shi Kefei. Am I right?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "this is the way of the world. Each takes what he needs. If you can't get it from your side, you have to use your brain to get it from other places!"

Cruise nodded and said, "yes, I don't want to hide it from you. From the beginning, I never really believed in Scheffer. I didn't expect him to have such a plan at all."

Said immediately toward Ye Feng way, "finally, you are also entrusted by people, want to get that black iron from me!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "since you know everything, I think you can come up with the conditions soon."

However, cruise fell into a deep meditation again. After a long time, he said, "since you can save flamencourt by yourself, it means flamencourt's life must be very old, at least more valuable than mine!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly and finally said, "so, what do you mean..."

After taking a deep breath, cruise shrugged and said, "I can give it to you, but for you, such a valuable thing must be worth some money, so I'll trade it for flamencourt's life!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion slightly move, looking at cruise way, "so you mean, want me to help you kill flamencourt?"

Cruise shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's easy to talk to smart people. It doesn't need to be so straightforward about everything!"

But Ye Feng said to cruise, "now flamencourt is in your hand. If you want to kill him, it's as easy as killing a bedbug. Don't you do it yourself? And fake someone else's hand? "

But cruise said, "flamencourt is the boss of the group. He has been the boss for a long time and has some prestige. It's not impossible to change the dynasty, but it must be flamencourt's own will. Otherwise, it's not absolutely impossible, but it will be very difficult!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "in this world, at least some people will talk about the morality of the river and the lake!"

But cruise said, "if I kill flamencourt, then I will say goodbye to the group completely. No one can give flamencourt's position to me! Can you see what I mean? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded his head and said, "of course, I understand that this is the ancient regicide and usurpation of the throne. If you kill flamencourt, you will be a villain, and everyone will be punished!"

Cruise immediately nodded, "that's right, so even if I put flamencourt under house arrest, I still didn't do it!"

Speaking of this, Cruz lit a cigarette again, and then continued, "I once hinted that Shike had to do it, but this guy pretended to be confused and refused to do it. I knew from then on that this guy must have a different heart, and he was not with me all the time!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "Shi Kefei is a rough man, but he is not a fool. If he kills flamencourt, you will kill him. In name, he is avenging flamencourt. In fact, he is buying people's hearts!"

Cruise looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "this is also the last way. Since Shike is not willing to do it, I always want to find someone to do it. I was thinking about Ma anda, but after this guy accidentally injured flamencourt, he was scared out of his courage and didn't dare to take a gun any more!"

Ye Feng looked at cruise and said, "so I'm the best person for you now!"Cruise immediately nodded, "I know you're not a member of the group, let alone Charlie's. your main purpose is not our group's business. You're here for that piece of black iron, so there's really no more suitable person than you!"

Speaking of this, cruise took a cigarette, looked at Ye Feng and said in a deep voice, "you see, you help me kill flamencourt, I give you what you want, and then you leave with something, and I take people to chase you. But you and I all know that I can't kill you at all, but in the eyes of outsiders, I have done all I should do, but the killer is too strong for the time being It's just revenge

Ye Feng nodded and said, "and you can take advantage of the opportunity to claim power. Just as a slogan of revenge for flamencourt, you can shout for a few years. After a few years, it doesn't matter whether you want revenge or not. At that time, you are already a member of the group and get everything you want!"

Cruise smell speech gratified ground nod a way, "what you say is right, I really plan so, but still want to see you to be willing to!"

But Ye Feng said to cruise, "but have you ever thought that it's almost a well-known thing for you to run golden flamencourt now, you don't have to wash it?"

But cruise said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry about this. At the beginning, I was really worried about this. If it was Shike who didn't do it, I couldn't clean it. But now with you, I can clean it completely and thoroughly!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately understood what cruise meant, and immediately sneered, "mold me as an enemy, mold yourself as a man with foresight, you already know that there are other places to do harm to flamencourt, so you are now protecting flamencourt's safety, not the house arrest that is rumored outside!"

Cruise can't help laughing and said, "it's fun to talk with smart people. You can think of these things, which is beyond my expectation, but it also proves that I didn't choose the wrong person!"

Ye Feng also lit a cigarette and sneered, "your abacus is really very delicate. It's really not ordinary people to come up with such a precise plan in such a short time!"

But cruise said modestly, "where, where, who has come to this step today, is like walking on thin ice, the brain is not fast, is other people's fish, I dare not be unhappy!"

But Ye Feng said, "but the biggest loophole in this plan is me!"

But cruise looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you want to say that you don't agree to cooperate?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "at least so far, you haven't talked about a reason for me to cooperate with you in such a big play!"

Cruise said, "what you need, I offer it with both hands. Isn't that what you want most?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "you may not know me yet. What I want is always taken by myself. It has never been delivered by others!"

But cruise said, "everything has to have a first time. Maybe after this time, you will get used to exchanging your interests for what you want instead of fighting. You will eventually get old and can't fight. So interest exchange is the best way."

After staring at cruise for a long time, Ye Feng said with a smile, "you are still wrong. The way you said is the best for the talents behind me. For me If you give it to me in the end, what's my value? I can't show my value at all. I'm willing to be used by you to be your killer. I'm the one who suffers the most from this point of view! "

But cruise said, "it's not my boast that you come to me to take things, and it's definitely not an easy life. In this case, why don't you change your mind, you kill flamencourt, change what you want, and you directly come to me to rob. In fact, you have paid. As long as you pay, there should be a return, but the way of paying and returning is slightly changed!"

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