Ye Feng just smoked cigarettes, did not speak, a pair of eyes are staring at cruise, to tell you the truth, Ye Feng did not think that this time he came here, actually became in general and cruise business.

Cruise saw Ye Feng did not speak, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "you don't have to worry, I can wait, I have plenty of time!"

Ye Feng then coldly toward cruise Road, "but I have no time!"

Cruise can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "is the person behind you giving you time limit?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "there is no time limit. I just tell myself that everything must be completely solved today. I can tell you clearly that I have been preparing for today for a long time. I don't even want to delay another second!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, cruise immediately said to Ye Feng, "well, you should really consider my suggestion. If black iron is your ultimate goal, but as long as I don't say where it is, and delay a little, today will be over. So you can't solve everything today, but you promise me, As long as you kill flamencourt, I can let you get the things in an hour, and then leave Michoacan. Everything is perfectly settled. Each of us gets what we need. You get what you want, and I get what I want. Isn't that a win-win situation? "

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "if you don't do business, it's a pity. You are too good at calculation. You look as if you are really impeccable!"

But cruise said to Ye Feng, "you are still young. You can't see through a lot of things. All things are just interests. As for what you should sacrifice and what you should get, you should judge at the first time!"

Ye Feng looked at cruise and said, "have you ever thought about it, if I refuse?"

Cruise immediately nodded and said, "of course, if you refuse, I've got a mindset that even if you kill me, you'll kill me, but you'll never get what you want. We'll both lose!"

Ye Feng then instantly picked up another gun on the table, pointed to cruise and said, "I don't believe you're really not afraid of death!"

Cruise frowned at Ye Feng, and then took a deep breath. "I've never seen anyone in the world who is not afraid of death, and I'm afraid of death, but I know that if I compromise, I'll die even worse. Even if you don't kill me, Mexico doesn't know how much they want my life. In other words, I don't have to pretend that I'm not afraid of death But I have no choice, I either win or die, only these two choices, there is no compromise at all

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard what cruise said. In fact, he knew what cruise said was right. There was no other choice for cruise in the current situation.

If he agrees to him, then cruise has no intention of being the biggest winner. He can reasonably and legally own everything in flamencourt, and no one will say anything. Even if he does, he believes that cruise at that time, with his own power, can completely make these different voices disappear from the world.

But if he refuses him, then cruise has only one result, that is to die. First, in order to get the ferrous metal, he will force him to get it for himself. If he refuses, he doesn't mind using some means in his bag, or even threatening his life.

And as cruise himself said, even if he doesn't kill him, even if flamenco dies, many people in the group will not let him live. There are too many people who want him to die, such as Charlie, Levis and schleffe. None of them don't want him to die.

Cruise at this time a pair of eyes of the eyes, pass out two words, firm!

Ye Feng doesn't care if cruise pretends to be so firm, but Ye Feng knows that in this case, even if cruise is not firm, he can only force himself to be firm.

Cruise saw that Ye Feng didn't speak and immediately shrugged, "if you refuse me, just shoot! I will not blame you, I have no choice, relatively speaking, you are the same! You'll either kill me or you'll kill Leonardo! "

Ye Feng listen to cruise so a say, immediately pulled the trigger, to cruise's side shot.

And cruise just closed his eyes and didn't dodge, although even if he dodged, he couldn't be faster than the bullet.

And Ye Feng just uses this gun to test whether cruise really has the determination to die with himself, rather than really want to kill him.

After a shot, cruise took a deep breath and felt his body with his heart to see if there was any injury.

But as he expected, Ye Feng didn't shoot himself. He was just testing himself.

At this time, cruise opened his eyes and looked at Ye Feng in front of him? You can't miss that close, can you? Is my suggestion already under consideration? "

Ye Feng then stood up and said, "I can consider your suggestion, but how can I guarantee that I can get what I want after I kill flamencourt? In other words, why should I believe you? You can also deny it after I killed flamencourt! "But cruise said to Ye Feng, "you should think like this. I'm not afraid to die now that flamencourt is not dead. But if flamencourt is dead, that is to say, I can easily get his things. In that case, do I cherish my life more than I do now? At that time, I was even more reluctant to die. That is to say, I was afraid that you would kill me at that time! "

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng nodded to cruise and said, "OK, I'll kill flamencourt in an hour, but you need to get something. I'll do it immediately after I get it!"

But cruise said with a smile to Ye Feng, "with your ability, as long as you make sure that something is here, no one can stop you from getting that thing, right? So it's impossible for me to let the black iron appear in this villa before I'm sure of flamencourt's death! That's not to be said! "

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the speech. This cruise is really a good negotiator. Ye Feng has to admire him.

After seeing his intention to compromise, cruise gradually increased his price, took the initiative step by step, and wanted to completely restrain himself.

Think of here, Ye Feng can't help laughing, if it is an ordinary person, perhaps has begun to fall in the wind, completely let cruise take the initiative.

But who is he? He's Satan. How could he let cruise take himself in front of him and follow his rhythm.

Ye Feng at this time immediately muzzle move, instant hook trigger, "bang" to a hit in Cruise's chest.

Cruise was in a circle in an instant. He didn't expect that in this case, he had firmly controlled the right to speak, and he could see that Ye Feng was really moved by him.

But just at this time, Ye Feng actually shot at himself, he immediately felt a pain in his chest, staring at Ye Feng and said, "why? You don't want anything? "

But Ye Feng lit a cigarette and looked at Cruz and said, "I will get it!" Said Ye Feng to cruise walked past, then picked up the table in front of, plug in cruise chest wound.

All the tissues were pulled out and blocked there. Then Ye Feng took Cruise's hand and asked him to hold the wound and said, "don't worry, you can't die yet! Don't let go

Then Ye Feng went to the opposite side of his desk and looked at Cruz and said, "if I really want you to die, I will directly aim at your heart. Just now, this shot just perfectly avoided your heart. It won't be fatal for the time being, but if time goes on, you will still die!"

Cruise stared at Ye Feng, as if he hadn't recovered from the scene that Ye Feng would shoot.

But Ye Feng continued, "let me tell you, in front of me, no one can force me to do anything. Don't judge my behavior with conventional thinking. Do you think that if you die and I can't get things, I will be restrained by you? You think too much, it's not me who want this thing, it's the person behind me. The most important thing for me is the failure of the task. For me, it hasn't reached the fatal rhythm, but you're different. Although you only have the choice of life and death, your choice actually has no significance for me. You forget that only I can master your life and death, and you live or die from the beginning From the first second I saw you, I had to master it! "

Then Ye Feng sighed, "there are always some people who think they can control the current situation and turn the world around, but they don't weigh whether they have that ability or not! Miscarriage of justice is inevitable! "

Ye Feng said that, looking at cruise with a heavy face, "and I've killed so many people in my life, and I've never seen anyone who's really not afraid of death. I really want to monitor you today. How are you not afraid of death? I really hope you can stick to your current idea at the last moment! Let me know I'm wrong! "

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