As soon as Shi Kefei heard this, his face suddenly changed. He said to flamenco, "how can it be me, flamenco? You know me. I have no brain. How can I..."

Before schleffer finished, flamencourt immediately nodded and said, "you're right. With your brain and IQ, it's really impossible!"

At this time, Shi Kefei had a look of crying and laughing. Was Franco praising himself or scolding himself, but he couldn't say anything more.

At this time, flamencourt looked at cruise, took a deep breath, and then said, "cruise, I've always been good to you, haven't I? Why are you doing this? "

Cruise sneered and said nothing.

Flamencourto was even more puzzled. After staring at cruise for a long time, he said, "you were a poor soldier. I used my resources to promote you and make you prosperous in the military. It was you who offended the powerful men in the military and ruined your future. It was me who helped you deal with this matter. You didn't know it You can continue to work in the military. It's you who want to help me. I didn't say much. As soon as you come, I will give you the most important position. I have 100% confidence in you and me. Over the years, from the beginning of the club to the present group, you have always been the number two person. Besides me, you are the most important person. Are you not satisfied? ”

cruise looked at flamencourt with a sneer and said, "don't say how great you are. I was a poor soldier in those years, and you helped me a lot, but it was all because of my influence in the army from the beginning to the end. You just used my identity to facilitate yourself!"

Flamencourt took a deep breath. "I don't deny what you said, but it's also human nature. You can't ask me. You're nothing. I'll treat you unconditionally, OK? This is just the way the world is, but you don't understand it yourself

But cruise sneered, "right? Should I thank you? "

Flamencourt said immediately, "I don't need to do that. I did help you, but you're right. I just like your identity. It's convenient for me to do things by myself. In the end, we just use each other. I use your identity to do my business, and you use my money to get what you want. There's nothing wrong with that in itself."

Shi Kefei couldn't help saying at this time, "yes, it's the same in the world!"

Cruise took a look at Shi Kefei and found it funny. In his eyes, Shi Kefei is the one who is not qualified to speak.

But cruise said to flamenco, "well, I think you can make sense, but why did I offend the so-called powerful people in the military? They're talking about you, but you're just an upstart who started with white powder. I'm fighting for your injustice, so I offended them. Oh, in the end, do you blame me for my trouble? I'm not right to speak for you! "

Flamencourto sighed and said, "so you always remember this? I explained to you in those years that although we have money and can buy a lot of things with it, some people still can't offend us because we still need to use them. He said that I am a upstart, and I am a upstart. Now it's him who speaks. But when we surpass him, is there still his share in speaking? I'm not saying that it's wrong for you to do that in those years. I'm just telling you that you should learn to be patient with some things, not to be impulsive. You can see the result afterwards. That guy in those years was not handled by me? I give him a few hundred thousand a month, just like a pug? I'm teaching you not to worry about temporary gains and losses, but to take a long-term view If I'm an ordinary person, I can't say anything. Why should I teach you? "

When Cruz listened to flamencourt's words, he frowned and sneered, "the lesson in your eyes is teaching people?"

Flemingo sighed, "if you think so, I really can't help it. At that time, I really thought you were a talent and worthy of cultivation. I could let you do a lot of things I looked up to you... "

Upon hearing this, cruise laughed and said, "do you think highly of me? You're such a liar Have you ever looked up to me? "

Flemingo could not help but frown at the words and said, "have I ever looked down on you?"

Cruise said immediately, "let's not talk about anything else. That year, I told you that Diana was a good girl and her age was similar to that of andali. Why don't we be in laws? What's your answer?"

Flemingo heard the words and said, "what's the matter? I was... "

Cruise said immediately, "you said that Diana was still young, wait Diana was twenty-two and still young? With that, Diana went out on a date with the son of a senior official. "

Francesco sighed, "that's because I knew Diana had a boyfriend at that time. I once promised Diana that I would respect her wishes and not interfere with her too much on these issues..."Cruise sneered, "right? Hehe, maybe you don't remember. Your tone at that time was not like this. You made me feel like Diana was a princess. Did your son of cruise want to climb up? You deserve it, too? "

Francesco said, "when you have a chance, you can ask Diana. In fact, I had this idea before. I wanted to make up for her and andali, but Diana didn't like andali and told me that she had a boyfriend. Although I was her father, what can I do? If you don't believe it, you can ask her, "I gave andali a chance..."

But cruise sneered, "you're father and daughter. She'll help you speak then. What's so strange?"

Flamenco sighed and said, "if you think so, I have nothing to say!"

But cruise said immediately, "needless to say, now you can kill me if you want. Anyway, I'm tired of living!"

Flamencourt looked at Cruz and said, "you're the only one who thinks I'll die. I never want you to die I've known you for almost 20 years. I've never thought about it like this. Even this time, you put me under house arrest while I was injured. I've thought about how to get out of trouble, but I still haven't thought about killing you... "

But cruise sneered, "come on, put away your hypocritical face. You don't know how you want me to die. Now you've won. Of course, you're superior, pretending that God is coming and forgiving other people's sins..."

Flemingo looked at cruise with a sigh, and then said to Ye Feng, "help him deal with the wound!"

But Ye Feng said to flamenco, "are you sure you don't want him to die? In fact, you don't have to do anything to him, as long as you don't care about him. Even if he has treated the wound himself, after 12 of them disappear, he will still die of infection! "

Flemingo frowned and looked at cruise for a while. Then he sighed, "forget it, I've known you for 20 years, forget it..."

But cruise said to flamenco, "don't be pitiful. Kill me quickly, or I'll find a way to deal with you as long as I live..."

Flamencourt just glanced at cruise and said, "if you think so, I have nothing to say!"

Said or toward Ye Feng way, "you help him to deal with the wound!"

But Ye Feng shrugged and said, "not yet!"

Flamencourt frowned and said, "why not?"

Ye Feng said to flamenco, "the matter between you has been solved. The matter between me and him has not been solved yet."

And he said to cruise, "don't you think so?"

Ever since cruise came in and saw flamencourt, his mind was full of the enmity between flamencourt and him in the past 20 years, but he forgot the affair with Ye Feng for a moment.

Think of Ye Feng to kill his son andali, cruise's face suddenly move, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "you want to kill me, don't embarrass my son!"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "it's not that I want to embarrass him. You also heard that he is so horizontal on the phone. It's that he wants to embarrass me!"

Flamencourto was a little surprised at this time. How could cruise's son andali and Ye Feng still have a grudge?

Thinking of him, he asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter?"

But Ye Feng said to flamenco, "don't worry about it. It has nothing to do with you!"

Cruise saw that Ye Feng was talking to flamencourt in this tone, and he completely believed that Ye Feng should not be flamencourt's person.

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