Thinking of this, Cruz moved his heart and said to flamenco, "flamenco, no matter who is right or wrong in our past, the child is innocent. As long as you save andali, I will do whatever you want me to do..."

Before cruise spoke, Ye Feng said with a sneer, "you know the child is innocent. When you asked Shi Kefei to send someone to kill Diana, you didn't think so, did you?"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, both flamencourto and cruise's faces moved. Even Shi Kefei's face on one side changed greatly.

Flamencourt immediately looked at cruise and said, "cruise, is there such a thing?"

Cruise immediately denied, "I've never given such an order!" Then he immediately looked at Scheffer and said, "have you ever asked someone to do this?"

After several changes in his face, he immediately said, "what? Didn't you give me instructions? Tell me to cut grass to get rid of roots

Cruise can't help staring at Scheffer for a long time, and then sighed, "well, now I'm speechless, even if I didn't do it, now I do it, OK, I know!"

After staring at cruise for a long time, flamencourt said, "if you do it, you will do it. If you don't do it, you won't do it. If you don't recognize it, it's useless."

But cruise shook his head and said, "I've done everything I've done to keep you under house arrest. What else can't I do? What's killing your daughter? I did it all

Shi Kefei said in a tone on one side, "don't be so forced. It was the order you gave me, but now you don't recognize it?"

But cruise looked at Shi Kefei coldly, and then said with a smile, "I knew from the beginning that your boy harbored evil intentions, but I thought I could control you, but I didn't expect that your boy was so bad. Forget it, I have no eyes, I carry it for you!"

When Shi Kefei heard this, he was immediately worried, "what do you mean you carry it for me? It has nothing to do with me. Why do you want to carry it for me?"

Flamencourt, however, looked at Scheffer and said, "does it really have nothing to do with you?"

Shi Kefei repeatedly said to flamenco, "it really has nothing to do with me, really..."

Flamencourt said coldly, "even if it's cruise's idea to let you do it, do you really do it? Diana doesn't have anything to do with you, does she? How can you do that? "

As soon as he heard this, Shi Kefei suddenly changed his face and quickly explained, "flamencourt, listen to me, in fact I was I have no choice... "

Flamencourt immediately snorted coldly, then looked at cruise and said, "you don't have to recognize it. At this time, I believe you won't deny it as long as you do it!"

Cruise then looked up at flamencourt and nodded gratefully to him.

Flamencourto then looked at Ye Feng and said, "just give me face and let andali go."

But Ye Feng looked at flamenco coldly and said, "give you face. Do you have face on my side?"

Flamenco heard more words, his face suddenly moved, even cruise and Shi Kefei's face moved. What's the matter with Ye Feng? Whose man is he? That's the attitude when he talks to flamencourt.

Ye Feng's attitude towards flamencourt has completely confused cruise and Scheffer. What's the relationship between him and flamencourt?

Flamencourto was also surprised at the beginning, but then he took a deep breath and said, "yes, I really don't have any face on your side! Then you can talk about your conditions. How do you want to let andali go? "

Cruise then said coldly, "come on, flamencourt, since he doesn't sell face to us, we don't have to ask him. The big deal is to break up two times. If my son dies, I won't let him go even if he dies!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "at this time, it's not easy to speak so hard, but why don't you let me go?"

Flamencourt immediately said to cruise, "cruise, you don't know who he is, do you?"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, cruise said, "I know, he's from TSL. He says that he works for zhuomus! But I don't know who it is! "

Ye Feng smell speech but sneer a way, "I already see, you should know my origin, just have been pretending to be stupid!"

Cruise cold hum a way, "direct to the black iron, I can't guess who, then I am a fool!"

Speaking of this, he immediately snorted, "if you don't let andali go, I can't do anything to you, but what I can do is that I can make you never get the black iron!"

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression move, but cruise continues to say, "you don't say as if you don't care, we all know, your purpose this time, is TSL zhuomus has an order, let you take this thing, you can't get it, is the task failure, zhuomus there you can't explain?"Ye Feng hears speech to sneer a way, "do you think I am in zhuomus there not good to hand over?"

Flamencourto said to Yefeng, "don't you still want to hear something about dromus from me? Now I'll trade this news with you for andali's life. Aren't you at a loss? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help looking at flamencourt, frowning and saying, "it seems that you are sure to protect Dali? They want you dead! "

After hearing this, flamenco looked at Ye Feng and said, "sure!"

Cruz couldn't help looking at flamencourt. He said to flamencourt excitedly, "flamencourt, I'm really flattered to do such a thing to you I really regret to die... "

Flamencourt said to cruise, "you just put me under house arrest, didn't you do anything to me?"

Cruise shook his head and said, "just before we came, I wanted him to kill you I'm so confused, flamencourt. You're not worth it for our father and son... "

After listening to the speech and taking a deep breath, flamencourt said, "people sometimes get confused. The key is whether they can understand it afterwards. Now that you understand it, it's better than anything."

But Ye Feng said with a cold smile, "don't play the drama of brotherhood here!" Then he immediately said to flamenco, "it's not impossible to let andali go, but one life for another!"

Flamencourt frowned and said, "one life for another?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to flamenco, "I'm here to help you out this time. If you want me to let andali go, I won't ask about your life or death!"

Cruise's face moved. "I'm fine with flamencourt now. He doesn't need you to ask!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "cruise, you are so confused. Have you forgotten what you just said? You are not behind this. Your crisis is not over yet! The real behind the scenes leader has not appeared yet, do you think your brother will let go of the past? It's not that easy, is it? "

Say Ye Feng to still see to Shi Ke Fei way, "what I say is right?"

Shi Kefei was watching a play when he heard Ye Feng suddenly look at him and his face suddenly moved, "ah? I don't know anything

Flamenco heard more and looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully. He didn't speak.

Cruise then immediately said to flamenco, "I don't know who is behind the scenes. I get in touch with him by telephone, and his voice changes on the phone. All my actions are done according to his deployment If I know who he is, I will tell you, flamencourt, you believe me

Flamencourt took a look at cruise, then nodded, then looked at Scheffer and said, "don't you have anything to say to me?"

"I don't know..."

Flamencourto sneered and said, "I've given you too many opportunities. I hope you cherish this last opportunity!"

Shi Kefei's face changed several times when he heard that he was about to speak. Suddenly there was a bang of gun. When Shi Kefei fell to the ground, he saw a pool of blood on his forehead. Shi Kefei was dead.

Ye Feng see, know the gun is shot from the window, he immediately went to the curtain.

Flamencourto, however, was staring at the corpse. After several changes in his face, he said, "it seems that we have been under the surveillance of others all the time. It's silly of him!"

Cruise also stares at the body of Shi Kefei for a while, and then sighs, "it seems that the other party never wants us to live!"

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