After pondering for a long time, flamenco didn't figure out who had to deal with himself.

Cruise was also at a loss. At this time, he said to flamenco, "are you from the government? After all, our group has been able to control some government policies. Of course, we are surrounded by them, but there are also some people who hate us to the bone! "

Flamencourt frowned and said, "it's not impossible. We've been crazy and arrogant these years! Indeed, there are some people in the government who are against us! "

Cruise nodded and said, "yes, I heard earlier that the government has set up an ad hoc group to combat drugs and gangs! We are the first goal! "

Flamencourto nodded and said, "I've heard about it. I asked Ma anda about it..."

Ye Feng is staring at the muzzle of the gun on Shi Kefei's body at this time, then said, "the other side's shooting is accurate, one shot to death!"

Flamencourt sighed and said to Ye Feng, "it's not your people, is it?"

Ye Feng just pondered when he heard the speech. Judging from the situation that Shi Ke was not shot, he could judge that the gun should be at least five or six hundred meters away, or even farther than that. There are not many people in the world who have such a shooting method.

It's not Ye Feng's boasting. At least in the Mexican military, there should be no such shooters. He really doubted it. It's probably the work of dromus.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to flamenco, "don't rule out this possibility!"

Upon hearing this, flamencourto's face suddenly moved, pondered and did not speak.

At this time, Ye Feng said to flamenco, "the TSL organization has ties with the official organizations of many countries in the world, and we can't rule out that both of them have the meaning of Mexican officials and the cooperation of TSL!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng can't help shrugging, "but these are just my guesses, and I don't have any real evidence!"

Flemingo heard the words again. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "don't you want to know the deal between zhuomus and me?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "how? Now what do you want to say? Didn't you save his life, security guard Dali? "

But flamencourt said, "I'll trade my life for his life. Anyway, I can't live without it."

Upon hearing this, cruise said to flamenco, "flamenco, I'm the one to blame for all this. I'm really confused..."

Flamencourto then said to cruise, "don't say these words. They're meaningless!"

Ye Feng then said to flamenco, "what did dromus promise you?"

Flamencourto sighed slightly at this time, "I have already felt that the government will attack me, so I want to ask TSL to help me eradicate some government officials!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "then what can you do for him?"

Flamencourt looked at Yefeng and said, "you're zhuomus's confidant. Don't you even know that? It seems that there is a gap between you

Ye Feng at this time but cold hum a way, "know clearly and ask!"

Then flamencourt said, "I'll just help him kill you!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng frowned slightly, then said with a smile, "as expected!"

Flamencourto frowned and said, "now that you know, are you still in Mexico?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at this time and said, "some abscesses, you can't hide them, pretend you can't see them. You have to squeeze out the pus, so that the wound can be better. Although it may leave scars, it must be better than letting it feed you."

Flamencourt looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "why don't we cooperate?"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "cooperation? What kind of cooperation law

At this time, flamencourt said, "in fact, I know something about the grudge between you and dromus. Don't you always want to retire? I can help you! "

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow is a move, but did not speak.

Flamencourto continued, "don't think that I've been in Mexico for a long time, just think that my power is only in Mexico!"

Ye Feng nodded at this time and said, "of course I know this, otherwise zhuomus will not contact you!"

As long as you choose any position on the map in America, including South America and North America, I can make sure that you are safe. Even if zhuomus comes to the door, I can help you settle it

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned and said, "I'm afraid you can't survive today. If dromus and the Mexican government join hands, I'm afraid you can't escape this disaster!"

Flamencourto shrugged his shoulders and said, "so I say we can work together. You just save me today. When I get over this, although zhuomus is the world's largest secret service organization, TSL, I may not be afraid of him!"After pondering for a while, Ye Feng looked at flamenco and said, "it sounds very attractive!"

At this time, flamencourt said, "I know you saved Diana. I also know that Diana has a good feeling for you. I don't object to your association. If we have a chance, maybe we can become husband in law From the beginning of my career, I have warned myself not to let my family contact this business. In addition, I have been collectivizing the community over the years, and I am gradually out of touch with white powder. But you know, these are not things you can take off if you want. It involves too many aspects, and it also needs to ensure my safety after I am out of touch, so it's easier to do If you can help me protect her, I don't mind her following you! "

But Ye Feng shrugged and said, "don't forget Weng son-in-law!"

Flamencourt frowned and said, "what? You don't like Diana? "

Ye Feng said, "it's not a problem that you can't see. It's hard to say about emotion..."

Say Ye Feng at this time but suddenly brain read a way, "you just said you want to get out of touch with the white powder business, so there is no other possibility?"

Flemingo could not help frowning when he heard the words, "what's possible?"

Ye Feng said, "you just said that some people in the government who are not dealing with you want to kill you, but is there another possibility that people who are too involved in your interests don't want to do it, but what about them? If you die, can they support someone who still wants to be in the white powder business? "

Upon hearing this, Franco's face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng for a long time and then at cruise.

Cruise's face also moved. "I don't approve of washing hands with gold basin, but if you really want to, I won't object to it!"

Flamencourt suddenly said, "I understand. The reason why they want to find cruise is because cruise. You want to continue your business, and I'm your roadblock!"

Cruise could not help but be stunned. He looked at flamencourt in a dazed way. Although he was not willing to admit it, he could not help nodding, "it's possible!"

Flamencourto took a deep breath and said, "then it is not necessarily true that mahanda said that he hurt me unintentionally. He is also a vested interest in the government!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion is also a move, murmur ground say, "Ma anda?"

Flamencourto immediately said, "yes, although I helped him up as governor, he has not gained much during his years in office. Moreover, I can see clearly his greed in this field. If I really want to retire, he will be the first to suffer losses..."

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, and then said to flamenco, "did you order to kill the father of flamenco?"

Flamencourt shook his head and said, "no!"

Ye Feng looked at flamencourt thoughtfully, then sneered, "I didn't expect that it would be him in the end!"

Flamencourt immediately asked, "what do you mean? You mean it's mahanda who's behind the scenes? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "although it's not sure, it should be eight or nine, even if the backstage is not him, he is at least one of the accomplices!"

Flamencourt could not help pondering at the words, and immediately said, "he should still be here, isn't he?"

But cruise said immediately, "I've been keeping him in the basement all the time. I thought that I would execute him after I've done something here. It's time to avenge you. Now, if it's really him, I'll do something here, that's when he does me!"

Ye Feng heard the speech for a while pondering, finally took a deep breath and said, "if so, this Ma anda is really not simple, we all underestimate him!"

In my mind, I promised Maria that I would save Ma anda. Now I really don't know how to explain to Maria.

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