Cruise and flamenco see Ye Feng did not speak, there seems to be a bit worried look on his face, flamenco can't help but say to Ye Feng, "you are just pretending to be Domingo, not really Domingo, you don't really take yourself as Ma anda's son-in-law, do you?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but look at flamencourt. He still ponders for a while and doesn't speak. To tell the truth, Ye Feng really can't argue on this point. He promised Maria more than once that he would help her bring back her Laozi Ma anda.

But at that time, I didn't think that mahanda would be behind the whole thing. In fact, from killing Domingo's Lao Tzu to "mistakenly injuring" flamencodo, they were just part of his plan.

Now Ye Feng even began to suspect that at that time, Ma anda was in his own home, acting as if he was oppressed by flamencourt. It was just a play arranged by him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked flamencourt and cruise, "after flamencourt was injured, did you two send someone to his house to catch him?"

Flamencourt shrugged his shoulders and said, "I should have been doing an operation. I don't know what happened! But I'm sure I didn't send someone

Cruz then said to Ye Feng, "I sent people there at that time. I sent two people. They were both good players in the army at that time. It's enough to catch him!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. At that time, he and Maria saw that there were more than ten or twenty people upstairs, almost blocking the front and back doors of his apartment.

In other words, Ye Feng's guess is right. Ma anda is directing and acting a play. Of course, it can't be for his daughter Maria to be fooled. Her main goal must be herself.

At that time, Ma anda suspected that he was not Domingo. Now it seems that he not only knew that he was not Domingo, but also knew who he was, so he wanted to use himself to help him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Shi Kefei's body lying on the ground. He thinks that Shi Kefei didn't agree to see cruise at that time, but after he saw Ping Ma anda, he sent Ma anda away and agreed to come back.

At that time, Ye Feng began to have some doubts. Now, looking back, his doubts at that time were not unreasonable. Maybe Shi Kefei heard Ma anda's opinions at that time, so he changed his mind.

Flamencourt then asked Yefeng, "do you think of something?"

Ye Feng then said to flamenco, "all kinds of suspicious phenomena are beginning to lead things to Ma anda. It's more and more likely that he is behind the scenes!"

But cruise said immediately, "whether it's him or not, I'll let him kill him right now, once and for all. I'd rather kill the wrong one than leave any trouble in the future!"

Flamencourto said immediately, "if it's really him, he'll come here and throw himself into the net. It's not logical. He must have deployed everything, at least to ensure his own safety. The sniper just now is an example. Maybe there are many of us here. We know it's him, but he may not know that we already know it, we don't know Isn't it telling him that we already know everything? On the contrary, it puts us in a passive position in the situation! "

Cruise couldn't help looking at flamencourt and said, "what do we do now, according to you? Just pretend you don't know and go on with him? What's in it for us to pretend like this? Can we change the situation? "

At this point, cruise continued, "and the longer we delay now, the worse it should be for us. He doesn't know how far to deploy. If we don't do it again, I'm afraid we won't have a chance!"

Flamencourto felt that what cruise said was reasonable, but he still had no bottom in his heart. He looked at Ye Feng and didn't say much for a moment. He wanted to hear Ye Feng's views on the current situation.

When Ye Feng saw that flamenco looked at himself, he knew his real intention. He wanted to know what he thought. He immediately shrugged his shoulders to flamenco and said, "I don't have any opinions or ideas. You can do as you like!"

Flemingo could not help frowning at the words. "Are you going to ignore it?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's no use asking. This matter has nothing to do with me. At this time, as a result of the uneven distribution of stolen goods within you, I'm an outsider and can't comment on it!"

Flamenco heard a lot of words, but frowned again. "Have you ever thought about it? What if mahanda and dromus had contacted in advance? What if he knows the purpose of your visit to Mexico and Michoacan? Is there a deal between him and dromus? "

Ye Feng's brow moved when he heard the words, but in fact, he had already thought about all this in his heart. In fact, he did not rule out the possibility that flamencourt said.

Over the years, dromus has developed TSL and has some contacts with the governments of many countries, especially in a country with chaotic administration like Mexico. The more chaotic the country is, the greater the contact with dromus will be.

So if there is any secret operation between zhuomus and Ma anda, Ye Feng will definitely believe it. This is indeed zhuomus' style.Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help saying to flamenco, "I haven't figured out the business between you and dromus. Now there is another business between maanda and dromus?"

Flamencourt said immediately, "I have already said that? Dromus wants me to kill you before you leave Mexico. This is our so-called business. We have already told you. What else is unclear? "

Ye Feng took a deep breath and murmured, "if so, then there should be no business between zhuomus and mahanda. After all, he can't ask you to kill me, but he wants mahanda to kill you again. And before you finish the transaction with zhuomus, he starts. Isn't this normal logic?"

Flamencordo, who went to erlike and said to Yefeng, "but it can't be ruled out that mahanda acted without authorization and didn't communicate with zhuomus. Moreover, mahanda probably didn't know that there was a deal between me and zhuomus."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't rule out this possibility, but I still don't want to ask about it. After all, Ma anda doesn't want my life. He just wants your life, but you want my life!"

Flamencourt said immediately, "I've told you all this. How can I kill you? It's almost impossible now. What's more, it's even more impossible for me to be like this? "

But Ye Feng sneered, "God knows what you're thinking now? You also said that it's impossible for you to kill me when you are recovering from a serious illness, but do you still need to kill me yourself? "

Then, without waiting for flamencourt to speak, he immediately went on to flamencourt and said, "what's more, you can't deal with mahanda as you are now and cruise is like this, can you? So now you just want to help you eradicate mahanda with my hand. Am I right? "

After hearing what Ye Feng said, flamenco shrugged his shoulders and said, "you're right. I do have this idea. But people are just using each other? Now I use you to help me eliminate the hidden danger of ma'anda. Afterwards, I can also help you to do some things. Whether you use each other or communicate with others, isn't that the relationship between people? You make friends not because a friend needs you, but because you need a friend. From your friend's point of view, if he just needs a friend, then you can make friends. You find a woman not because a woman needs you, but because you just need a woman. If this woman also just needs a man, then you are just together I don't think I need to talk to you about such a simple truth? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "although what you said is very hard to hear, I also know that it's not easy to understand. It's true that there is a naked relationship between people, just adding a layer of shame cloth!"

Flamencourt nodded. "Since you can understand, that's the best!"

But Ye Feng said to flamenco, "well, I've dealt with Ma anda for you. What can you do for me? Don't tell me, you can't kill me? I'll listen to it as a joke! "

Flamencourt immediately said, "of course, it can't be like this. Now I know that I can't kill you at all. In this case, even if I don't kill you, it's not a help at all. Although I don't know what I can do for you now, I'm in Michoacan, even in Mexico, and even in the whole of South America. I think I'm still speaking It's a little heavy. If you need any help at that time, I can help you as long as it's within my ability! And for life

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