Ye Feng has arrived downstairs at this time, and soon knows the entrance of the underground floor in the mouth of the guards who follow him down.

Then Ye Feng let those soldiers as he was escorted down, directly pushed to the underground floor.

After Ye Feng went in, he found that the basement was almost the same space as the lobby on the first floor, and there were seats and tables everywhere.

Seeing Ye Feng coming down, many people below looked up at Ye Feng. Someone recognized Ye Feng's face and knew that he was Domingo, but they didn't know Ye Feng's real identity.

After Ye Feng was pushed down, the soldiers left the basement and waited outside the entrance.

After Ye Feng came down, he looked around and finally saw Ma anda in the crowd, but Ma anda was looking at himself in surprise.

Ye Feng nodded to Ma anda and walked over directly. It was only then that he found that these people, including Ma anda, were all handcuffed by anti handcuffs. In addition, there was no restriction.

Ye Feng couldn't find the secret way. He didn't think of this when he came down, so he wasn't handcuffed.

But Ye Feng went to Ma anda and sat down.

Ma anda stares at Ye Feng for a moment, then stares at Ye Feng's hands that are not handcuffed. Then he frowns and says, "are you also caught by them?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "yes, I can't help it!"

Ma anda is a dubious face, looking at Ye Feng did not speak.

But Ye Feng can guess from Ma anda's dubious look that at least he doesn't know what happened above.

If mahanda knew what was going on, he should not look suspicious. Instead, he either looked incredulous or pretended to believe himself.

Therefore, Ma anda is either not behind the scenes at all. If he is, there is no way to get in touch with him outside of here.

Ye Feng doesn't know if he can't get in touch at the last time, but he knows that there is no way to get in touch at present, that is to say, he doesn't grasp the outside information in time.

Ye Feng knows this, for what he should say with Ma anda next, it is the vital role of prayer.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng looked at Ma anda and said, "your eyes don't seem to believe me?"

Ma anda shrugged his shoulders and said, "as you can see, all the people here are handcuffed. You are the only one who comes in and has nothing. This will inevitably make people suspicious."

Ye Feng shrugged, "then I don't know. Maybe they don't have handcuffs. They're not police. Where do they have so many handcuffs?"

Ma anda frowned at Ye Feng and said, "why did they catch you? What does cruise mean, or what does Schiffer mean? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it should be cruise. I'm not sure. The only thing I can be sure is that it's definitely not Shi Kefei!"

Ma anda smell speech but is a dismay ground looking at leaf maple way, "why is certainly not Shi Kefei?"

Ye Feng cold smile, and then is a shrug way, "I was because I started to kill Shi Kefei, will be caught here!"

When Ma anda heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng and said in surprise, "did you kill Shi Kefei?"

Ye Feng nodded, and then took out the cigarette, or Shi Kefei to his bag, he ordered one, did not speak.

Ma anda looked at the people around him and then said in a low voice, "don't you come to the street with Scheffer? Aren't you a group? How I don't quite understand! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not the same as anyone. I'm just fooling shikefei. I wanted to use him to help save flamencourt and you, but he seems suspicious. Since he has no use value, he may expose my purpose. What else can I do with him? I robbed his gun and burst his head with one shot! ”

MA anda could not help sighing at Ye Feng for a while, and finally sighed, "is this your style of doing things?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, the most important thing is that you and flamencourt can be saved in the end. I really don't care about other hot lives. If necessary, kill all the people here, as long as the goal is achieved!"

Ma anda then stares at Ye Feng for a long time, then takes a look at the cigarette in Ye Feng's mouth and says, "give me one, too!"

Ye Feng just took out a cigarette box, and took out one for Ma anda, put it in his mouth and helped him light it.

Ma anda took a deep breath of his cigarette and sighed. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "but now you've been caught here, how can you save us?"

Ye Feng said to Ma anda, "I let them bring me here on purpose!"

Ma anda heard the words, and immediately understood the meaning of Ye Feng. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "do you want them to send you here to see me, and then save me?"Ye Feng nodded, but Ma anda immediately said, "that your goal has been achieved, what should you do next? How can I cooperate with you? "

Ye Feng is smoking cigarettes, mouth but toward Ma anda Road, "don't worry, smoke again!"

Ma anda did not speak, smoking cigarettes, from time to time to take a look at Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Ma anda, "I can't help but save you and flamencourt, so I'll take you to flamencourt first, and then I'll take you with me!"

Ma anda frowned at Ye Feng and said, "flamencourt has been injured. Is it convenient for you to take him?"

But Ye Feng said to Ma'an Island, "there's nothing inconvenient. I have someone outside to meet me, and if there's someone in the house to stop me, then God will block and kill God, and Buddha will block and kill Buddha!"

Ma anda looked at Ye Feng for a while. After a long time, he looked towards the entrance and said, "there are several guards at the exit..."

Ye Feng then said to Ma anda, "it's OK. Those people have little idea..."

Then Ye Feng looked around at the people who were still looking at him with surprised eyes, and immediately asked Ma anda in a low voice, "did you talk to them?"

Ma anda was stunned at first. Then he came back to himself and immediately said, "I told you upstairs that they all thought I had done them such a harm. It's not good to hit me now. Do you expect to talk to me?"

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "that's troublesome!"

Ma anda did not understand the meaning of Ye Feng, can not help but wonder, "what's the trouble?"

Ye Feng then said to Ma'an Island, "before they caught me, I went to see flamencourt once!"

On hearing this, Ma anda's face suddenly moved and said, "didn't you kill Shi Kefei and get caught? Why did you see flamencourt? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Ye Feng, "the forerunner flamencourt killed Shi Kefei on flamencourt's side He went to urge me to leave. I asked him to help. He seemed suspicious. I knew that he didn't really help me. It's useless to keep it. If he didn't do it, when would he wait? "

Ma anda suddenly nodded, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "what does it have to do with your troubles when you see flamencourt?"

Ye Feng immediately said in a low voice, "flamencourto and I said that he suspected that besides cruise, there were also his acquaintances who wanted to harm him. Maybe cruise was just the pawn used by that man, so I thought that since he came down, you are not below. Maybe you have some clues, and we can find that guy here, but since you are here, you can't find him However, if you say so, you certainly don't know. Isn't it troublesome? "

On hearing this, Ma anda's face suddenly moved. Then he looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "who else in this basement is going to do harm to flamenco?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, I expected to come. You could tell me who it is. Flamencourt is also waiting for me to find out if I can find out this guy. Now it seems that it's out of the question. I told flamencourt about it very simply. Now it's obviously bragging. Isn't it troublesome?"

But mahanda said to Yefeng, "then does flamencourt doubt anyone? Is there a general direction? "

Ye Feng said quickly, "he really has a direction. He must be one of his closest friends!"

But mahanda said, "isn't cruise the closest person? Cruise is the second deal in the group. Who is closer than him and flamencourt? "

But Ye Feng said, "what flamencourt said about closeness is not necessarily the people around him. It's very likely that they have contacts with him, and they may not often see him, but flamencourt has great trust in him!"

Ma anda's face moved slightly, then avoided Ye Feng's eyes, and said, "I have contact with him, but I don't often see him, but is there someone flamencourt especially trusts? This man Who could it be? "

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