Ye Feng stares at Ma anda and sneers. Originally, he just has some doubts about Ma anda, but after such a talk, Ye Feng has basically determined that Ma anda is behind the scenes.

Even if Ma anda is not behind the scenes in the end, the whole thing must have a great relationship with him. This guy is definitely involved in more than one thing.

But Ye Feng shook his head blankly and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not familiar with you. How can I know if there's anyone around flamencourt who has a lot to do with him and has a special trust in him?"

Ma anda listened to Ye Feng's words, then nodded and said, "yes! Hello, people here are not very familiar with it! "

At this time, Ye Feng said to Ma anda, "I'm going to solve the guards at the entrance first, and then I'll take you to see flamencourt. Is that ok?"

Ma anda frowned and said, "do you want me to see him, or does flamenco want to see me more?"

Ye Feng said, "of course, flamenco wants to see you. What I want you to do with him has nothing to do with me!"

Ma anda frowned more tightly when he heard the words. After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, he said to Ye Feng, "you know, I shot flamencourt by mistake. What's the purpose of his calling me to go this time?"

Ye Feng then said to Ma anda, "don't worry about that. I've talked to flamencourt about it. He also knows that you were injured by mistake. Moreover, he is now under house arrest by Cruise. This matter is imminent. Even if he has any unhappiness in his heart, he must first solve Cruise's problem, and then it's yours. If you are here at this time, you will be here If you have one more heart with flamenco, then I believe this matter will be passed away, and no one will mention it in the future! "

Ma anda listened to Ye Feng's words, and immediately looked at Ye Feng with a deep thought.

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at this time and said, "of course, you have the right to choose not to see him. It's mainly up to you. I'm just a messenger. The initiative to see flamencourt is still in your hands."

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Ma anda said, "when you saw flamencourt, you mentioned me. How was flamencourt's attitude?"

Ye Feng then toward Ma anda way, "you don't worry, I just didn't say?"? Flamencourto said he wanted to see you, and I have analyzed the situation with you. Now cruise is his number one enemy. Even if you are the enemy, you have to stand aside first! Anyway, let's get through this first, don't you think? "

Ma anda listened to Ye Feng's words, and immediately pondered. He didn't say anything for a long time. After a long time, he said, "well, I'll go to see him. Anyway, sooner or later, I'll see him. It's no use hiding!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "it's best if you can figure it out. You're right. I'll see you sooner or later. It's better to take advantage of the current situation. What do you think will happen if flamenco handles Cruise's affairs, and then he'll be healthy and free up his hands?"

Ma anda could not help nodding and immediately said, "OK, let's meet flamencourt! There are a lot of guards outside. Even if you have good skills and can solve a few problems, you will certainly attract the attention of other guards! "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to Ma anda and said, "you don't have to worry about this. I have my own way naturally!"

Then he said to Ye Feng, "now that you're ready, I'll go!"

Ma anda took a deep breath, nodded to Ye Feng and said, "go, I'll wait for your news!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward Ma anda nodded, and then the last cigarette smoked, immediately stood up, turned and walked away.

Ma anda sat in the original position, looking at the direction Ye Feng left, staring at Ye Feng's back, pondering in his heart, no expression on his face.

As soon as Ye Feng came out of the entrance, he saw the guards waiting. When Ye Feng went up, he whispered something to several people.

The faces of those guards all changed, and then Ye Feng had already shot at them. Several guards couldn't, and they could only respond passively.

And mahanda was in the basement, and he had heard someone fighting at the door. He could not help frowning.

At this time, other people also heard the voice one after another. Some people even stood up and said, "has someone come to save us?"

Some people suggested going out to have a look, but others said, "let's look at the situation first. Our hands are all handcuffed. Now going out is nothing but adding to the chaos. Nothing can help! Maybe it's just the opposite

People listen to this man said some truth, originally stood up a few people at this time also have sat down, without any action, just listen to the fight outside sound, no one said anything.

But Ma anda's face changed several times, and he didn't say anything. His face calmed down and looked at it motionlessly.

At this time, Ye Feng performed with the guards and winked at several guards, who fell to the ground and couldn't get up.Ye Feng took the key to the handcuffs in their hands and went back to the basement. When people saw Ye Feng coming back, they realized that it was this guy they thought was the one who came to save them.

Ma anda saw Ye Feng come back, his face is also slightly moved, but saw Ye Feng directly in front of him, took out the key of the handcuffs, opened Ma anda's handcuffs, and then said to Ma anda, "follow me!"

Ma anda immediately stood up, and the other people in the basement said to Ye Feng, "also help us to open the handcuffs?"

Ye Feng took a look at the crowd, then opened the handcuffs of a person nearby, gave him the key, and asked him to help others unlock the handcuffs. He and Ma anda left the basement.

When entering and leaving the entrance, Ma anda saw several guards lying at the door, and frowned immediately.

Ye Feng did not stop, immediately signaled Ma anda to follow him and continue to walk towards the corridor, but the road was unobstructed, almost no one.

Even if he met one or two guards, Ye Feng couldn't help but say that he went up and knocked them to the ground. Because these guards didn't ventilate in advance, Ye Feng could only stun them.

Soon we got to the third floor. On the aisle of the third floor, there were only four guards in flamencourt's room.

Four guards see Ye Feng and Ma anda come over, eyebrows are moving, for a moment did not realize what to do.

But Ye Feng didn't give them the chance to look. After all, cruise said that they should obey themselves.

If this is the case, these guards must see that they have no reaction, which will certainly arouse Ma anda's suspicion.

So Ye Feng couldn't help but rush towards the four guards, with a murderous look. He used his momentum to confuse the four guards, and then knocked them to the ground.

It all happened so fast that mahanda didn't notice all the subtle changes, and the four guards had already fallen to the ground.

However, Ma anda also saw Ye Feng's hand in person. He was so thunderous that he had to admire Ye Feng's method in his heart.

Ye Feng was already standing at the door of flamencourt's room, looking at Ma anda and saying, "here it is

Ma anda hesitated to go there. There was always a sense of fear in his heart, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Ye Feng then stood in the same place, no expression on his face, waiting for Ma anda.

Ma anda walked to leave Ye Feng still have three or four steps, but suddenly stopped, looking at Ye Feng, his heart a panic.

Ye Feng saw that Ma anda's look was wrong. He frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

Ma anda shook his head and said, "it's nothing. It's just that there's something wrong, but I can't tell!"

Ye Feng looks at Ma anda thoughtfully for a while. He says in his heart that the old boy's vigilance is not small. Does he feel something wrong?

On the mouth leaf maple but toward Ma anda way, "can have what problem?"

Ma anda took a deep breath, and then said to Ye Feng, "either forget it, we'd better go down, or just leave here!"

But Ye Feng said to Ma anda, "I promised flamencourt that I would save him and leave here together. This is one of the reasons why he let you go. Now I suddenly take you to leave alone. Isn't that good?"

Ma anda listened to Ye Feng's words, but his eyes were fixed on the door behind him. He didn't move a step or say a word.

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