Then Ma anda took a deep breath, sighed slightly, but still walked towards Ye Feng, his face still looked a little uneasy.

Ye Feng where tube these, after waiting for Ma anda to approach, immediately opened the door, let Ma anda go in.

When mahanda saw the door open, he stood at the door and looked inside, but the front door was not aimed at the bed where flamencourt was sleeping, and he could see nothing.

Ye Feng followed him to the inside, went to Ma anda's back, deliberately pushed him inside with his body. As soon as he pushed Ma anda in, he immediately closed the door with his backhand.

Mahanda didn't feel anything at first, but after entering the door, he saw cruise sitting by flamencourt's bed, while flamencourt and cruise were looking at themselves.

Seeing this, Ma andadun was flustered. Then he thought of his uneasiness. It turned out that there was something wrong here.

Cruise was under house arrest in flamencourt, but now they are sitting together, looking at themselves with a serious look, which is enough to show that there is a problem.

Ma anda instinctively stepped back, but just hit Ye Feng. He looked back at Ye Feng and said, "I'd better go first!"

Ye Feng is still standing at the door, Ma anda see this heart is a Lin, this just realized that Ye Feng is with them.

Flamencourto then said to mahanda, "now that you're here, what are you doing with such a hurry? Governor mahanda

Ma anda's face moved when he heard the words, and then he regained his mind. At this time, he noticed that besides sitting on cruise beside the bed, on the other side of the bed, there were two legs on the ground, which looked like the pants of Shi Kefei.

Cruise then said to mahanda, "governor mahanda, you're really scheming! It's you who have been calling me all the time, right

Ma anda's face moved slightly and said, "I don't understand what you're talking about!"

Cruise immediately snorted, "it's time for you to reply. Do you think flamencourt and I don't know anything, so we call you here to confront each other?"

Ma anda's face moved again when he heard the speech. At this time, he knew that it was flamencourt and cruise who wanted to see them. Ye Feng went to take him to see them.

So, now Ye Feng is from flamencourt? And cruise, is that what he's doing? Isn't he going to put flamencourt under house arrest? Why are you sitting with flamencourt again?

Seeing that Ma anda didn't speak, flamenco immediately said to Ma anda, "now you don't have to be too nervous. I know that even if you are not behind the scenes, this matter is more or less related to you. I asked you to come up, not to ask for a crime, I just want to know the truth!"

Ma anda immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know the truth. I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not the mastermind. The whole thing has nothing to do with me..."

Cruise then sneered, "maanda, if you talk like that, it's meaningless!"

Mahanda still shook his head at me. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Then he said to flamencourt, "I shot you. I'm wrong, but I didn't mean to. I'm too nervous..."

Flamencourto sneered and said, "mahanda, we've known each other for a long time. At this time, if you still talk like this, I can't even give you a chance!"

Then flamenco sat up straight, looked at Ma anda and said, "you said to the outside world, I want to kill Domingo's father, but I remember I never gave you such an order, right? You killed him and tried to kill me at last, but I was so lucky that I didn't get shot by you, so you said you hurt me by mistake... "

Ma anda quickly said, "I didn't, I didn't do anything, not me..."

Flemingo took a deep breath and said to Ma anda, "Ma anda, if I remember correctly, we have known each other for nearly ten years. At the beginning, you were a small staff member of the state government. I gave all my lawsuits in the state government to help you rise all the way from a small staff member to the position of governor..."

At this point, flamencourt immediately said, "of course, I'm not asking you for credit. After all, I don't like to say these false words. I just see that you are not willing to be ordinary and want to do something, so I help you. Of course, you've helped me a lot along the way. We can't talk about who helps more and who owes more, I always think that we should be close friends and like-minded comrades... "

Speaking of this, flamencourto paused, looked at Ma anda and said, "but I never dreamed that today, the people who betray me are the closest to me. I think I must be a failure, so people around me want me to die!"

As soon as cruise heard this, he knew that flamencourt's words also contained himself. He immediately looked at flamencourt and said, "flamencourt, I..."

Flamenco waved to cruise to stop talking, but he still looked at Ma anda and said, "Ma anda, don't you have anything to say to me?"Ma anda looked at flamencourt in a dazed way. The corners of his eyes were shaking, and the corners of his mouth were slightly wriggling. It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he wanted to say it again. In the end, he didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Cruz immediately said to flamenco, "flamenco, don't talk nonsense with him. According to me, if you kill him now, you won't be wronged. Even if he's not behind the scenes, we'll set an example to the people behind him. Let's see what's the end of offending us!"

Flamencourto looked at Ma anda quietly. Seeing that he was still full of words, he could not help shaking his head disappointedly and said, "Ma on island, you really let me down, too cold!"

After taking a deep breath, mahanda sighed and said to flamencourt, "I have nothing to say. You'd better kill me!"

After hearing this, flamenco immediately looked at Ma anda and said, "so, you're pleading guilty and ready to take all the blame alone?"

Ma anda immediately took a deep breath, "this life is me, Ma anda, I'm sorry for you, if there is another life, I'll pay you back!"

Flamencourt sneered, "do you think we have a future life? How many bad things have we done in this life? If we die, we will be tortured forever in hell. There is no chance of reincarnation at all. If you still have the idea of treating me as your friend in your heart, I don't want you to pay me back in the next life, just this life! "

But mahanda immediately said, "flamencourto, it's not that I don't say it, it's that we can't fight them at all, we can't fight them!"

Flamencourt heard the words and said, "they? So, you're not behind the scenes. Is there someone behind you? Who are they? What is their purpose? "

Mahanda said, "flamencourto, don't force me. I won't say that I'm dead. Even my daughter Maria will suffer!"

Cruise then stood up, took out a pistol and pointed it at mahanda. He said to flamencourt, "don't talk to him, flamencourt, he doesn't tear down..."

Flamencourt looked at cruise and said, "Why are you so anxious to kill him? Is there anything else you can hide from me? "

Upon hearing this, cruise's face suddenly moved, and he quickly put down his pistol and said, "flamencourt, I don't have it. I'm loyal to you now..."

Flamencourto immediately snorted, "if you still think I'm your boss, put away your gun. It's not your turn to kill mahanda. I'll do it myself!"

As soon as cruise heard this, he immediately handed the gun to flamencourt, then sat down and explained, "I'm worried about you!"

Flamencourto then picked up the gun and looked at it, but did not point at mahanda. He said, "mahanda, do you think the people behind you can make you dead? They will deal with your daughter, right? I can tell you that you should also know that although I have started to wash white in recent years, and I have stopped doing many things, if I am really pressed, I will kill people. I still have the feeling of holding a gun... "

After listening to what flamencourt said, Ma anda took a deep breath and looked at flamencourt for a long time. Then he said, "flamencourt, please don't ask me about this. It will end with my death! It's good for everyone! "

Flamencourt immediately raised his gun to mahanda, and then there was a bang. Mahanda was shocked, but he didn't feel that he had been shot, so he looked at flamencourt in surprise.

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