Flamencourto then looked at Ma anda in front of him and continued, "my shot is not accurate. It's not that I'm going backward. It's that I'm still giving you a chance It's easy to die, but do you know why you die? "

At this time, mahanda's forehead was deep in cold sweat, staring at flamencourt, but he still didn't speak.

Flamencourt snorted coldly at this time, "you have been with me for so many years. You should also know my character. I never like to force others to do things that I don't want to do or don't like to do! It's the same with your relatives, friends and enemies. This is the last chance I'll give you. There will never be another time! "

Cruise also looked at mahanda and said, "mahanda, are you crazy? Your life is not worth money. If you think about your daughter, don't you think about her? "

Ma anda took a deep breath, but he didn't speak yet. Ye Feng, who had not spoken all the time, said, "Ma anda, I advise you to say it all. Now Maria is in my hands. If you want her to be OK, tell the truth. It's all a matter of one sentence whether you want to protect her or kill her!"

Ma anda smell speech this just complexion move ground see to leaf Feng, "Maria is in your hand?"

Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and said, "it seems that you still don't believe it..." Said dial the number of thousand color bee, also pressed hands-free.

After a while, the voice of the thousand color bee came from the mobile phone and said, "what's the matter, is it ok..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for the thousand color bee to finish, immediately said, "call Maria!"

After the thousand color bee answered, there was a sound of footwork. After a while, Maria's voice came from the phone, "did you find my father? How's he doing? When will you bring him out to see me? "

Ye Feng then said, "I just know where your father is. I'll go to save him in a moment. I'll call you to let you know, so that you can feel at ease!"

Maria immediately said, "thank you, you must save him. Thank you, thank you..."

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, "don't worry, hang up first, you know it!"

Finish saying this, did not wait for Maria to say what, Ye Feng immediately hung up the phone, immediately looked to Ma anda way, "now believe?"

When Ma anda heard Maria's voice just now, she was shocked. At this moment, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you really promise Maria to save me?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "of course, you heard it just now!"

But cruise immediately said to mahanda, "it's not necessary to save you or kill you now. It depends on your attitude!"

Flamingodo also said to mahanda, "mahanda, you know my character. I'll tell you now. As long as you tell me what you know, I'll let bygones be bygones! If you want to stay in Mexico, or stay in Michoacan, or want to leave Mexico, I can arrange it! But this is the only chance. It's overdue! "

Ma anda listened to the three people say so, then took a deep breath, turned back and said to Ye Feng, "do you have smoke?"

Ye Feng immediately took out a cigarette box and handed it to Ma anda. He also lit one.

Ma anda was smoking a cigarette, and then he moved a stool to sit in front of the window. After several puffs of cigarettes, he said to Francesco, "are you really going to let bygones be bygones?"

Flamencourt looked at mahanda and said, "I'm flamencourt. I haven't broken my word yet."

Ma anda immediately took a deep breath of his cigarette, then nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I say!"

After hearing what Ma anda said, flamencourto nodded, relieved, put down his pistol and said, "OK, you say it!"

They have people from the government, and they have people from other forces who are hostile to you

Flamencourt frowned and said, "people who are hostile to me?"

Cruise also frowned at mahanda and said, "what hostile forces are there in Michoacan, even in Mexico?"

But mahanda said to flamenco, "do you think you have eradicated all the drug lords in Mexico?"

After hearing more about it, flamenco shook his head and said, "I have eradicated many drug lords of different forces, but I know there are still many in the dark, but they are not powerful!"

Ma anda said with a sneer, "when you eradicated the big drug lords, these small forces were really not big, or even died in a pinch, but you didn't shovel the grass and root. In addition, in recent years, you just want to clean up. You don't know a lot of things. Several forces have risen in Mexico, but they don't do things very well, and they don't know much Learning from your old ways, they have started to contact many people in government departments in recent years when you want to clean up the affairs of the world! "

Upon hearing this, Franco moved slightly, nodded and said, "I really don't ask much about these things these years..."

But Ma anda said to flamenco, "if you don't want to do it and don't want to ask, there will be loopholes in this area. If you don't want to fill the loopholes, there will be people pushing up. Anyway, this area is also a piece of fat. You don't want to eat when you are full, but there are still a lot of hungry people. Of course, there are good people from the government People who haven't got enough, they don't have your idea of retiring. You developed their greed. Now dogs are turned into wolves eating meat by you. You suddenly say, "no meat to eat. What do you think they will think?"Flamenco sighed and sighed, "I didn't ask them to follow me. It's just that I don't eat meat. It's easy. I don't influence them!"

But mahanda sneered and said, "don't you know that in Mexico and even the whole of South America, your name flamencodo is synonymous with white powder! You want to retire is one thing, but many things are not what you want. The market and scale are all expanded by you. It is now in operation by itself. Even if you expand, you can't control its potential law. But after all, you are still a nail in this gear. Only by thoroughly eradicating it, can the gear turn faster! Do you understand? "

Flamencourt sighed, "it's me who's hindering people from eating meat!"

Mahanda said immediately, "do you know now?"

Flamencourto sighed again, "it's easy to get into this business. If you want to quit, why is there so much trouble?"

Cruise also said to flamenco, "so, just don't quit. As long as you don't give up in Mexico or even the whole South America, who dares to come in and grab business?"

However, flamencourto sighed, "everything has its limits, and everything has its pros and cons. We have done a lot of unruly things over the years, and we have earned enough money. Do we have to die without a burial place to stop?"

Cruise took a thoughtful look at flamencourt, and then sighed, "it's useless for you to think so, but others don't think so!"

Flamenco sighed again, then looked at Ma anda and said, "who are they?"

But mahanda shrugged and said, "I don't know everyone. All I know is that yutek, a newly rising member of Michoacan state, and a deputy in Congress."

Flamenco heard more and pondered for a while, but did not speak for a long time.

Ma anda continued, "flamencourto, I advise you to get involved in this business again, otherwise you just retreat, they just force each other, you can't retreat at all!"

After pondering for a while, flamenco looked at Ye Feng, who had not spoken for a long time, and said, "what's your opinion?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "every other line is like a mountain. I don't understand the things in your line. But if you want to retire, I have a good suggestion. Since you have decided to leave, why don't you leave thoroughly? You don't want to do this line, but you still stay here to make an impact. I'm not like this. If I'm also with you, maybe I will do the same! You have nothing wrong, you don't even want to hinder them, but if you stand here, you are blocking the road! "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, flamencourt couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a while without saying a word, as if thinking about what Ye Feng said.

Ma anda said to flamenco, "my level is not high, so the level of the people behind me is not very high. This is a huge organization. The way we play now is not the same as we used to. Flamenco, think about it for yourself!"

Flamencourt still pondered for a while, saying nothing.

Cruise said coldly at this time, "these young people have no rules in the world. Without flamencourt, you expanded the market. Where are they..."

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